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Everything posted by Ulfgaar
How to open the Land_DataTerminal_01_F (Data-Terminal) Nexus Update
Ulfgaar replied to KokaKolaA3's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I got it working with this and using triggers: (Placed in trigger activation field) ------------------------------------ _video = "<Video_file.ogv>"; _screen = <screen_name>; _screen setObjectTexture [0, _video]; [_video, [10, 10]] call BIS_fnc_playVideo; ------------------------------------ // Write the variable-/videofile name without the < > . // The video file obviously needs to be in the mission folder. This means I can add an "addaction" or an "holdaddaction" to whatever object, and with a trigger, i can start said video on whatever screen want without having to go up to it and start it. No need for an .sqf file with script either. Works like a charm, and as an added bonus - its visible to everyone (not only the ones starting it). Excellent for ingame video briefs/viewing intel/etc, where people as an example sit in chairs, while the "officer" standing infront of them can go over to a laptop and start "this" and then everyone can watch it together. Quite nice 🙂 -
ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE
Ulfgaar replied to acemod's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
It was, thus the edit in the original post 🙂 -
How to open the Land_DataTerminal_01_F (Data-Terminal) Nexus Update
Ulfgaar replied to KokaKolaA3's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So, im trying to have a briefing room where people can sit in the chairs and watch a video rolling on the screen in front of them. The problem is however, that the addaction makes it so that you need to go up to the screen to activate it. Is it possible to make it so that the addaction is tied to a different object, but the video/pictures are shown on the screens? Said object being like the chair - so once they sit in the chairs - they can click the chairs add action to start the video on the screen? Quite curious here, as this seems to be something that can be done, im just so very unsure on how - as i am to no surprise, not a natural born scripter. Any help will be recieved with gratitude 🙂 -
Dedicated - Server error: Player without identity
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - SERVERS & ADMINISTRATION
Sooo...anyone with an idea, thought, solution or experience with this?- 4 replies
- server error
- player without identity
- (and 2 more)
ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE
Ulfgaar replied to acemod's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
So, this is apparently a "thing" now. Was not like this yesterday, but today im having BattlEye block stuff from ACE3: 05.02.2019 19:29:46 - Blocked loading of file 'D:\Spill\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410\463939057\ace_fcs_x64.dll' 05.02.2019 19:29:46 - Blocked loading of file 'D:\Spill\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410\463939057\ace_advanced_ballistics_x64.dll' Yes, this is game breaking, as the games wont load - not even in editor. Or, more precicely - i get into the game for one sec, then the game quits with this error message: Not sure on who's end this must be solved, be it the ACE team or BattlEye, but hoping its solved quickly. ACE is an epic mod, and would very much prefer to continue using it. -
Image to white board Why size
Ulfgaar replied to snniper's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22970 Downloadable template. -
ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE
Ulfgaar replied to acemod's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Anyone know of a fix for this, or how to sort it in the new ACE options CBA collab menues? Im having problems adjusting the view distance in game when this mod is active now. I can adjust this in the ACE menu for view range - but, even tho i can see farther and objects render farther away - the map itself gets all weird. Its almost like a LOD problem with the world looking really weird (floating rocks/hills now showing/water being jagged at the shorelines and often covering what clearly is land. Lakes not appearing where there should be lakes etc. My ingame settings are also maxed out, but it seems that this has no actuall effect in game atm. https://imgur.com/fO70urj (Se link for example, no bullshit link - distance here is about 5-7km'ish). This is somewhat annoying, as when i try turn off ACE view distance module - i end up being locked to like 3-4km view range, no matter how much i max out my ingame video settings. Anyone here that know how to fix this? Its sort of game breaking, especially for aircrafts/drones. -
