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Everything posted by ninjademon05

  1. ninjademon05

    Change Tracer Colors as They are Fired?

    Because a blue tracer would be badass. And for those fights that have all factions, FIA could use yellow, Indie green, Opfor red, and Nato blue. Large scale night missions with that kind of crossfire would be a beautiful sight to behold... Plus, you don't see much for blue anyways. The blue chemlight, in my opinion, is the brightest chemlight. I would love a blue flare round, blue tracers, so on. Anyone have that, find me on Steam! -NinjaDemon05
  2. ninjademon05

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    From A3 to A3 R6, I have been unable to configure addons... Configure > Controls > Configure Addons = empty list. I have looked for a solution, posted in the discussions, now I reach out here... What can I do? Steam profile - NinjaDemon05
  3. Where do I find the ballistic shields? Love the mod(s) so far! Armour values are very low and need adjustments, including some of the new helmets. Riot helmets disappear underwater, not sure if other gear also disappears. Helmet reappears when coming out of the water. Scopes; for the weapons possibly need tweaking, like better zoom? As is, they are hard to use IMO. Update: BTW, got them working after updating the game and moving them around. R3F needs to be first, I think.
  4. Ok... Tinkered around, still no dice. RHS seems to remain, same as CUP weapons, EricJ weapons, etc, but none of these 2 mods (R3F & French SF) seem to hold sway. Nothing in the game, nothing in the VA, yet when I unchecked them in Launcher and tried to continue a game, I noticed the popup saying how multiple parts of the mod, like the GIGN, were no longer present, even though there were no signs of any of the equipment, neither in VA nor in my support module... If I list all the mods I have, would that help? EDIT: To make it a bit easier, I can list the mods and the link to them? ---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ---------- ATH have no armour values.
  5. Marks DLC is out. Unless we can rebind the key, pressing C will deploy the bipod...
  6. I currrently have a few mods which I assume do not have effect on this, but RHS Escalation mod is installed, and I believe it is the reason why your uniforms mod and French weapons mod pack do not work. Is there a possibility of a compatibility patch, or permission for RHS to possibly add the content, (Assuming they want to)? - Regards, NinjaDemon05 (Ninja05)