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Everything posted by acemod

  1. ACE3 v3.6.2 released. Requires CBA Version 2.4.1 or later. Download: Github CHANGE LOG SUMMARY ADDED: Add cut ropes keybind (#4115) Add dragging support to Apex crates (#4114) CHANGED: Use a function to do gestures (#4096) Name of Weapon_SMG_05_F to MP5K in the editor (#4110) FIXED: Fix MicroDAGR trailing zero (#4113) Fix main menu ACE Options placement to top left (#4107) Fix Eden attribute layout for 1.62 (#4097) Fix missing vanilla magazines for LMG_Minigun (#4099) Fix Vector 21 reload mutex issue (#4096) Fix check ammo reload mutex issue (#4096) Fix cached call events (#4117) DOCUMENTATION: Add description and example to blur screen function (#4095)
  2. ACE3 v3.6.1 ReleasedThis version of ACE3 requires Arma 3 v1.62. The Apex expansion is not required but is supported. ACE3 v3.6.1 requires CBA Version 2.4.1 or later. Download: Github Release page: Github Please report issues found at our Github issue tracker. Please follow the "How to report an issue" guidelines. CHANGE LOG SUMMARYADDED: Add reload mutex as canInteractWith condition (#4062) Add Drag/Drop Keybind (#4034) Add goggle setting for level of effects (#3997) CHANGED: Enable gunbag for all non-machinegun primary weapons (#4063) Allow defusing naval mines (#4078) Tweak spotting scope anims / mem points (#4060) Make ace news fit apex menu style (#4051) Mine detector optimization and cleanup (#4052) Refuel - Simplify Actions, Fix Van_01 config (#4047) FIXED: Fix broken revive and full heal (#4056) Fix overheating spare barrels (#4045) Fix pboProject converting boolean to numbers in UI config (#4041) Fix aggressive overlap detection (#4040) Fix cargo event name - spare parts not being added (#4037) Fix no attack profile on static titan launcher (#4023) REMOVED: Remove redundant getMagazineIndex compatibility function (#4065) Remove remaining >> signs from interaction menu (#4061) DOCUMENTATION: Cleanup Event Documentation for 3.6.0 (#4039)
  3. ACEX v3.0.0 released Download ACEX v3.0.0 from Github ---- This is the first release of the ACEX package. This is a mod aimed at adding in extra and optional modules on top of ACE3. At the moment ACEX is focused on gameplay that the ACE team considers added value, but does not properly fit within the main project itself. The initial release contains mission and multiplayer enhanced frameworks, such as the Headless Client Load Balancing. Requirements: CBA Version 2.4.1 or later. ACE3 version 3.6.0 or later. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY Initial release
  4. ACE3 v3.6.0 released Requires CBA Version 2.4.1 or later. Download 3.6.0 on Github ------- It has been a while, but our next update (3.6.0) has finally arrived. And it's a big one! We say this each time but the changes are really getting more numerous on each release. This release has mainly focused upon improvements and fixes, while also largely being one where we clean up our internal frameworks. See our blog post about deprecating frameworks in favour of CBA. Our goal with 3.6.0 is to polish the project and mature its code, making it easier to maintain and work on ACE3 in the long run. Translations We are still in need for translations for some languages within the ACE3 project. Please have a look at this github issue to track the progress and what languages lack translations. Any and all help with this is appreciated. Slack Chat And most finally, we would like to invite you to our ACE3 public Slack chat. Here you can chat with fellow ACE3 users and developers, ask questions and receive help. Registration is open for everyone: http://slackin.ace3mod.com ------- CHANGE LOG SUMMARY ADDED: Selective UI Elements (#1857) Add function for custom rank icons displayed below nametags (#4004) Add Russian rank icons (#3995) Added beautified component names (#3960) Add Deprecate components support (#3795) Add NonSteerable Reserve Parachute (#3689) Add backwards compatibility for InventoryChanged (#3797) Add blockEngine status effect (#3753) Add canPush config entry (#3789) Add cargo to Taru pods (#3729) Add component dependencies to feature wiki pages (#3786) Add day (non night vision) version of the vector 21 (#3702) Add icons for mine detector actions (#3951) Add interaction support to Motorcycle class (#3787) Add key to toggle wind info display (#3762) Add map altitude to GPS (#3651) Add maxDam for medium velocity wounds (#3910) Add mine detector port from ACE2 (#3755) Add more zeus modules (#3796) Add new zeus addObjects setting to settings module ((#2451) #3767) Add remove trench and continue digging trench actions (#3612) Add size parameter to displayTextPicture, Improve parameter checking … (#3871) Add support for custom textures in tagging (#3631) Add zeus objects setting (#3768) Add fastroping sounds (#3517) Add 'name' to components (#3955) Add a line to get rid of 4 first aid kits in the invisible fast roping helper (#3887) Add a line to support JSRS Eden (#3823) Add framework to add virtual mass to containers (#3750) add missing magazines, fix (#3685 #3772) add gunbag for DMRs (#3749, #3903) Add Overheating Master Enabled Setting (barrelPR) (#3758) Add Tanoa Weather Data (#3902) Add Tanoa map data (#3897) Add compat for adr-97 (#3728) Add drag and carry icons. (#3676) Add filter minor falling damage to non-leg hitpoints (#3629) Add show virtual load in inventory menu (#3779) Add throw a globalEvent when a tag is created. (#3529) CHANGED: Switch EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute) to CBA (#4008) Align tags upward in non-horizontal surfaces (#4005) Disable auto weather (#4003) Deprecate ACE Sitting component in favour of ACEX Sitting (#3795) Finger component cleanup (#4002) Rename ACE event names (#4001) Convert common events to CBA playerEvents (#3975, #3973, #3972) Make dirt/dust effects less bright at night (#3996) Change use backpack command for backpack classname (#3987) Increase required CBA version (#3982) Update compat_r3f CfgAmmo.hpp (#3979) Update compat_r3f config.cpp (#3978) Update fnc_getMapData.sqf (#3977) Adjust bandage configuration (#3909) Adjusted weight of bodybag (#3780) Allow drivers of vehicles to show microDagr (#3808) Always add finger keybind so it is changeable (#3914) Always use junctions for manual setup on wiki (#3654) BFT - Use params command and private keyword (#3677) Better handle unloading on slopes (#3692) Carry, drag and load metal and plastic cases (#3518) Clarify repair while engine is running (#3690) Improve cargo initialization XEH (#3655) Improve selective UI API (#3805) Improve synced event error logging (#3723) Improve zeus auto-add XEH behaviour (#3948) Update 3den attributes to use 1.60 scaling (#3857) Update Spotting Scope (#3880) Update coding