Anyone know of a fix for this, or how to sort it in the new ACE options CBA collab menues? setViewDistance 12000; setObjectViewDistance 12000; This sorts the view distance problem, but im still having what i can only think of as LOD problems. As in the oceans shorelines not showing properly, and only gaining their visual self when im like within a km. It makes the map look really weird and jaggy - i find ACE3s view distance module to be very interfering with the game, and i cannot seem to figure out how to fix it and use ACE at the same time. No matter how much i tweak the ACE view distance menu, or the ingame view distance options - its locked to like 3-4km when having the ACE view distance off. When i turn it on, i get better view distance and object rendering. I get the same by using the local exec commands mentioned above - but both still gives me the LOD problem with the world looking really weird (floating rocks/hills now showing/water being jagged at the shorelines and often covering what clearly is land. Lakes not appearing where there should be lakes etc. My ingame settings are also maxed out, but it seems that this has no actuall effect in game atm. Any help with this will be appreciated. I love ACE for all its other functions - but this is sort of a game breaking problem. This screenshot is from from the A10 while flying it while testing in the eden editor - aiming at a place about 5-6km off. Blue circles are odd stuff.. https://imgur.com/fO70urj
Thanks, did not notice this - much appreciated :D
Found this, as im looking to do the same - but my problem is to set it to a certain loiter path and stick to said height - as even when i use FlyinheightASL 1500 on the waypoint before it - which makes it fly at 1500m flat - it nosedives downto like 50 meters once it reaches the loiter waypoint. What i have discovered however, is that a waypoints completion radios = the loiter radius of a UAV when using waypoints in the editor. But, in short - it seemingly "never" reaches the loiter waypoint, as it starts circling around it as it should, but at the same time - not activating the "on activation" code of said waypoint, thus not setting the flyinheighASL altitude :/ Anyone found a resonable and "failsafe" solution for this yet?
How to check if a unit is not in a vehicle?
Ulfgaar replied to Pie015's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Does this still work, and does it apply to Arma 3 as well? -
Native Map Objects IDs changing with updates
Ulfgaar posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Made a few vanilla missions (with DLCs) where im using object ID's to have my players interact with certain objects native to the map. My problem is that with pretty much every update where the maps have been "polished" in some way or had more objects added to them - the object ID's change and their numbers are scewed with a few digits. This ofc fucks over my mission i a severely bad way - as triggers and events depending on said object having the correct ID - suddenly wont work, as the objects ID has changed. So "blowing up" said object - wont activate the trigger, as the object now has a different ID than what the trigger is waiting for. Please fix this - as i've spent ages on making these missions which i was about to publish on steam workshop. Now however, after discovering this - it seems there is no point in publishing the missions, as they will only work up until the next time an update on the map is put into play. The big question for my sake is, why does old objects need to get new ID's when new objects are added or old ones removed? Having this happen really fucks stuff up for me as a mission creator (now that i finally figured out how to use native objects on the map as part of my missions). *sadface* //Ulfgaar -
Hello folks! I've encountered an issue which is making problems for my mission - and I think it explains former problems I’ve had also in previous missions I’ve made (multiplayer missions, hosted on dedicated servers - or local). When making missions, I at times use triggers to recognize that a specific group is either in a vehicle, or has departed a vehicle. To do this, I use the following codes. This one I use to link an entire Unit to a said "group", for script/coding purposes when it comes to triggers etc. <GROUP> = group this; This one I use to detect if said above named "group" has entered the vehicle. This particular one, checks group for "dead" people, so it will only count members still alive in the group. This is normally put into the triggers condition, to then activate the trigger. {_x in <VEHICLE>} count units <GROUP> == {alive _x} count units <GROUP>; This one is as the one above, just for detecting when said "group" has left a given vehicle. {_x in <VEHICLE>} count (units <GROUP>) == 0; In my latest mission, i've also added the "onPlayerkilled.sqf" and "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" files, to both save gear on death, and give it back once they respawn. onPlayerKilled.sqf player setVariable["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout player]; onPlayerRespawn.sqf removeAllWeapons player; removeGoggles player; removeHeadgear player; removeVest player; removeUniform player; removeAllAssignedItems player; clearAllItemsFromBackpack player; removeBackpack player; player setUnitLoadout(player getVariable["Saved_Loadout",[]]); My problem is that when someone dies, they apparently lose their link to their "group" - which means that above