I personally think it is odd how we have carriers and jets for those carriers, but we still have no good seahawks (SH-60, MH-60R, MH-60S) for them. I personally would love to see them come into the game with the folding rotors if possible. Also if this is possible it would be cool for a seahawk to be able to launch and monitor sonobuoys for thinks like SDV's. In arma 2 we had the amazing seahawks from Yurapetrov, but unfotunatley no one ever brought seahawks into arma 3. So it is just something I think is lacking in arma 3 and it would add greatly to any carrier op and give amazing tactical possibility. (Enire map covered with enemys, only friendly assets are a fully loaded Nimitz and LHD with aircraft,troops and ground vehicles for deployment from the LHD)