guidelines (#3785) Use new CBA delayed execution functions and deprecate ACE functions (#3812) Use new CBA get config functions and deprecate ACE functions (#3813) Use new binocular magazine CBA functions and deprecate ACE functions (#3814) Use new quoted function macros (#3670) Use new quoted path macros (#3669) Change Gforces - Add ace_setting to only run in aircraft (#3705) Change Goggles - Fix script error from CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute (#3856) Change Googles - Only play wipe anim for primary weapon (#3680) Change Integrate 1.60 marker shape color map interface (#3860) Change Make 40mm Grenades Frag (#3679) Change Make explosives helpers hidden in eden. (#3714) Change MicroDAGR overhaul (#3567) Change Move Defuse action to main action (#3883) Change Optics - Create PIP camera only when needed (#3900) Change Raise a local event when a weapon is jammed (#3678) Change Repair - Improve wheel detection for RHS (#3760) Change Replace execRemoteFnc with CBA events in rearm (#3943) Change Replace execRemoteFnc with events (#3811) Change Uniformize interaction distance for vehicle based on bounding box (#3342) Change delay calling addCuratorEditableObjects for a frame (#3640) Change deprecate ACE events framework (#3815) Change end spectator by global mission end event from server (#3659) Change flashSuppressors to use CBA's JM configs (#3709) Change getVehPos - Tweak heli width, and put at eye level (#3932) Change hearing - New XEH, Fix dead effects, Medical var (#3802) Change make FUNC(scriptedExplosive) work in scheduled env, ref (#3621 #3633) Change moved IR Strobe to left shoulder when attached. (#3770) Change replace timePFH with CBA_missionTime (#3516) Change skip 'playerInventoryChanged' after firing (#3793) Change use 'getUnitLoadout' instead of 'FUNC(getAllGear)' and deprecate getAllGear (#3792) Change wait until postInit to install playerChanged event (#3658) Improve ACE medical code part (#3915) Improve Unify deployables (#3861) Improve fullCrew new parameter to improve FUNC(getTurretX) (#3809) Improve greatly improve the accuracy of the protractor display (#3611) Improve javelin LOS check - Verify player has LOS to cursorTarget (#3682) Update Tactical Ladder model cfg (#3746) FIXED: Fix incorrect values for bandage configuration (#4012) Fix skip selectWeapon on nil in rearm (#4010) Block FCS when controlling a UAV (#3991) missleGuidance - Fix seeker los check (#3986) Fix lead indicator for B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F (#3985) Handle "loadout" changed event when player is null (#3984) Fix mine updated base class error (#3970) Fix some rogue mission dependencies (#3963) Fix freeing prisoners after they've switched locality (#3958) Fix Comanche's weapon lock and guidance (#3957) Fix "remove dead bodies on disconnect" when enabled and forced (#3752) Fix 1.60 UBC (slingloads) (#3849) Fix AB Terrain Extension (#3623) Fix BIS gesture keybinds (#3713) Fix Can't toggle safemode in FFV seats (#3820) Fix Capitalization of Many ACE_Settings classes. (#3627) Fix CfgPatches author/ is not a value (#3850) Fix Line Of Sight check for wire cutter helper (#3930) Fix NVG overbright when player throws grenades (#3873) Fix UBC errors for RHS 4.1 (#3800) Fix WEB_URL end of line error (#3854) Fix ability to carry a chair someone is sitting on (#3947) Fix basic UI being overwritten on RscDiary unload (#3920) Fix c4996 (#3905) Fix double displayName in medical settings (#3615) Fix explosive sync on dedicated server (#3761) Fix extra HTML tag (#3617) Fix for misaligned list (#3618) Fix getting stuck on rope whilst fastroping (#3734) Fix goKneeling changing animation inside vehicle (1.60) (#3870) Fix inverted gestures Stop and Freeze and minor gestures cleanup (#3635) Fix nametag error when assignedTeam is nil (#3894) Fix no gray screen for advanced medical (#3945) Fix selective UI in FFV slots (#3877) Fix selective UI script error when changing certain other settings (#3872) Fix ship view distance using foot instead of vehicle setting (#3693) Fix showHud if set before display loaded (#3844) Fix spectator unit tree refreshing (#3781) Fix strange animation played when using PAK (#3946) Fix the placement of spotting scopes on slopes (#3919) Fix vanilla CCIP on A-10 (#3848) Fix wind info keybind string (#3884) Fixed HuntIR deployment (#3851) Fixed redundant privates in setCardiacArrest (#3703) Fixed strncpy in parse_imagepath (#3552) Fix FUNC(setName) for Zeus and alive spawned units (#3634) Fix getWeaponState, fix (#3777 #3778) Fix mine detector not picking up fused explosives (#3936) Fix rallypoint being objNull, when created via 'createvehicle' (#3836) Fix script error in tagging (#3648) Fix wrong macro names (#3722) Fix AAR actions + track temperatures of spare barrels (#3438) Fix Fix missing ace_settings.hpp include in gforce (#3837) Fix Linebreak extension (#3620) Fix LoadPerson - Only try vehicles that have room (#3688) Fix On Detach, delete used chemlights (#3924) Fix RHS Ballistic Glasses Tint - Fix (#3941) Fix UI - Don't overwrite other showHud indexes (#3756) Fix ace_map: More realistic flashlight glow + minor fix (#3824) Fix concertina Wire - Don't recoil broken wire, fix killer (#3699) Fix correct mildot reticle LRPS/AMS/KHS (#3664) Fix div0 error when naked (#3893) Fix exclude FRIES from repair interactions (#3694) Fix execute take nozzle actions only on progress bar success (#3783) Fix fcs scopes ffv (#3804) Fix for change to handleDamage in dev branch (#3895) Fix handle objNull in virtualMass in movement (#3901) Fix only do gunbag things when target has a gunbag (#3908) Fix only play fastroping sounds for player (#3878) Fix specify helicopter cargo spaces (#3643) Fix vehicle inventory lock compatibility with acre (#3718) Spottingscope fixes (#3862) REMOVED: Remove difficulties component (#3766) Remove line drawing (#3864) Remove old test-mission (#3791) Remove redundant spare part adding and improve addSpareParts function (#3788) Remove remaining usage of player (#3710) Removed old occurrences of AGM and CSE (#3754) Remove BI blood overlay (#2331) DOCUMENTATION: Overhaul of ACE3 scheduler practices (#3976) Add wiki improvements for Interaction Menu Framework (#3681) Update overheating documentation (#3716) Add documentation of focus feature system (#3029) CODE MAINTAINANCE AND TOOLS: Cleanup some undefined functions and strings (#3961) Cleaned up excessive white-space (#3751) Cleanup Function Headers Titles (#3944) Cleanup medical PFHs (#3462) Cleanup movement and improve debugging (#3876) Cleanup reload launchers (#3730) Cleanup transitions to CBA's waitAndExec (#3858) Cleanup Remove unused files (#3949) Cleanup code cleanup fnc_blending (#3874) Cleanup improve Code to String (#3641) Clean up medical components (#3912) Compat pbo warnings (#3624)
