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Everything posted by sodien

  1. Is this the only way? Changing mission params never work in dedi lobby?
  2. Hello, thank you all for this framework, it is very easy to use and a great foundation for making missions. It have also greatly accelerated my understanding of scripting. I am trying to extend the time that you are downed before bleeding out and dying with the F3 simple wounding system, I believe what I need to change is in the fn_LifeTick.sqf but I am unsure exactly what and would appreciate some insight. // ticker for life, calculates death and blood. while {alive _unit} do { _downed = _unit getVariable ["f_wound_down",false]; _bleeding = _unit getVariable ["f_wound_bleeding",false]; _blood = _unit getVariable ["f_wound_blood",100]; if(_bleeding && damage _unit < 0.26) then { // stops units from not being able to first aid. _unit setdamage 0.26; }; if(_downed || _bleeding) then { // blood loss _unit setVariable ["f_wound_blood",_blood - 0.6 max 0]; if(damage _unit < 0.251) then { _unit setDamage 0.251}; if(getBleedingRemaining _unit <= 0) then { _unit setBleedingRemaining 10;}; } else { // blood regens. _unit setVariable ["f_wound_blood",_blood + 0.6 min 100]; }; if(_blood <= 0) then { _unit setdamage 1; }; sleep 1; }; This is where I think I need to change things.
  3. sodien

    Tactics to counter rockets?

    Fast is a good start and low prevents you from getting spotted and locked. If you have to fly into a danger zone, the slower you need to go( eg. for a landin) the lower you need to be, of course this makes you more vulnerable to things that normally don't target you. I would estimate that less than 20% of the AA launched at me hits when I fly solo, and that percentage is a lot lower when I have my co-pilot that I can work closely with. There are my personal guidelines. Always know where the highest concentration of enemies are. If you need to get close, get low or high(300m+). If you are going in for a landing in a hot area where missiles are likely, have one or more planned paths of high acceleration that lets you mask and doesn't result in you gaining altitude. Never ever slow down below 70-ish% of march speed, this way if you notice incoming missiles you have a decent base speed to use for evading. When locked: If conditions are good you will notice a lock-on signal before the missile is launched. Pick up speed and prepare to react! Incoming missile: Your first task is, of course, to drop flares as you already know. I usually pop as many flares as I can afford(this depends on the missions rules for resupply but rarely do I deploy more than 3 bursts). Next on your list is to get out of the space you previously occupied. If you are flying at a high speed, push your nose down and start a turn away from where the missile is coming from(if you have not managed to do so make a guess, turning towards the missile is better than not turning). Note that you do not want to make to sharp a turn as that will kill speed and make you an easy target for missile number 2. When you are flying at medium or low speeds but at a reasonable height for a landing or such, but have yet started to bleed to much speed, you want to make a sharp turn and dive as sharply as the terrain allows, to pick up speed and if the flares didn't work it will increase the chance to put something between you and the missile. As with high speed evasion, if you can, move away from the direction of the launcher. Should you find yourself in the final stages of landing, you need to make a extremely sharp turn and quick flare(as in stop the heli) and set down. Setting down is the fastest way to get safer if you have a good understanding of your LZ and have practiced "panic" landings. As you get more comfortable with making snap calls in these situations your mortality rate will drop dramatically In short: Before missile; altitude, speed and battlefield awareness. During missile; drop flares, displace your helicopter, escape.
  4. sodien

    Play with six

    When you are done being frustrated, maybe you should post an actual question and information. If you want help that is. Playwithsix while at times unstable, it's worst crime is crashing and hanging. And while it can be frustrating it is a very helpful program. If you are stuck in loading screen it is likely that you have a bad mod.
  5. Hi armadude. My small group uses MCC Sandbox mod for admin purposes. You can not revive,(although I think you can make a re-spawn position). You get a lot of features you don't really need but it's very handy to fix issues when mission breaks, teleport players for different reasons etc. Everyone in the group needs to have it installed for some functions like teleport. While only the host needs it for spawning stuff.
  6. sodien

    co10 Escape

    Will there be native support for CUP once they(/you too?) get a stable release of all branches? My small coop-group is slowly recovering from summer gaming-hiatus, and we are eagerly awaiting the additional polish the next version will bring.
  7. sodien