triggers with "enter/leave" vehicle using the group codes - won’t work. Example: Helo Evac from a said location. The helicopter is set to land on location, and wait for the group to enter it. A trigger prevents the helicopter from moving on until the entire group is in the chopper. The problem is if we've had deaths in the group, who have then respawned. As the trigger used to check if the group is in the chopper, counts out dead group members - they are counted as "not being in the game anymore" by all concerns for the trigger once they have died and respawned. The respawn script does not "re-implement" them into the given group - and we get the case where the helicopter will take off once the "original group members" who never died during the mission is in the chopper, while leaving respawned members behind. Only way I’ve found to counter this so far, is to make sure that the "original members who never died", enter the vehicle last - but this is an issue, as this particular mission is going on the steam workshop soon, and it'll be tricky to get this through without giving away some hints on what’s going to happen, before it happens. I’m no script/code guru - but I’m quite a proficient "googler" and "forum reader" when it comes to finding codes/scripts I need to do what I want. I am however hoping that some of the script/coder guys in this community could help me out with this one - either by providing me changes to the respawn scripts, so that the players still will be counted as "part of the group" when respawning, or perhaps making changes to the trigger condition code so the group is still counted properly, despite deaths (while also counting deaths - as some might die during the mission - which has a set amount of respawns). Think you guys can see my predicament here
Native Map Objects IDs changing with updates
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
This sucks, but thanks for the answers. Will need to severely rework several missions now to work around this. Live and learn i guess :) -
"Group" and Respawn/Trigger issues
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Im trying to understand what you're saying compared to what i asked, but im strugling a bit. My example is: Teamleader of a unit of 6 players, has the .. OWL = group this; .. in his init field, making this entire unit of 6 players belong to the group now named "OWL". At the end of the mission, i have a waypoint trigger with this line in its Condition field .. {_x in Heli1} count units OWL == {alive _x} count units OWL; .. which then checks when all of the alive group members are in the helicopter, before it moves on. Basicly, prevents the helicopter moving on before all group members are in the helicopter. My problem is that when people apparently die, and get respawned into the game - they lose their connection to said group "OWL", which makes the helicopter move on without the players in question who have died and respawned. Only way to keep the helicopter from moving on, is to make sure that the players of the "original OWL group" that never died through the mission, enters it last. What im wondering about, is if there is a way to make sure that when players respawn back into the game, that they are again put into the group "OWL" so that they will be counted by the trigger command .. {_x in Heli1} count units OWL == {alive _x} count units OWL; .. as being alive and part of said group still. I notice that the commands you linked to back to me in your post differs somewhat from those i used - will those you posted do what i ask for? or are they just different versions of the same ones im using? -
Problem with triggers and music on dedicated server
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
#SOLVED# I figured it out - proves triggers are inherently "local" only. To play the given "soundtrack" i wanted to be playedon on the trigger, i could use this code in the triggers activation field. if isServer then {"TrackClassName" remoteExec ["playMusic"];}; TrackClassName = Name of the track from this list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMusic When the code and the "chosen" track was inserted to the trigger activation field - the music now plays both on singleplayer, multiplayer and on dedicated servers. Example: if isServer then {"LeadTrack01a_F_EPB" remoteExec ["playMusic"];}; -
Problem with triggers and music on dedicated server
Ulfgaar posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello folks! I've just recently taken upon myself to make a vanilla mission for steam workshop again. I've been enjoying myself a lot while doing this - however, one little thing is really anoying me right now. When using triggers, i also have them from time to time play some of the music that is in the game - to "set the mood" so to speak, which is great for certain situations. Im not talking about custom sound files that i've added myself, but the music comes with the game itself. When testing on singleplayer (through the editor) or when hosting multiplayer (also through editor) - they fire as they should, and the music is played. The problem however is that when i've now moved the .pbo file to my dedicated server - the triggers fire alright, as the mission progresses as it should - but there is no music at all. Those music "snippets" really puts the little "extra" into the mission - and i have no clue on why they dont play on dedicated servers. I usually make missions for my group, using quite a lot of mods - and im doing the same there, except - on modded missions, the music actually plays - even on dedicated server. Anyone experiencing anything similar, or have a solution for me on this? Since its just the unmodded vanilla game, i just have no clue on why its not working. //Ulfgaar -