  5. One year after the ACE3 announcement, we would like to present to you our latest project, over one year in the making. Advanced Banana Environment 3. Have you ever found that your Arma 3 game lacks when it comes to immersion? Realism? User friendliness? Worry no more! ABE3 comes with various enhancements and improvements to realism, functionality and user experience. We have added improved fragmentation, grenades, vehicles and more. But that is not all! When installing ABE3, you will even gain a personal assistant that will help you play your game by offering valuable advise when you need it. Wait no longer, and install ABE3 now. Download from our GitHub. Disclaimer: Advanced Banana Environment is a project from the ABE3 team. Any representation to real life bananas is purely coincidence. The ABE3 team does not endorse or advertise any specific brand or race of bananas. All bananas encountered within the Advanced Banana Environment modification are purely fictional. Advanced Banana Environment is an Arma 3 mod that aims to compliment the ACE3 project, with a CBA A3 and ACE3 requirement. The project is entirely open-source and all contributions are welcome. Feel free to maintain your own custom version, so long as the changes you make are open to the public in accordance with the Arma Public License (APL). The mod is built modularly, so almost any included PBO can be easily removed from the configuration. This way, a team can maintain its own tailored version of ABE AddOns by simply excluding any components they don't need, or those possibly in conflict with other add-ons Signed, The ACE Team Core Features Scout vehicles Improved grenades Realistic hitmarkers Immersive gameplay hints User interface improvements Documentation Documentation for our features, modules, usage and for developers is available on our wiki at our github repo. Download Download version 1.0.0. Previous releases are available on our github release page. Requirements Latest version of CBA A3. Latest version of ACE3. Installation Download the above linked version of ABE3 and all of its requirements. Extract its contents (@abe) into your arma root directory (arma 3\@abe) Enable CBA, ACE and ABE in your favorite launcher, or make a shortcut with the parameter -mod=@CBA_A3;@ace;@abe Done. Working With Us ABE3 is entirely open source, and you can find our project on GitHub. If you are interested in working with us get involved, if you are regularly suggesting and committing features and bug fixes to us that we accept then you'll probably get asked to join the team officially. If you aren't doing work directly on ACE3, keep at it. We are always scouting the best talent in this community and looking to mature good projects by bringing individuals and teams officially on board with us! Reporting issues If you encounter any issues during usage of the ABE3 project, please report them on our GitHub issue tracker.
  6. ACE3 v3.5.1 released Download: Github CHANGE LOG SUMMARYFIXED: AI ignoring waypoints when FRIES is enabled/loaded (#3504) Morphines increase blood pressure in advanced mode (#3579) Script error when using morphine (#3526) (#3527) Mk6 Mortar ammo handling broken on dedicated (#3557) (#3584) ACE_Box_82mm_Mo_Combo is overflowing (#3491) (#3492) Able to drag and carry StaticCannon (#3528) (#3566) Cannot rotate explosives or ladders. (#3499) (#3507) (#3551) Portable lights (and other carriable objects) might float when released in midair. (#3486) (#3497) Store interaction menues in CBA Namespaces (might fix save game crashes) (#3547) Problem with cargo filters in save games (#3548) Reset interaction menu time variables on save game load (#3150) (#3578) Sandbag not shown in 3den (#3525) AI placed in editor cannot be setHandcuffed on Dedicated. (#3532) (#3536) Interaction menus are still accessible while waiting for respawn (#2900) (#3575) Indfor pilot has no fitting ammo (#3545) (#3549) Able to refuel with running engine (#3534) (#3542) Allow string input for isBackpack (#3539) player markers not showing up correctly with BFT_ShowPlayerNames (#3496) addActionEvents were executed in scheduled environment (#3560) Broken cancel (RMB) Action (#3524) ADDED: Fastroping - deployment API and waypoint (#3544) Fastroping - various post-release enhancements (#3553) RHS fastroping compatibility (#3519) (#3495) Spanish translation to fastroping module (#3510) (#3515) CBA 2.3.1 to versioning check (#3513) CHANGED: Increase interaction distance with explosives from 1m to 1.5m. (#3379) (#3509) Replace some Purista with Roboto (#3401) CODE MAINTAINANCE: Replace usage of filter with select in tagging (#3589) Fix versioning true when compiled (#3581) Replaced execRemoteFnc with events (#3541) (#3542) Make the FRIES inherit from Helicopter_Base_F. (#3504) Added QUOTE macros to fastroping configs (#3457) Standardize GVAR array brackets in configs. (#3456)
  7. ACE 3.5.0 Release Please be aware that all extensions have been recompiled in this release. This means that if you use BattleEye, the new extensions could potentially be blocked until BE adds them to their whitelist. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY ADDED: - Config options for auto downloading ACE from the Steam Workshop (#3336, #3396) - 3DEN integration of various modules (#3359, #3288) - Fastroping (#2904) - Advanced Mortar interaction and ammunition handling (#3043) - Trench digging (#2104) - Tagging with spraypaint (#3210) - Interaction with portable lamps (#2230) - Model for the fuel nozzle (#3249, #3262) - Deadman switch can now trigger explosives in inventory (#3272) - RHS Compat: Add PSO-1M2-1 windage adjust (#3179) - Sandbags are now placeable in the editor (#3102) - Optional colorblind wind speed indicator (#3126) - Events for missionmakers added to ACE_Explosives (#3106) - Function to detonate explosives via script added to ACE_Explosives (#3146) - Add action to detonate all explosives attached to a detonator (#3119) - Refuel actions to fuel bladder objects (#3162) - Setting to enable Medical Locations to Boost medical Training (#3138) - Spectator text chat (#3154) - Added new "Get Out" action that will eject selected civilian from a vehicle (#3070) - Added an option to show player names on the BFT module (#3415) CHANGED: - Medical Improvements (#3174) - Add adenosine to replace atropine effects - Add option to enable / disable epinephrine for medics or everyone (basic medical) - Add option to allow treat everyone as a medic in medical facility - Fix various bugs - Fix bandage configuration - Improved mission load time by recompile on game start (#3389) - Optimized load time of various modules with displayLoad XEH (#3369) - Darken and improve sandbag texture (#3358) - Better flashbang effects (#3346) - Change the name for wheeled apc 01 cannon from Patria to Badger IFV (#3275) - Optimized ACE_Nametags (#3290) - Remove Swag Walk Fix, now fixed in Arma itself (#3267) - Remove old ragdoll tweaks, now fixed in Arma itself ( #3278) - Optimized various function replacing filter and map with select and apply (#3276) - Overhaul and optimization of ACE_Hearing (#3082, #3200, #3279) - Optimized fire handling with the unified fired event handler (#3280) - Overhaul and optimization of ACE_Overheating (#3337) - Reloading no longer unjams weapons by default (#3371) - General cleanup and optimization of the interaction menu (#3132) - Optimized the interaction menu inside vehicles (#3312) - Reserve parachutes are now steerable (#2237) - Optimize ACE_Frag and make explosion reflections optional, default off. Greatly improves the performance of ACE_Frag (#3129, #3283) - Various improvements to the FCS (#3190, #3187, #3189, #3193, #3218) - Tourniquets now block medication until released (#3255) - Free looking in no longer forced while jumping (#2339) - Various explosives enhancements in ACE_Explosives (#3151) - Move the detonator actions outside the "Detonate" submenu (#3120) - Remove VehicleLock Items from Virtual Arsenal (#3223) - Unloaded cargo position greatly improved with a custom function (#3228) - Can no longer refuel a vehicle with its engine on (#2954) - Default font replaced by Roboto (#3402, #3406) - Spare barrels are no longer added to starting equipment, due to grenades not having enough remaining space (#3485) FIXED: - Fix empty callbacks in medical/repair (#3384) - Handling disconnect and removal of fuel truck (#3018, #3347) - Make wound assignment consistent for dll/sqf (#3326) - Remove ace fake weapon from 3den cargo editor (#3325) - Don't allow passing mags when not in same vehicle (#3318) - Fixed wrong damage when shooting at units mounted in static weapons and cars (#3299) - "setAllGear" - abort function and print warning when used on remote units (#3268, #3274) - Fixed error when flashbangs were thrown to the water (#3257) - Fix typo in ACE_Hearing config (#3195) - Fix Handgrenade DisplayNameShort to M67 (#3204) - Fix ACE_Scopes capturing native adjustment keys for the PSO scope (#3244) - Fix ACE_Goggle changing the tint on the 3den camera (#3259) - Fix damage for passengers during vehicle crashes (#3323) - Do not add or remove earplugs if gear should be preserved (#3181) - Scopes: Don't show adjustment or play click sound if the adjustment doesn't happen (#3178) - Flashsupressor not compatible with .338 rifles (#3345) - RHS Compat: fix AB for subsonic ammo (#3130, #3343) - Fixed ACE_Weather producing wind inversions ( #3126) - Prevent Tactical Ladder interaction if unit on ladder (#3079) - Fix some spectator errors (#3155) - Fix the amount of backblast received by the firer via reflection (#3148) - Fix module settings for medical litter (#3164) - Reduce the chance of interacting through walls (#3293) - SwitchUnits conflicts with MenuPosition respawn template (#3142) - Fix rearming vehicles with no remaining ammo(#3245) - Fix locked vehicle inventory not being locked (#3173) - Wounds are now shown as integer numbers (#2949) - Fixed backblast effect when firing from a vehicle (#3172) - Fix dragged object been moved to random locations (#3230) - Fix corpes not been able to be bagged while the player is respawning (#3354) - Fix Javelin conflict with Zeus Remore Control (#3177) - Fix unit showing duplicated in the spectator mode unit list (#3147) - Removed "Get Down" and "Get Away" actions for civilians in vehicles (#3070) - Prevent the interact menu collapsing during animations (#3445) - Fix mines orientations for JIP players (#3398) REMOVED: - Remove BWA3 compat pbo, now included in BW mod (#3390) - Disabled ACE_Laser for the Comanche, so DAGR missiles can work with vanilla designators (#3305) DOCUMENTATION: - Improved documentation (#2571, #2711, #3030, #3036, #3059, #3185, #3149, #3341, #3135, #3182, #3271, #3408) CODE MAINTAINANCE AND TOOLS: - Code Cleanup laser Self Designate Module (#2168) - Fix some undefined functions / strings (#3368) - Replace some ace_common_fnc_X with CBA_fnc_X (#3366) - Replace execRemoteFnc in ace_medical (#3333) - Use location hash for ace events (#3282) - Update cba files under tools (#3277) - Changes for CBA 2.3 (#3214) - Unified status effect handler (#3163) - Add subfolder support to importantFiles and versionFiles to make.py (#2264) - Code cleanup of Gforces module (#3183) - Cargo Cleanup, Add makeLoadable (#3191) - Use Function Caching in CBA (#3133) - Remove deprecated functions (#3131) - Rewrite ace_common_fnc_getTargetDistance to use LineIntersectsSurfaces (#3192) - Delay captivity until 0.05s after settings are initialized (#3362) - Use new selectRandom command (#2893) - Overpressure cleanup (#3172) - Remove extra PREPs in the ACE_Zeus (#3265) - Added the correct preprocessor macro for parse_imagepath (#3232) - Swap execRemoteFnc for ace events in doAnim (#3382) - Update fnc_treatment_success.sqf (#3313) - Reimplement old parameter syntax for (Un)LoadCargo events (#3403) - Remove unused non API functions (#3405) - Cleanup old cba SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW code (#3395)
  8. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.4.2 Download: Github Note: Latest CBA is required for this release. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY ADDED: Add Adaptation of fnc_makeJerryCan to new interact_menu (#3064) Add support for non local Zeus RC in common-isPlayer (#3052) Add CBA zeus integration (#3084) CHANGED: Sitting cleanup (#3092) Rearm scope changed for dummy objects (#3069) Explosive enhancements (#3085) FIXED: Fix M69 Grenade UBC in RHS Compat (#3128) Fix usage of deprectated fired XEH (#3088, #3110) Fix ThingX capitalization (#3076, #3109) Fix Kill Spectator PFEH when exiting spectator (#3099) Fix RHS Compat. Fix M113 inheritance (#3098) Fix stringtables merge (#3097) Fix Medical Triagecard Macro (#3094) Fix Third Person Goggle Effect Not Displaying (#3078) Fix Advanced ballstics Eotvos effect (#3060) Fix inverted isTurnedOut for map lighting (#3058) Fix medical menu not closing on range, litter direction (#3057) Fix PT-BR translations and German duplicated entry fix (#3051) Fix RHS Compat fix for SMAW spotting rifle backblast (#3050) Fix RHS Compat Enhancement for Weapons and Grenades (#3045) Fix Optics - Don't modify camera for ThreeDen Editor (#3041) Fix RHS Compat fix for RU Sprut turret + Disabling FCS for M113 family (#3040) REMOVED: Remove obsolete hotkey entries (#3086) Remove undefined laser self designate macro (#3049) Remove CUP compat pbo. no longer needed: CUP makes their own cleanup (#3083) A full list of merged pull requests