    Upgrade from i7 860 to i5 6600k

    vasudan, Are these averages with Steam overlay off and the Arma 3 process running on high priority? (and ofc shadows on high or more.) ps. nice FS nick
  8. sodien

    Odd heli behavior

    As of latest patch, seemlingly at random a landed heli will raise collective when landed and start to float. Am I missing something? The hows: It happens when I have landed, I as I always do hold down 'Down Collective' for a few sec to make sure that the heli is stable on the ground and will not float or skid. Then without no apparent input it will start floating, I can be in map, trying to write a chat message or even 'ESC' out into the options menu. So if anything changed or I am being a dumb please enlighten me.
  9. sodien

    Odd heli behavior

    I use CBA, shacktack stamina and the radar/compass thingy. And I haven't remapped the keys since I last flew 10ish daysago (was fine then). Replication: Land in a slope with minimal elevation a few degrees should be enough. Hold Z as you always do after touching down. Don't press any button what soever. Within a moment you can hear the engine sound alter a bit and you will start skidding. Tested with hummingbird and hellcat on 2 different missions. Had a friend try to replicate it successfully. It seems like the thing that earlier "locked" the collective on down when you had landed stopped working.
  10. sodien

    co10 Escape

    With RPT he means https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma.RPT a log file that lets him read what went wrong(hopefully). He suffers from being to familiar with arma stuffs and isn't used to ppl not knowing the lingo. :)
  11. sodien

    co10 Escape

    What we use:
  12. sodien

    co10 Escape

    It will just default to the servers difficulty, change AI skill in difficulty on host client if using listed server, or if dedicated add aiLevelPreset=X; (X can be 0, 1, 2 or 3. 0 easier ai and 3 lets you add more commands to customize your AI, more info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169122-AI-Configuration-feedback&p=2639166&viewfull=1#post2639166 ) to your server config. Also I highly recommend using ASR AI, it micromanages the AI in firefight and movements without messing with escapes "commander script". Giving you more interesting engagements.
  13. After you have saved the cfg you will need to check the box "launch as if". If you don't TADST will overwrite all files with the current profiles variables. This might help; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server&p=2947673&viewfull=1#post2947673
  14. Many of the large servers have very restricted view distances, which favors air immensely as they can just spam the lock-on button while pointing the nose in the general radar direction of your AA tank, outside of render distance.. It's been a while since I played PvP but at that point there was also radar radius issues, where AA radars had very small radius compared to air. Like stated, it's up to the mission maker and server hosts to find a way to balance their scenarios.
  15. there are many communities/clans that run coop missions on set times. There are also a lot of public servers running large capture the island coops, dynamic generated battlefield scenarions or smaller mission by mission coops. If you have a few friends playing arma with minimal effort you can get a lot out of running 2-10 man coop missions hosted on a listed server.
  16. sodien