Problem with triggers and music on dedicated server
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Its not a command - its a scrolldown menu when in the "attributes" menu of the triggers you place in EdenEditor. -
Problem with triggers and music on dedicated server
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Where do i in this case put this? Mission init file? Or somewhere else? -
Problem with triggers and music on dedicated server
Ulfgaar replied to Ulfgaar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thats just it - im not using any scripts (for music or sounds). Im just using the options in the triggers to play soundfiles default for the game such as alarms/music/ambient sounds etc. - its this music im talking about. Nothing custom. -
Eden - Retain custom spawn loadouts after respawn
Ulfgaar replied to jakes's topic in ARMA 3 - EDEN EDITOR
This functionality is truly sorely needed to be part of the vanilla game to be quite honest - and its rather surprising that even after 3 of these games - they have not yet implimented that. Still up to the modders, and the script language boys to figure out. BIS - come on, for real - give us this functionality as part of the standard game. It would help SOOOO much! -
Woah Woah Woah BI. Trying to sneak one in?
Ulfgaar replied to uncookedzebra's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Guess you could make the code_end execute a SetDamage code to destroy/kill a small object or AI placed "elsewhere" on the map, and have the trigger work off that. Im new to this as well, but thats one possible "workaround" i guess. -
Tried to do a search, and found alot of different things but could not to what i saw, find something spesificly like this. So, down to business... First of all, go to the "Debug Console" in the "Tools" menu you have in your Eden 3D editor. Type in the following: do3DENAction "ToggleMapIDs"; ..and press the "LOCAL EXEC" button. This will show you all the object IDs to all default map objects (once you have zoomed in close enough), such as radio towers, buildings, bridges, bushes, trees so on and so forth etc. etc. etc. Run it again to turn it off again. Now, I’ll type up an example on how to blow up a default radio tower on a map, and get a trigger to register this as part of your mission. Step 1: Find yourself a suitable target, in our case - a radio tower on the map by default. Step 2: Place a "Game Logic" on top or near it, from "Objects" in the "Logic Entities" selection (F5 (Systems) --> Logic Entities --> Objects --> Game Logic). Step 3: In that the "Game Logic" init field, type as an example: Target1 = (getPos this nearestObject 224112); // Target 1 is what the "Variable name" will be. // 224112 is the object ID of that specific radio tower/object, now visible on the map, from running the code at the top of this post in your debug console. Step 4: Place a trigger. In its "Condition" field, type this: !Alive Target1; ..and to check that this works, you can type this in the "On Activation" field: Hint "Tower Destroyed!"; Step 5: Now, place your charges - or whatever means you wish to destroy said tower/object - and the trigger should fire once its destroyed. I needed this, and have been through several posts to find "bits and pieces" of what i needed to make this - hoping it will help others as much as it has me :)
First of all, go to the "Debug Console" in the "Tools" menu you have in your Eden 3D editor. Type in the following: do3DENAction "ToggleMapIDs"; ..and press the "LOCAL EXEC" button. This will show you all the object IDs to all default map objects, such as radiotowers, buildings, bridges, bushes, trees so on and so forth etc. etc. etc. Run it again to turn it off again. Now, i'll type up an example on how to blow up a default radio tower on a map, and get a trigger to register this as part of your mission. Step 1: Find yourself a suitable target, in our case - a radio tower on the map by default. Step 2: Place a "Game Logic" ontop or near it, from "Objects" in the "Logic Entities" selection (F5 (Systems) --> Logic Entities --> Objects --> Game Logic). Step 3: In that the "Game Logic" init field, type as an example: Target1 = (getPos this nearestObject 224112); // Target 1 is what the "Variable name" will be. // 224112 is the object ID of that spesific radiotower/object, now visible on the map, from running the code at the top of this post in your debug console. Hope it helps!