  9. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.4.1 Download: Github Note: Latest CBA is required for this release. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY: ADDED: Czech Translations Updates (#2942) German Translations Updates (#2941) CHANGED: Config cleanup Vehicles (#2955) NVG in Sights is now by default enabled FIXED: Check PBOs module broken (#2913) Don't update openWounds if not bandaged (#2924) Advanced Medical Advanced wounds broken MicroDAGR appearing too large in center of screen (#2936) Auto switch to Binocular (#2916) Bipod deploying animations don't work (#2933) Burst Fire don't work (#2918) IR Laser/Laser/Flashlight don't work (#2917) Can't lock on AA & AT (#2922) LMG_Minigun in multiple pbo's (#2897) Can't unload patient from Wildcat (#2961) Script error when "toggling unconsciousness" in zeus (#2963) A full list of merged pull requests
  10. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.4.0 Download: Github Note: Latest CBA is required for this release. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY: CHANGED Keyword local to private (1.54) (#2755) Overhauled Repair (#2861) Command typeName with isEqualType (1.54) (#2856) Updated spotting scope model (#2832) Interaction Menu Animation Setting And PreExpand First Level (#2777) Code cleanup UI (#2368) Code cleanup DAGR (#2278) Code cleanup Concertina_wire (#2277) Code cleanup Kestrel 4500 module (#2152) Code cleanup Weather (#2007) Code cleanup HitReactions (#2611) Code cleanup NoRadio (#2610) Code cleanup Backpacks (#2607) Code cleanup Respawn (#2602) Code cleanup Goggles (#2648) Code cleanup Interaction (#2635) Code cleanup WeaponSelect (#2626) Code cleanup SafetyMode (#2625) Code cleanup Grenades (#2612) Code cleanup Common (#2683) Code cleanup Sandbags (#2598) Code cleanup Tripod (#2598) Code cleanup Ladder (#2598) Code cleanup LaserPointer (#2871) Code cleanup AmbientSounds (#2847) Macro definitions cleanup (#2805) Replaced the inWater method by isUnderwater (#2771) Nametags cleanup isSpeaking for ACRE (#2824) Spectator updates (#2760) Simplify Map Light Interactions (#2748) Simplify frag config (#2670) Replaced isAlive function with alive command (#2622) Improved Slideshow API (#2613) PAK and Surgical Kit strings normalized inside modules (#2578) Wirecutters update Fence Configs, use faster getModelInfo (#2781) Supply Box pallets to heavy cargo (#2726) Rework modifier key (#2598) Handle odd selection/hitpoint names better (#2819) FIXED Changed ACE_time back to time in comments where appropriate (#2780) Wounds do not reopen after implementing the fix from #2646 (#2878) Can't use speed limiter on UGV (#2875) Driving UGV will throw out errors from nametags if you drive close to players (#2873) Altimeter doesn't show time on map (#2872) Earplugs not removed on respawn (#2837) No earplugs added on respawn (#2835) RHS machinegunners do not have ear plugs (#2833) No shape RPT errors for Map Flashlights (#2828) Script error handleNetEvent (#2820) Map flashlight stays floating after forced disconnect/kick (#2810) Can't handcuff own side (#2782) Mini-Spike AT Missiles Striking the Ground Beneath Targets (#2776) Spectator vision mode can't be changed in External camera (#2774) Virtual arsenal guys have bad hitpoints (#2768) canTreat not working for disabled items (#2765) FCS for 35 mm AA gun not handling elevation correctly, cant adjust distance for Air-Burst ammo (#2750) Sometimes a RPG-soldier when fired, gets damages or loses consciousness(!empty and flat places of map) (#2747) Wheel repair doesn't work correctly on RHS HMMWV (#2742) Map darkness/Brightness does not work on three monitors (#2734) Advanced Ballistics partially broken (#2709) Supply box take the same space as small Ammo boxes (#2702) Rangecard empty (#2696) Spectator 3D icons not working (#2676) Medicals given start at -1 minute (#2672) Rallypoint placement time has wrong fromat (#2662) Can't repair car engine/body because of script error (#2643) Virtual entity Zeus doesn't work properly with forced interface (#2642) Remove nametags and actions on hidden units (#2596) Spectator still running while session is lost (#2592) XM307A Cannot be moved, while XM307 and other static can be moved (#2590) Attached items on a dedicated server (#2541) Bunch of bugs with medical menu (#2528) Shouldn't be able to access cargo of a destroyed vehicle (#2523) Spectator map view is very laggy with high number of units (#2514) Advanced Medical Heal hitpoints doesn't work (#2498) Settings (size, colour) of menu interaction cannot be saved. (#2486) Body Repairpoint is not on the right position on a hatchback (#2452) Medical Facility or Medical Vehicle not working if vehicle is BLUEFOR class (#2423) Sitting - getting blasted to the sky when elevation is above 0 on object (#2391) Alca AG Vikhr missiles do not seem to lock (#2349) Fire Control System is not working (#2126) Greyhawk manual fire (#1898) Killed eventhandler is ran/triggered twice because of ACE3 (#1859) Laser target doesn't update position (#1715) Explosives won't rotate at placement (#1235) Events at mission start/loading (#148) Remove nametags and actions on hidden units (#2892) Add all wound types to bandage treatment configs (#2886) UGV speed limiter (#2884) UGV nametags script error (#2882) Updating Base Classes for 1.54 (#2865) Repair Overhaul (#2861) Inventory Resize UI - changes for 1.54 GL-Mags (#2857) Issue with forEach Loops and deleteAt Index (#2848) Update FCS display after distance adjust (#2842) Move bandage log before basic exit (#2841) Overpresure - Misc fixes (#2840) ACE_twistDirection (#2839) Display basicMed wounds for AI in mixed mode (#2830) Fix empty flashlightProxy model and delete map glow lights from disconnecting players (#2829) Add method to deal with new hitpoints (#2813) Broken repair point selection code (#2798) Merkava/Patria tracer color (#2795) Fixed small UAV carrying a lot of cargo (#2793) Captives duplicate animEH (#2783) Lead calculation for vehicle FCS (#2779) Medical location check when set to disabled for PAK/Surgical (#2767) Spectator updates (#2760) Privates in Map module (#2746) Use AGL for sitting setPos (#2745) Medical Menu Fixes (#2743) Map effects / flashlights for TrippleHead (#2736) Gun smoke on AMV (#2708) Attach getIn/Out run on local unit (#2681) Disable loading into locked vehicles (#2680) Missing magazines after certain scenarios (#2679) Use ACE_gameTime for triage card (#2674) Broken time format for rallypoints (#2663) Zeus forced interface broken (#2645) "cannot load sound .wss" RPT error (#2625) Dedicated server AI thrown flasbangs do nothing (#2612) Laser Update Position Bug (#2605) Delay setUnconscious until the settings are inited (#2604) fixFloating resetting reflector hitpoints (#2601) Spectator view if called instantly (#2597) Litter flying over