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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Survival

    oh what? That is a bit creepy ain't it? Is it the correct website url too?
  2. Alex150201

    JSOC Tier1

    What the hell even is that text? ROADRUNNER WILL YOU MAKE ME A UFO????? Sorry I know that was a dick move I just found it hilarious :D
  3. Alex150201

    JSOC Tier1

    I felt sadness while reading this :( As I said your content will be missed without a doubt, you definately had some of the best stuff out there. We all wish you luck overseas RoadRunner and we all have to thank YOU more for giving us all this free content to mess around with. Maybe someday in the far future you will feel nostaglic about not doing what you did in the past and you'll decide to create something here on these forums again. Again, Good Luck RoadRunner and above all remember to have fun in life because you only get one :)
  4. Hi, does anyone know if and how you can close the big doors from this hangar: I did spend sometime trying but I am either too stupid or it doesn't actually open. Thank you
  5. Alex150201

    Hangar Doors

    Yes it comes with APEX
  6. Alex150201

    JSOC Tier1

    I dont think he will dissapear from the forums.
  7. Alex150201

    JSOC Tier1

    Roadrunner thank you very much, your content will be missed :(
  8. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Now you are doing it on purpose hahaha :D
  9. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    eggbeast the beast :)
  10. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    This is what I love about this community, eggbeast comes out of nowhere and just becomes santa claus :)
  11. Alex150201

    Hangar Doors

    That is what what I tried and no it didn't work :( This however works: this animateSource ["Door_3_source", 0]; this animateSource ["Door_2_source", 0];
  12. Alex150201

    Arma 3 SQM Mission File Crashes Game

    Can a moderator move this to here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/199-arma-3-eden-editor/ Thank you
  13. Hello everyone so I've had problems with my game crashing and discovered that a single mission in my arma 3 documents is causing it. I suppose that there is something wrong with the mission sqm since I made a mission, and just pasted the SQM in that mission and yet again it crashed my game. Can someone take a look at the sqm file and tell me if there is anything wrong with it? Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/58ydeb3pri9960p/mission.sqm?dl=0 The mission requires: CUP Terrains RHS AFRF RHS USF RHS SERB RHS GREF Project OPFOR
  14. Alex150201

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    You can use the virtual arsenal yourself, dress your character with whatever you need to get the classname of, use the commands to get the classnames, write them down, disable the virtual arsenal and you are good to go I don't see why I need to explain this. This author's job is to provide you with the items, it is YOUR job to find out how to use them.
  15. Alex150201

    Original Ghost Recon Campaign - Released!!

    I will PM you my steam account Again thank you so much for letting me test this :)
  16. Alex150201

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    You don't really need classnames just use the Virtual Arsenal. And if you really want the classnames use the virtual arsenal to gear up and then use the couple of commands bohemia provides us with to learn the classnames.
  17. Alex150201

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    No he doesn't does he :D
  18. Alex150201

    Original Ghost Recon Campaign - Released!!

    What map are you making it on and what are your specs?
  19. What the hell do you even mean by that, it's their mod they will make whatever they want. They take up THEIR time for US, so maybe you should re think what you said.
  20. Alex150201

    Arma 3 SQM Mission File Crashes Game

    I am playing on stable I never switched to the dev branch so I wouldnt think that my file would be problematic or anything with the main branch.