Every time I try to launch Arma 3, Arma 3 Workshop Content starts updating. It won't let me launch the game until the download finishes, it is a stinking 9.2 Gigabyte download, and the funny thing is, I am NOT subscribed to ANY mods! Everytime I launch steam, it tries to do a 9.2 gig Workshop update, not even a regular Arma 3 update, an update for mods I'm not even subscribed to anymore! It's extremely annoying, and obviously, I don't even play half my mods anymore, so I unsubscribed from them. I've tried moving, deleting local content, then reinstalling Arma 3 from existing content, which works temporarily, where I can launch Arma 3, no problem, without any Workshop Content updates, but as soon as I restart my computer, or steam, same thing happens all over again. Arma 3 Workshop content tries to download with 9.2 gigs worth of updates, and won't let me launch Arma 3. :/ Anyone know what the heck is going on?