ground (#2582) Invisible Tactical Ladder (#2581) Assign vehicle module for prefilled vehicle (#2565) Don't disable locking for base RocketPods (#2560) Change Wheel action on front wheels of RHS BTR family are placed near interaction point (#2751) Leg Damage, Stuck Walking (#2389) Privates in Map module (#2746) Dedicated server AI thrown flasbangs do nothing (#2612) Pedantic errors and redefinition of M_PI variable in extensions (#2382) ADDED Handcuffing module (#2783) Custom repair points for a few vehicles (#2888) Read settings from paramsArray (params in description.ext) (#2826) Interactable Road Cone and Road Barrier (#2797) Function hasHatch (#2792) Map Gestures Settings (#2766) Disable NVGs in sight (#2699) Support for virtual cargo (#2628) Sitting Framework (#2620) Zeus Modules for Adding Spare Parts (#2617) Interaction to quickly pass a magazine (#2390) Parse List Common Function (#2257) waitUntilAndExecute Function (#2254) Vehicle rearming (#2164) Vehicle refueling (#2141) Field of View based dynamic view distance (Mk 1 eyeballs integration) (#2133) Realistic names for Ka-60 v2 (#2831) Add earplugs based on loudness and give to MGs (#2834) Error Checking to Settings (#2766) Showhud setter (#2753) Set Default Channel at mission start (#2650) Global event for "CaptiveStatusChange" (#2649) Hand signals (Tactical Hand Signals integration) (#2219) Interact menu settings after init (#2623) Portuguese translations (#2845 #2789) Polish translations (#2562 #2653 #2825) Russian translations (#2821) German translations (#2659) Missing English strings (#2563) REMOVED Vignette (#2368) Manual team synching (now handled by CBA) (#2803) Enable optics in adjusted prone stances (now handled in Vanilla) (#2703) Pain diagnosis on dead patients (#2543) Check ammo action on destroyed static weapons (#2685) A full list of merged pull requests
  11. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.3.2 Download: Github CHANGE LOG SUMMARY FIXED: Advanced medical system and backblast CTD. (#2519) Wheel added to cargo on player connect. (#2488) Medical Treatment Log Time. (86fae2c) Blue Force Tracking Module. (#2503) Fix XEH Warning Debug. (79d985a) Allow fixing jam when in FFV slot. (#2546) Fix CPR params. (#2492) Lockpicking not working. (#2495) Fix Explosives / Interaction Menu conflict (#2572) ADDED: Added diagnose to torso (for real this time). (#2466)A full list of merged pull requests KNOWN ISSUES We have noticed that when using ACE with 3rd-Party mods that do not fully support CBA Extended Eventhandlers (XEH) that some units do not work with Interaction fully. You may see the cursor but no menus. WORKAROUND: The latest CBA RC7 Hotfix 2, v1.1.23 has an optional PBO that you can activate to help resolve these situations. 1. Move the cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo and its signature file from the CBA optional folder to the CBA Addons folder 2. Restart Arma. If you have identified the 3rd-Party mod that causes ACE Interaction to break, contact the developer and ask them to support the CBA XEH. They can contact CBA Devs for help. Developers can update their mods by one of the following methods to work with ACE. Reference: Two guides to help developers get started with the CBA extended event handler system
  12. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.3.1 Download: Github Changelog Summary: CHANGED: Better cargo space values for trucks, quadbikes, karts, boats, jets and submarines.(#2465)FIXED: Fix Advanced Ballistic Performance Impact(#2458) Fix Broken Eventhandler System ADDED: Check for Bad XEH on Units(#2439) A full list of merged pull requests
  13. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.3.0 Download: Github Changelog Summary: CHANGED: Explosive placement is now virtual (#1902) Low levels of pain will decrease over time (#1954) Default keybind to cycle down laser codes (#1956) Wind indicator now accounts for freelook (#1980) Codebase was largely refactored (#2003-#2017, #2046-#2051) Bandaging a healthy body part will create clean bandages (not bloody) (#2026) Integrated the ASDG JR optional PBO now that ASDG JR is part of CBA (#2211) Time taken to fill a bodybag increased (#2233) Time taken to bandage and tourniquet were modified (#2263) Tourniquet will interfere with blood pressure and heart rate of applied limb (#2268) Hearing protection given to helmets with peltor headsets (#2297) Spotting scope animation improved (#2314) Laser pointer code using lineIntersectsSurfaces command (#2328) Tracer sizes improved (#2341) Clock on map is hidden if unit has no watch (#2344) Flashbangs are sorted under explosive throwables rather than misc. (#2358) Clarified description of heal hitpoints medical setting (#2392) Large overhaul of the medical handle damage system (#2361) FIXED: Reserve parachute was set as public item (#1974) Some actions didn't work with the "click to interact" setting (#1977) Actions couldn't be added to an object/class if the main actions node was missing (#1986) Incorrect inheritance was used in changes to map compass object (#1993) Medical actions would reset the current fire mode (#2000) The "Join group" action wasn't respecting the team management enabled setting (#2027) Medical litter creation was producing unnecessary code loops (#2031) Unloading patients from vehicles (#2032) Slideshows didn't work on dedicated servers (#2040) Awkward sitting positions/movement (#2057, #2338) CPR would never succeed when patient was in revive state (#2099) Unpushable SDVs (#2109) Nametags were drawn on the escape menu (#2135) Unable to load captives into helicopters (#2136) CheckPBO had an endless loop under certain settings (#2137) Nametag soundwave icons didn't fade with distance (#2148) 1.50 "Updating base class" nonsense (#2160) Zeus interaction menu prevented/enabled use of various other hotkeys (#2216) MicroDAGR minor display bugs (#2235) Bad animation used when captives loaded into an FFV seat (#2249) Exporting client color settings (#2250) Bruises would prevent hitpoints being healed with relevant setting active (#2298, #2389) Animation clipping and camera on the tactical ladder (#2299) Door interaction in 3rd person (#2312) Autoriflemen spawning with ghost grenades (#2315) Inappropriate interaction while on a ladder (#2320) Goggles overlay would disappear in FFV seats and gunner seats (#2327) Map tools rendered badly when used with incorrect aspect ratios (#2334) High command module would break ACE file checking (#2336) Flashbangs now properly rebound from surfaces (#2337) Flickering hand flares (#2343) Gear restoration when death occured in a vehicle (#2359) Fixes for unconscious waking up in basic medical (#2361) Fixed shotgun ammo would not do any damage (#2361) ADDED: Repair (#186) Cargo (#275) Flashlights (#1816) Support for magazine overpressure definitions (#1832) Increased vertical head movmement range (#1854) Spectator (#1915, #2083) Map tools support for itemMap children (#2036) Medical menu (#2039) Setting for captive arrest circumstances (#2053) Settings menu categories (#2058) CPR action to basic medical (#2114) Zeus modules to assign medical vehicles/facilities/personnel (#2162) Setting to automatically make all created objects editable by all zeus units (#2163) Allow diagnose action on torso (#2361) REMOVED: Protection PBO (now handled as part of medical) (#2361) A full list of merged pull requests KNOWN ISSUES We have noticed that when using ACE with 3rd-Party mods that do not fully support CBA Extended Eventhandlers (XEH) that some units do not work with Interaction fully. You may see the cursor but no menus. WORKAROUND: The latest CBA RC7 Hotfix 2, v1.1.23 has an optional PBO that you can activate to help resolve these situations. 