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Everything posted by donelsarjo

  1. Well I would suggest that it happens because you are running a script transferring ownership to hc and the triggers are not "connected" to the AI anymore. Create the AI and triggers directly via script on the hc or adjust the hc-script. A hc is not needed if you have less than 100 AI ( depending on your server ) In my opinion.
  2. Yes it is possible.Get the authors permission or look for a license and start fooling around in your favorite text editor. Well as long as you do not publish stuff you can actually do anything you want :P (unofficial) Try some tutorials I do not expect the script to be very complicated. YouTube is a great source for lazy people. Or of course the biki:)
  3. donelsarjo

    Cant seem to roll

    Q and E while prone ?
  4. donelsarjo

    Are my start up parameters correct?

    Deactivating the steam overlay and turning off unnecessary programs also helps.I gain 2 fps turning of my second monitor . I bet Arma runs much better without 20 browser tabs open :P Sometimes a restart of your PC helps to minimize lags ( micro freezes) if your PC was running a long time with different applications been used before.
  5. donelsarjo

    Are my start up parameters correct?

    Ssd works wonders in case of micro lags and loading time, although I guess you already know that. But if you can't afford one try defragmentating your hdd.
  6. donelsarjo

    Zeus and other.

    Set the owner for MP? Enable unofficial content?
  7. donelsarjo

    New Assets

    Yes. As soon as they encrypt them. Wait for about 3-4 months (that's what it took the marksman dlc to get .pbo-ed)
  8. donelsarjo

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    ... hit the filelimit ... that is the reason
  9. donelsarjo

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    on my side, server 1 works fine with IFA3lite. unfortuantelly server 2 with tushino mods does not work, although it did with 1.60 ...
  10. donelsarjo

    Windows DS APEX troubleshooting

    Ah you are right. I hate copying from putty ssh...
  11. donelsarjo

    Windows DS APEX troubleshooting

    For the apex protocol missions this is impossible. Maybe they where playing a different mission o.O
  12. donelsarjo

    Windows DS APEX troubleshooting

    here is the full code so you don't have to write it yourself:
  13. donelsarjo

    Windows DS APEX troubleshooting

    class exp_m01 { template = exp_m01.tanoa; difficulty = "Regular"; }; up to 07 Credits to Uro from the discord windows server channel of Arma 3
  14. donelsarjo

    ETA On Apex Release?

    Sitrep #163:
  15. Sorry I tried but with my phone it kind of refreshes the formatting o.OJust have a look at the github stuff
  16. If you want to have the zoom on community maps try this : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186952-strategic-map-module-zoom/ I am sorry if the formating of m posts is shit, I am writing from my phone :P //edit OK formatting got fucked up seriously. Just look at the code on github: https://github.com/DonElSarjo/fata_4_public.fata/blob/master/strmp.sqf
  17. This is how I made it. Save this as a sqf and add this action: This addaction ["open map", "openmap.sqf"]
  18. Try the event handler "HipPart" it returns the position a object was hit at.Create a sphere there and spawn a sleep with a delete vehicle command and check the distance between the bullseye and the impact point.
  19. Don't forget to lowercase if necessary!
  20. Start steamcmd.sh: ./steamcmd.sh Login in steam with your account: login <username> <password> Download the mod you are looking for: workshop_download_item 107410 660460283 (First number is the ID for Arma 3 Client and the second number the ID of the mod ironfront) When done downloading terminate steamcmd: Crtl+C Navigate to download dir (for me it was this): cd steamapps/workshop/content/107410/660460283 Copy to desired dir (for me it was this): cp -R * /opt/arma3server1/serverfiles/@ifa3lite
  21. donelsarjo

    DES Elevator

    *Update* for changelog see first post
  22. donelsarjo

    DES Elevator

    @Electricleash coming soon : class CfgVehicles { class House_F; //tanoa buildings #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_MultistoryBuilding_03_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_MultistoryBuilding_04_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_Shop_City_04_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_Shop_City_05_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_Hotel_02_F.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\tanoa\Land_Cathedral_01_F.hpp" //cup misc #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\misc\Land_OrlHot.hpp" //cup european #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\european\Land_Mil_House.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\european\Land_Mil_House_dam.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\european\Land_A_MunicipalOffice.hpp" //cup middle eastern #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Mil_House_EP1.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Mil_House_dam_EP1.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan2_01.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan2_02.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan2_03.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan2_04a.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan4_big.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan4_big_inverse.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan4.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan2_03a.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan4_detaily1.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan4_inverse.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_istan3_hromada.hpp" #include "\des\elevator\buildings\cup\middleEastern\Land_Dum_mesto3_istan.hpp" }; //edit: editing done -> now testing
  23. donelsarjo

    DES Elevator

    Maybe in the near future I will make some Cup A1/A2 buildings "accessible", if there are any :P If you have wishes regarding tanoa buildings u can post them here.
  24. donelsarjo

    Turn City Lights Off

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24220 Should still work.
  25. Hey :) I have a strange problem. I am trying to make the teleportscript for going on the roof of buildings work via addon. I have a condition and an action set up to teleport up and down a certain building. the problem is that the math does not seem to work out... have a look class CfgVehicles { class House_F; class Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F : House_F { class UserActions { class DES_GetUpBalcony { displayName = "Go to balcony"; displayNameDefault = "Go to balcony"; priority = 3; radius = 40; position = "camera"; showWindow = 1; onlyForPlayer = 1; shortcut = ""; // the first position is a door. i made a vector (rotateable around z depending on the direction of the building) pointing to it. i check the distance between the player and the doorposition. // if the house is at pos [0,0,0] and has dir 0°: [-17.502,17.920,1] is a little bit in front of the door. // strangely they always have an random offset [x+, y+, z+]. also with the teleport pos. condition = " [ (getPos this select 0) + ((-17.502) * cos (-getDir this) - (-17.920) * sin (-getDir this)), (getPos this select 1) + ((-17.502) * sin (-getDir this) + (-17.920) * cos (-getDir this)), 1 ] distance getPos player <= 8 "; statement = "player setPos [ (getPos this select 0) + ((-12.77) * cos (-getDir this) - (-17.7124) * sin (-getDir this)), (getPos this select 1) + ((-12.77) * sin (-getDir this) + (-17.7124) * cos (-getDir this)), 6.37 ]"; }; class DES_GetDownBalcony { displayName = "Go downstairs"; displayNameDefault = "Go downstairs"; priority = 3; radius = 40; position = "camera"; showWindow = 1; onlyForPlayer = 1; shortcut = ""; condition = "[ (getPos this select 0) + ((-12.385) * cos (-getDir this) - (-17.991) * sin (-getDir this)), (getPos this select 1) + ((-12.385) * sin (-getDir this) + (-17.991) * cos (-getDir this)), 7.4 ] distance getPos player <= 8"; statement = "player setPos [ (getPos this select 0) + ((-17.502) * cos (-getDir this) - (-17.920) * sin (-getDir this)), (getPos this select 1) + ((-17.502) * sin (-getDir this) + (-17.920) * cos (-getDir this)), 0 ]"; }; . . . }; }; };