    Machinima Making in ArmA III

    Maybe something like this? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23296 I saw another camera mod or script recently released but I can't remember what mission was using it.
  17. I was almost at the end of the thread trying to find a solution for my problem, when one of my network knowledgeable friends helped me see my dumb. So I figured I would post the issue and solution here. Issue; People can't connect to dedicated server on my second computer but can on my primary. I wanted to switch from listed server to hosting my group sessions on one of my other computers as a dedicated server but non of my friends could see the server in the browser or remote connect to it, but I could LAN connect to it. Solution; You can't have your router port forward the same ports(were using default ports on both), either remove the forwarding from one of your computers or change the servers port and forwards on one of them. I assume that the first added port forward is the one that takes precedent in most router software's. -------- My secondary computer is in no way a powerful machine but the offloading the burden of hosting has raised my average fps by 30-40%, so if you are on the fence about bothering to setup one of your old computers, I strongly encourage you to at least try, there are plenty of helpful info and people in this thread so worst case is if your old computer is too old, would be interesting to know how old a computer can host a 4-10 player coop without lagging to much. Also for people hosting a server for their small communities that don't need a 24/7 server I recommend this: Login as Administrator: (You will need to run Arma3server.exe as "Administrator" or "System". Battleye requires it.) Install the latest version of DirectX. Create the following empty directories. D:\Apps\Steam D:\Games\ArmA3 [*]Download steamcmd.exe unpack it and save it to your targetted Steam install directory (E.g D:\Apps\Steam) [*]Run the steamcmd.exe. (This will download and install the required steam files to your custom steam directory) [*]Type login USERNAME PASSWORD to login, I used a freshly created account with no affiliations with arma, it is very possible that you don't even have to login at all. [*]Type force_install_dir "D:\Games\ArmA3" This selects where steamcmd.exe will install what you are about to download. [*]Type app_update "233780 -beta" This will only download the files needed for hosting a server and is a bit over 2 gb. If you want your sever using a full version of the game or dev branch look at Terox's OP section 3. (You can add validate at the end to validate your install, I assume this is the same function as validating your game files in steam.) [*]Add firewall rules for the UDP ports (See OP for specified info about ports). [*]Download TADST http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST) and install it into your server folder. [*]Follow the 1 min setup tutorial in the TADST thread or fill in these bare essentials: Server Name Password Admin Password Server File(eg. arma3server.exe) [*]Add a mission to your server by putting a mission file into the MPmissions folder in ...games\arma3\ and checking it's box in the Missions tab in TADST(you can load any mission in the MPmissions folder but the ones with checked boxes will be in the rotation). [*]Prove the stability of your server by starting a mission and run it for a few min. [*]Now you can add mods by installing the mod folders into ...\games\arma3 and enabling them in the Mods tab of TADST. [*]Tweak the settings in TADST to your liking, there are tool-tips for almost everything. Then save your profile. [*]TADST is, however, a bit out of date at the moment(6/6 -15) so the AI skill and precision settings are no longer working. What you need to do instead is after you save your settings go to ...games\arma3\TADST\default\users\default and open default.arma3profile here you want to clean out the lines saying (more than 1 each) skillFriendly skillEnemy precisionFriendly precisionEnemy [*]And replace them with aiLevelPreset=X; (X can be 0, 1, 2 or 3. 0 easier ai and 3 lets you add more commands to customize your AI, more info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169122-AI-Configuration-feedback&p=2639166&viewfull=1#post2639166 ) [*]Now switch back to your TADST window and check the box "launch as is" this will prevent TADST from overwriting your changes in default.arma3profile with the default profile of TADST(When ever you want to change a setting on the server you will need to set it up and save it, and then go through this step again.) Note: I have yet to be able to test aiLevelPreset in a meaning full way or this work-around, and so, this is mostly info gathered while reading up on AI difficulty settings and are possibly completely wrong. Burrowed some of the list and info from Terox's OP as well as inspiration from [*]Oracle at Firedaemon HOWTOs http://forums.firedaemon.com/howtos/arma-3.115/ [*]Tophe's TADST threadhttp://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST) [*]Jackson Snow's post here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST)&p=2910304&viewfull=1#post2910304 [*]The community wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server You should now have a server to play on with your friends. Please let me know if you followed this and something didn't work out so I can tweak the instructions.
  18. sodien

    co10 Escape

    Hey, still enjoying 1.7.3 can't wait for .4 to fix some minor annoyances. I have noticed that the UAV soldiers quad rotors are not compatible with their terminals. (My sample size is only 4-5 attempts, CSAT and Greenbacks). If when I cycle through the 3 different(identical) terminals that I can get with an arsenal mod one is working and the other two does not. You understand classes etc better than me, but I hope I conveyed the issue. Would not mind a bit more MX ammo in the additional ammo boxes at depot so more than one person can use MX. Would love to see support for HLC mod packs, they are the most polished weapons I've used and I don't mind not changing uniforms. I think the RHS is to much of a work in progress to get a decent end user experience out of it. Lastly unrelated, I think, can I turn off wildlife somehow? There are so many hares in 1.44 it must be eating some of my frames.
  19. sodien

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Something broke with the latest arma patch. When I try to locally host a game with RHS: escalation the game freezes when pressing "OK" in the server setup screen. Don't know why it happens, but Action Button Mod had the same issue with the previous patch that he/she resolved swiftly.
  20. sodien

    co10 Escape

    Ok, thanks for the answer. Suggestion, have the "No NV/TWS" parameter allow NV googles. I think that during certain conditions, the game is rather pointless without the ability to use NV googles, however I think TWS is to effective for infantry combat and think it puts to much slack on the tension.
  21. sodien

    co10 Escape

    Tried opening up a few RHS-LOP missions, but only the russians spawned. Not a single LOP unit or any greenFOR, for that matter, unit on the map.
  22. sodien