1. Move the cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo and its signature file from the CBA optional folder to the CBA Addons folder 2. Restart Arma. If you have identified the 3rd-Party mod that causes ACE Interaction to break, contact the developer and ask them to support the CBA XEH. They can contact CBA Devs for help. Developers can update their mods by one of the following methods to work with ACE. Reference: Two guides to help developers get started with the CBA extended event handler system
  14. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.2.1 Download: Github Changelog Summary: FIXED: Zeus unconscious, captive and surrender modules were using the wrong locality (#1665) Wind Deflection in Advanced Ballistics was producing excess per-frame handlers (#1962) Incorrect damage was being applied with prevent death enabled (#1946) Blue Force Tracking (BFT) module was broken (#1957) ace_laser was incorrectly handling non-vector data (#1960) CHANGED: Improved wording of Finger Pointing strings (#1970) Improved unit hiding mechanism of headbugfix (#1994) Prevent use of headbugfix when handcuffed, surrendering, unconscious or swimming. (#1994) A full list of merged pull requests KNOWN ISSUES We have noticed that when using ACE with 3rd-Party mods that do not fully support CBA Extended Eventhandlers (XEH) that some units do not work with Interaction fully. You may see the cursor but no menus. WORKAROUND: The latest CBA RC7 Hotfix 2, v1.1.23 has an optional PBO that you can activate to help resolve these situations. 1. Move the cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo and its signature file from the CBA optional folder to the CBA Addons folder 2. Restart Arma. If you have identified the 3rd-Party mod that causes ACE Interaction to break, contact the developer and ask them to support the CBA XEH. They can contact CBA Devs for help. Developers can update their mods by one of the following methods to work with ACE. Reference: Two guides to help developers get started with the CBA extended event handler system
  15. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.2.0 Download: Github Changelog Summary: ADDED: Cut parachute/Reserve parachute (#1307) Actions to buildings (UserActions - Ladders) (#1007) Zeus/Curator interaction menu (#1519) Sitting (#1541) Finger pointing (#1548) Open action for boxes/crates (#1596) 'parachute' and 'camera' hitpoints to the HuntIR model (#1622) Missing ammobox animation sources (#1705) Virtual attach object placement (#1739) DAGR 10 digit grid support for all map configurations (#1768) Headgear provides hearing protection (#1775) FIXED: IED Class Inheritance (#1440) Bug with Advanced Medical medication configuration (hr min/max) (#1621) Wirecutters unable to cut concertina wire (#1656) Interaction with explosives while swimming (#1688) Vanilla damage effects incorrectly playing (#1692) Zeus module was broken on dedicated servers (#1713) CheckPBO wasn't checking for extra client addons (#1732) Earplugs being added when combat deafness was disabled or unit already had (#1759, #1763) Couldn't interact with the map when it was shaking (#1769) Rallypoint object classnames (#1771) Pain effects showing in zeus (#1779) Binoculars had safety mode (#1834) Combat deafness while using zeus (#1851) addActionToObject function wasn't working correctly (#1862) Concertina wire damage wasn't globally applied (#1867) Impenetrable tactical ladder (#1874) Repeating medical animations during rapid treatment (#1896) Vector Lag (RPT Spam) (#1897) Unloading unconscious pilots and boat passengers (#1911) Loading unconscious into co-pilot seats and boats (#1921) Renabled fragementation CHANGED: Updated Spanish translation (#1623, #1824) Updated German translation (#1643) Updated Portuguese translation (#1755) Updated Polish translation (#1782) Updated Czech translation (#1797) Various 3D models and textures (#1799) Medical litter models (#1875) Optimized wind deflection code (#1886) REMOVED: "Treat at" action menu entry when using ace_medical (#1809)A full list of merged pull requests KNOWN ISSUES We have noticed that when using ACE with 3rd-Party mods that do not fully support CBA Extended Eventhandlers (XEH) that some units do not work with Interaction fully. You may see the cursor but no menus. WORKAROUND: The latest CBA RC7 Hotfix 2, v1.1.23 has an optional PBO that you can activate to help resolve these situations. 1. Move the cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo and its signature file from the CBA optional folder to the CBA Addons folder 2. Restart Arma. If you have identified the 3rd-Party mod that causes ACE Interaction to break, contact the developer and ask them to support the CBA XEH. They can contact CBA Devs for help. Developers can update their mods by one of the following methods to work with ACE. Reference: Two guides to help developers get started with the CBA extended event handler system
