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About ripteh1337

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  1. Coalition is: A group of people, groups, or countries who have joined together for a common purpose. Hello,we are Pandorum Gaming! We are multi-game community that has recently started a Arma 3 branch after acquiring a public server. After bringing in two units we are looking to continue the concept of a coalition. We would like to have multiple units playing on the same server with a common purpose, but they can do so within their existing groups. I would be interested in talking with other leaders/units and seeing if its possible to find a way to bring in other units under a common coalition and work together. We are looking to bring in leaders with units as equals in the future decision making process of the unit. Everything under Pandorum Gaming is done via community representatives, and there is no one man has complete control situations, this applies to our Arma unit as well. This obviously will not work with mil-sim units with bloated egos. What we offer: -500 slot teamspeak server -Arma 3 dedicated public server (with 3 devs, and 2 mission makers) -Pandorum Gamings multiple gaming communities which have active players and community meetings. What we are looking for is: Units/Communities willing to discuss the possibility of combing hardware/players to create a coalition of different play styles. I think the best place to start is to set up teamspeak meetings and just go from there. Best way to reach me to set up a meeting is to talk to me through steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Grizmatik What is "Mil-Sim"? Mil-sim in our eyes, is using basic military structure and tactics in arma to achieve a common goal. So for instance a mil-sim operation would involve everyone breaking up into squads, lead by a squad leader. The squad leader would be briefed by HQ on todays objectives, then the unit goes out as a whole and attempts to complete their objectives. We don't set the objectives to just be "kill,kill,kill,kill", there is always a story line and always interaction with AI that will be none combat based. We discuss this more later on. What is our vision and how do we plan to separate ourselves from other communities?: To create a milsim unit that will operate in 3 different divisions with equal leadership among divisions (Meaning "Division A" isn’t better than "Division B", and vice-versa, while each division will have equal leadership representation in decision making in the future of the unit. We envision the 3 divisions to be the following: 1.Infantry Division as main assault squad with access to special vehicles such as Tanks/IFVs that are unable to other divisions. WIll also be providing main humanitarian support and interaction with local civilian populations. 2.Special Forces Division which will be reserved for the most active players and high risk missions. The SFGs will be limited in vehicles, but will get access to gear unavailable to the infantry division. 3.A rotary/fixed wing division that will provide active transport and support on operations/off days. (UH-60M, CH-47, AH-64D, Little Bird will all have available openings when the unit opens its 3 divisions) 4.Civilians will also be an option throughout operations, people who wish to role play civilians will get a small script of what to say at certain times (to push the operation forward), the rest will be left up to the individual to make the interaction fun. (These roles will be heavily monitored and if successful, over time we will allow civilians to role play working with opposition forces, and actually attack Blufor forces). To keep thing balanced in terms of roles/divisions, there will be tradeoff between being active in one division over another. For instance, if you qualify to be a marksman/sniper, being in the infantry division would allow you to take bolt action rifles or DMR’s depending on the operation. If you were special forces instead of infantry you would be forced to only uses DMRs as special forces are expected to be using tactics and not relying on weaponry.We intend to add many similar checks and balances to the system to keep choices fair, fun, and most important, meaningful. What my group is looking to offer to any unit, of any size (including individuals), is the ability to help contribute to a new community as equals. We will need two qualified people to head up two of the three divisions (Infantry/Rotary). How will Operations work?: Operation Days: Saturdays/ TBD (To be determined) Time: 11:00 (AM EST)/ TBD (To be determined) Operations will be dynamic stories that we will tell over a series of weekends. We will have developed story that will involve heavily on civilian interaction and role play and have a storyline that will be dynamic based of the units success or failure as a whole. The events that happen on operation days will be monitored by a dedicated Zeus who will document everything and relay it to the mission editor to change the game for next week. We don’t plan to always play as the U.S. Army forever though. When enough people get bored of playing the U.S. Army in every different map/scenario then we are willing to do fun scenarios on OP day. We are planning to do role play events where most players are blufor and some players will be civilians roleplaying terrorist. Even if they may be extremely different than what we normally do. We don’t want things to get static, especially in ranks and operations. Will Operations be every Saturday/Second day? ( Second Day to be determined) Yes. What we can offer to you as a group is: A.) Diversity, especially in gameplay: We will only play as our assigned units on operations days (Saturdays). Which means during the week, we may play as civilians who are terrorist, or do patrol ops, pvp, we may play as opfor on some days and get a completely different experience and playstyle. We don’t want to be limited or tied down to just the U.S. Army structure as our only playstyle. We want the U.S. Army structure to be the foundation, not the entirety of the structure. B.) Experience. My unit started as a bunch of friends on a life server who wanted more than obnoxious people to play with. So they created a Special Operations unit on that server and formed a milsim group within. As we expanded in PvP milsim, we aimed to be disciplined during operations but have fun during down time. I could ramble about our experience in game, but its truly irrelevant to the experience we bring out of game. How will ranks work?: We will be using the standard U.S. Army ranks. No one will be given a rank they have not earned, ranks will be used as a badge of experience more than anything. For example, our co-owners, and those leaders who merge with us and bring a unit, will be given equal ranks that scale to the number of active players on. There will never be one person making all the decisions, we are again trying to create a coalition that will incorporate different units working together. Having a high rank will not guarantee you leadership roles within the unit, and not having the lowest rank will not disqualify you from leadership roles. Leadership roles will be given to those who show leadership (that doesn’t mean giving people orders just because you want to be squad lead next). We currently have this as a temporary example of how promotions should work. 1. Before completing Basic Training all recruits are rank [PVT.] 2. After completing Basic, recruits are now soldiers and [PV2.] 3. After completing one Advanced School (currently 6, not counting fixed/rotary) [PFC.] 4. After completing a second Advanced School, and completing 2 Operations [sPC.] 5. After completing a third Advanced School, and completing an additional 3 Operations [sGT.] 6. Similar structure until E-9. No more advanced schools required after [sGT.] To make it clear, when you rank up to [sGT] you are not guaranteed to lead squads. We will only give leadership roles to those who clearly deserve it, and it will be based on availability.To make it fair to those who can’t make it on Saturdays, we will offer partial credit for promotions to those who show up on off days and want to do an un-official operation (amount to be decided). WO1-WO5 will be for the Aviation division. The Officer Ranks will only become available after we reach 20 active members and we can start breaking up into larger number of squads/fire teams. Is basic training hours long and designed to be-little my gaming experience?: Absolutely not, basic training will just make sure that you. 1.) Have your correct key bindings set up 2.)Understand how to open/use your radio 3.)Understand the basics on moving together as a squad 4.)Understand the basics of room to room clearing with a team That is it, with a completely new group maybe takes a hour at most, with people who have arma experience, 30-45, most of which is getting people on the same page of how to talk/walk together.
  2. Squad name:Pandorum Gaming Timezone/location : NA / US EAST Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op Contact email:pandorumgaming@live.com Website address:http://pandorumgaming.net Short description:We are a new-ish community that opened up an Arma3 Division, we have around 12 members that are running a public Insurgency Server, we are a mil-sim unit with three divisions, be sure to check our website for more information Language: English
  3. ripteh1337

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    Just picked up Arma3 Extended Edition on Steam for 50% :) can't wait for this upcoming dlc and to play some Arma!