    Action Button Mod

    Hello, This mod seems like a great relief and streamlining for game-play. However, after trying out your mod in editor and giving it my seal of approval, I decided to add it to my groups small collection of must have mods. But I can not host a game when I have ABM enabled. I tried other fixes first from around the web, but finally disabling ABM made my issues go away. What I know: Error occurred on April 10th. Using the version hosted on withSix. Starting missions in Editor and SP etc is fine. Hosting a LAN server is fine. Hosting a local Internet server is not fine, the game freezes as you press 'OK' in the screen where you give your server a name and password. No error messages, game freezes for, the longest I let it be was ~5min. As far as I can tell it makes little sense that your mod is the culprit but all evidence points to that. Mods we run: @CBA (1.20.150408) @mcc_sandbox_a3 @sthud_a3 @st_gi @st_Nametags @st_stamina_bar
  23. We are playing the 1.6 version from armaholic, there is no indication in the OP here or on armaholic that there is a newer version. Yes there is, you must have it confused with something else. I don't know which units spawn with RPG and which with Titan, but there is ALMOST always a RPG soldier in the troop transport trucks. Thank you for responding.
  24. Hello, me and my small group of people play this quite often so I would like to provide some feedback. We are usually 2-6 players and most of our players are at a very fairly low level. (We use 1-3 player setting for 1-5 players and 4-6 when people are in a good mood and want to try something extra hard.) First off, thanks this is a very fun scenario with alot of sporadic tension. We feel like it would be nice with one additional weapon in spawn, sometimes you get a bad spawn or the guy who picks up the weapon gets annihilated in seconds, sometimes you scramble and get back on track thanks to the pistol but it is not always possible depending on how much ammo etc on the the inside fence guard. This is especially apparent when playing 4-6 or 7-8, as a lot of the group is just standing around hoping randomness and player skill align so they get to play. I don't want it to change to much but I would suggest that the inside fence guard spawns with a backpack containing a disposable weapon. Like a SMG and 2-4 mags. The inside the fence guard can sometimes spawn as a rifleman with 47 total bullets for the MK20 and 9 bullets for the pistol. These scenarios are almost impossible to get out of spawn if you got a location with a lot of cover and concealment for the outside fence guards. A less random 'inside the fence guard could prevent this. Altis is very flat in most places compared to cheranus that is the origin for this scenario. the most significant change this has on game-play is tanks, apcs and MRAPs. If you get a spawn that is close to a road or on a very flat surface the probability that you will take HMG, grenade or tank shell fire within 5 min of spawn is very high. Most of the time it is impossible to get away with all your players alive. What to do about this is tricky, for sometimes facing heavy firepower like this with nothing to fightback can give a lot of awesome tension in the session. But I propose one of these two tweaks; (1) Disable all tanks, apcs, MRAPs for the first 5-10 minutes of the scenario, that way if you tally to long you still get punished but you have a chance to move towards areas with cover or away from roads if you spawned close to one. (2) Have one of the outside the fence guards spawn with a launcher, ideally this would be a disposable launcher but as there are none I would suggest a RPG with 1 AT round, to give the players a shot while still giving them to worst possible tools. If you get close to a mortar base of fire, they will stay in the mortar and effectively shell themselves with no regard for their own life. In addition it would be nice if, at least larger, military bases spawned a launcher box with a PCML or RPG and 1-4 rockets. Last I would like to see more RPGs and PCMLs and less Titans. Titans are not as interesting game-play-wise. ------- I am just going to list the bugs we have seen; The items of 'inside fence guard' can only be picket up by the person who loots him first. If anyone tries to grab the pistol or a grenade from him while the 'first' player is looting the weapon and ammo etc. the items and pistol just disappear. Similar but unknown if related or even caused by your scenario, at some point in the mission reloading causes magazines to just disappear instead of getting loaded into the gun and then any attempt to loot a body results in the items getting deleted. At unknown points in the scenario (often escalating but sometimes happening a few times and then never again) the revive script seems to break down and not teleporting players back to the spot they died, just leaving them to fall into the ocean. (Most likely AI related) but at several point the search heli has gone into a spinning wobble and has stayed in that spinning wobble for a very long time and after that point we don't see it ever again.