  16. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.1.1 Download: Github Changelog Summary: * Improved ear ringing and deafness (#1609) * PAK treatment time accounts for damage healed (#1586) * Made the bullet trace effect more visible * Flares burntime increased, hand flares brightness reduced (#1477) * Kestrel - New output modes (Density Altitude ...) (#1253, #1464) * Kestrel - New low-poly model (#1535) * Kestrel - Tailwinds are displayed as negative values (#1333) * Kestrel - Persistent menu and heading (#1192, #1338) * ATragMX / Kestrel - dialogs can be toggled on/off with keybinds (#1260) * ATragMX - New night time GUI and picture (#1396, #1401) * Increased duration of morphine effect * Made atropine less effective * Morphine now only suppresses pain by default (#1290) * Renamed some advanced ballistics module options and added more (#1261) * Improved handling of incomplete advanced ballistics config entries (#1441) * New keyshortcuts to toggle through all devices (#1118) * Refined all airFriction values to better match advanced ballistics data (#1386, #1455) * Closer interactions points now oclude farther ones (#989) * It's now possible to walk around while using the cursor version of the interaction menus (#981) * Speed of sound now changes with ambient air temperature (#1425) * Temperature now affects barometric pressure (#1424) * Increased the size of the protractor overlay * Extensive optimization of spalls (#1163) * Various others optimizations (#1027, #1045, #1057, #1581) * Increased the visibility of chat text (#1245) * Nametags are now only visible if there's line of sight to the face of the target (#1302) * Scope adjustment framework expanded so PSO scopes can now have windage steps of 0.5 Mil (#1312, #1370) * Placing explosives now uses shorter animations (#1314) * Expanded the runOnHover functionality of the interaction menus to run arbitrary code (#1415) * Bodybags are now created aligned with the casualty (#1471) * Unload captive actions are now passenger actions (#1599) * Claymore mines can now be detonated with the Mk16 transmitter (#1616) FIXED: * Crash: illegal instruction with Advanced Ballistics DLL (#1630) * Model.cfg and requiredAddons (#1650) * Unloading units from various vehicles (#1389, #1587) * Random teleport when dragging/carrying inside of buildings (#1458) * Random body bag teleport (#1469) * Incorrect handling of falling and vehicle crash damage (#1550, #1562, #1602) * Capacity of bloodbags was ignored during transfusions (#1368) * Intermitted rain bug (#1526) * Javelin locking (#1507) * Settings forced on server and from modules are now applied reliably (#1214, #1432, #1433, #1598) * Medical - Litter spawning all over the place (#1164) * Interaction menu moving with wave height (#1117) * Error when treating with binoculars in hands (#1332) * Comanche zoom levels (#1113) * Safe mode sound not being played (#1497) * Always raining with overcast values > 0.7 (#1456) * Usage of time might cause calculation errors below 20 fps (#1336, #1362) * ATragMX - Fixed incorrect bullet diameter GUI output (#1252) * ATragMX - Fixed a bug in the relative click memory (#1180) * Weather - Fixed incorrect barometric pressure calculation (#1424) * Weather - Intermitted rain (sound bug) * Kestrel - Wind reading sometimes not affected by nearby buildings * Pain effect was visible when unconscious (#1492) * Result of belt linking is now broadcasted inmediately (#1120) * Swithching laser now fails gracefully if ASDG is run without the compt pbo (#1239) * Added ACE guidance to the RHS Javelin (#1373) * ACE Explosives and dead man switches are now Zeus and AI compatible (#1414) * NVG adjustment behaves better now (#1429) * Progress bars now stops on death (#1450) * A dummy weapon was sometimes visible on respawn (#1520) * Incorrect localization of the medical log (#1559) * Position of interaction point for some static weapons (#1611) * Removed the duplicated obsolete action (#1612) * CheckPBO didn't kick players reliably (#1635) * (Optional) Updated RHS compat for V0.3.8 (#1588) ADDED: * Ability to force disable NameTags on server (#1204) * Zeus modules to allow changing capture, consciousness and surrendering status on the fly (#1295) * Disarming of unconscious or captured units (#136) * Concertina wire (#1504) * DAGR (#1534) * HuntIR (#1525) * MX-2A (#1476) * Rangecards (#1418) * Sandbags (#1479) * Spottingscope (#1515) * Tactical ladder (#1493) * Tripod (#1509) * Yardage 450 (#1491) * Viewdistance module (#1063, #1198, #1311) * ACE3 Version info on main menu (#1150) * Surgical Kit treatment (#1392) * New extension to improve the performance of adv. medical (#1256) * IED pressure plates (#1248) * Adv. Medical module options to make morphine remove pain and bandages heal hitpoints (#1579) * Medical setting to consider remote controlled units as players or not (#1530) * Custom fonts (#1050) * CheckPBO module functionality can now be triggered through settings (#1236, #1633) * Group leader can now globally set the color of his group members (#1293) * It's now possible to export a debug report to the clipboard from the options menu (#1304) * A local event is now thrown when a unit dies (#1523) * Option to disable the day visible laser system if not used (#1589) * (Optional) ACE2 ball tracers (#378) * (Optional) BWA3 compatibility pbo (weapons, ammo, scopes) (#1306) * (Optional) CUP compatibility pbo (weapons, ammo, scopes, launchers) (#1443) * (Optional) R3F compatibility pbo (weapons, ammo, scopes) (#1527) * (Optional) RH ACC compatibility pbo (scopes) * (Optional) Scope Mod A3 compatibility pbo (scopes) (#1310) A full list of merged pull requests KNOWN ISSUES We have noticed that when using ACE with 3rd-Party mods that do not fully support CBA Extended Eventhandlers (XEH) that some units do not work with Interaction fully. You may see the cursor but no menus. WORKAROUND: The latest CBA RC7 Hotfix 2, v1.1.23 has an optional PBO that you can activate to help resolve these situations. 1. Move the cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo and its signature file from the CBA optional folder to the CBA Addons folder 2. Restart Arma. If you have identified the 3rd-Party mod that causes ACE Interaction to break, contact the developer and ask them to support the CBA XEH. They can contact CBA Devs for help. Developers can update their mods by one of the following methods to work with ACE. Reference: Two guides to help developers get started with the CBA extended event handler system
  17. Advanced Combat Environment 3 Updated Version 3.0.1 Download: Github Changelog: Changed: Disable snprintf_s usage to get around auto-vectorization in the 2015 STL strnlen implementation. Changed: Now starts vital tracking after treatment. Changed: Rebuilt DLL's. Changed: ace_javelin to the RHS javelin optionals compatibility pbo. Fixed: AI would not lose blood in basic medical, causing incorrect diagnose text. (#1195) Fixed: Bandaid for being unable to interact with man type units in some cases. (#1281) Fixed: Broken Basic Revive. (#1155) Fixed: Calculate vitals interval on first run. Fixed: Frame-drop when using the BFT module setting. (#1181) Fixed: JIP init for players with medical. Fixed: Medical litter is spawning very spread out from the player. (#1112) Fixed: Object actions not working. Fixed: Order of Comanche zoom levels. Fixed: Prevent Instant Death caused AI to be invincible. (#1155) Fixed: Script error when performing medical treatment. (#1142) Fixed: Sometimes interaction menus would disappear. (#1171) Fixed: Performance issues caused by standing near a fire using basic medical
  18. Congratulations on the new release! Banana.