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About Venezz

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  1. Venezz

    Static Line Parachute Mod

    omg yes, sorry works for me. thanks will start tests now. TY
  2. Venezz

    Static Line Parachute Mod

    Hi all, 1. i placed the c130 from Chairbornes C130 Mod on stratis, set init to "this flyinHeigth 400" set a WP and opend the back doors. the plane started an climbed to 400 meters, but i never got any blue add action lines telling me "static line paradrop".... whats my failure? 2. will it?
  3. Venezz

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Here You go: http://1drv.ms/1HcINGb Thats my first update so please dont be to harsh, of course you will find some failures, i am sure :D KR [TTT] Venezz
  4. Venezz

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Hi, i updated LEA with ACE3 Items. Please let me know to whom i have to send the updated, exported lea-file. KR [TTT] Venezz