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Everything posted by schadler17

  1. schadler17

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Im sure if your country saw cheap oil they'd buy too. Just because you don't know its happening, don't mean its not happening. Turkey and Saudi Arabia aren't the only ones.
  2. schadler17

    Adding sensors to mission.sqm

    Should have posted this here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/154-arma-3-mission-editing-scripting/ Also, wrap the contents of your code with [ code ] [ / code] (without spaces) for easier reading.
  3. if (time > 1) then {hint "Hi"}; This will wait for 1 second after mission starts, then execute the code.
  4. Could use the script below until you find out whats wrong with yours. Gives you the option to save/load the last loadout you saved, and you can force it to auto-load the last saved loadout on death. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139848-getset-loadout-saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything/
  5. schadler17

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Russians are simply clearing out the other groups and allowing ISIS to fill the gaps. Once the other groups are disbanded, they'll focus on ISIS, as it'll be the only other force out there that can effectively go against Assad. But right now, the main groups going after Assad are the other Syrian Rebel groups like Al Nusra, FSA and other "moderate" groups, which will be Russias focus to stabilize the region as much as they can before they begin to focus on ISIS. Right now, its just about destabilizing ISIS and putting fear in them so when the time comes, a coordinated assault will be more effective. imho, they'll have to find better ground troops, because Assads forces continue to lose heavy numbers each time they deploy. And all the ATGM systems being supplied by CIA/Saudi Arabia don't help their cause, especially the 500 ATGMs that were delivered recently to the FSA. http://www.businessinsider.com/syria-rebels-and-tow-missiles-2015-10
  6. schadler17

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    My belief is that Al Baghdadi is dead and his Audio Recordings that they keep bringing up are fakes. Otherwise, they'd flaunt the fact that American and Iraqi airstrikes haven't killed him yet, and would most likely release a video showing he's alive. Either that, or he really got fucked up and they don't wanna release images of his distorted, disfigured face to his followers and soon to be look-a-likes. If he was/is alive and was/is in good condition, they'd taunt the Americans with it, exactly how they do with the beheading videos.
  7. schadler17

    Indication of Weapon Firing.

    this addEventHandler ["fired", {code}];
  8. schadler17

    U.S. military is on its way to getting its Iron Man

    Our ground troops do lack protection. When you kick in a door, you are encroaching on a entrenched, cornered, and very deadly enemy. If thats not dangerous, go corner a tiger and try to pet it, I dare you. Let alone an insurgent with an AK47, or multiple insurgents at that. Even if its not an insurgent, boobytraps are the next big thing. One false move and you risk killing not only yourself, but the 4-5 guys behind you as well. In war, the more protection you have, the better. If the enemy cant hit you, it gives you more time to react to a situation and think of a viable plan of action to eliminate a threat. Otherwise, Say goodnight to little Johnny and Lisa sitting in the back room hiding under the bed, while older brother John, who shoots it out with highly armed soldiers, has your house targeted with a 500lb JDAM.
  9. If it happens without mods, verify game files via steam
  10. schadler17

    U.S. military is on its way to getting its Iron Man

    If you live in a house where someone is doing something wrong, 9 times outta 10, you know it and you know what they're doing. You being around it and not doing something about it yourself, you put yourself in the danger of having said cops kick down your door. Innocent or not. Can't blame someone else for doing something you should have done in the first place. But srsly, rocket boots. I'll buy.
  11. If you want better performance on Arma 3, use Intel. Single Threading and Core Performance is what you need, and Intel does better in both categories.
  12. Anyone looking to host what I've got so far, message me and I'll be happy to throw you a copy of the mission. EOS Markers are finished and added IG, just working on configuring the actual EOS system with more units/vehicles/etc that EOS supports. Feel free to configure it yourself for zones if wanted until I complete it (will be working on it for the next few days, over 500+ markers/grids to tweak.) Right now, all grids are set to 1 patrol group, 1 house group, no vehicles just as placeholders. Civilian Occupy is coming next, along with random IEDs and possibly a script to implement random roadblocks and possible enemy fortifications in some cities/markers. If you want a copy of it, like I said, still a work in progress, but you can see where the game-mode is going towards. Any issues or suggestions can also be PMed to me if you do happen to play a copy on a server. Will be making a post in user missions once the EOS and Civs are done.
  13. schadler17

    U.S. military is on its way to getting its Iron Man

    Once they implement rockets on the feet, I'll buy. But not until then.
  14. schadler17

    U.S.A. Foreign Policy & Defense

    Both sides are at fault, Americans and the afghan government. The afghans should have confirmed their target for one, and the Americans should have done their own intelligence gathering on the target to confirm what the afghans were telling them. That is why we train them before we give them the authorization to call in such strikes, so we don't have disasters like that. If I give you a gun and tell you to go kill someone and you go do it, I'm just as guilty as you are, because I supplied you and told you what to do and how to do it. Simply enough, before you pull the trigger, collect your own Intel on who your firing at.otherwise, shit like this happens and the people behind you are left picking up the pieces, while both sides point fingers at eachother.
  15. schadler17

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Right now, ISIS and other rebel groups are just being used as toys by the US/Russian governments. US is using them to fight against Assad/ISIS by arming/training them. Russia is using them by killing them and helping Assad. Its basically the US and Russia showing eachother what the other is capable of doing, but on a smaller level, and without using their own troops. Its also giving both sides an accurate simulation of using assets in a real world environment. If Russian ground troops deploy against ISIS/Syrian Rebels, I guarantee you'll start seeing more US/NATO armaments flowing into the rebels hands, let alone the ones that are already out there being used against Assads forces.
  16. schadler17


    Never frenchfry when your supposed to pizza or else your gonna have a bad time.
  17. Lol, no I haven't but now I will x]
  18. I've got my itemsRestriction script set up to detect all non-weapon items in a players inventory and on my assignedItems one, theres an issue. Sometimes, players have a 5th assignedItem, sometimes not. Its only an issue on the assignedItems though, not weapon attachments or anything else. _assignedItems = assignedItems player; _assignedItem4 = _assignedItems select 4; if !(isNil "_assignedItem4") then { }; Any ideas? I've tried multiple ways to write the two variables, but each time I get further and further away from fixing it lol. So far, this returns an error but works when needed, as its on a cooldown and will eventually detect if a player has a 5th assigned item.
  19. schadler17

    Script MP/JIP Compatibility

    Certain scripts might not function right due to locality, they might run perfect on singleplayer/LAN multiplayer sessions, but won't work right on dedicated enviroments. Just try them on different clients using initServer, initPlayerLocal and through the actual init(only when needed) Make sure all functions still work in-game when testing on a dedicated enviroment, as some might and some might not. If they don't, switch their locality and try again.
  20. Fixed. if (!isNil {_assignedItems select 4}) then { };
  21. Right now I'm working on tweaking some of the EOS zones before I decide to create a test environment. I'm currently using another players marker/EOS config just for testing purposes right now until I create my own. Once that's done, it's on to the testing phase and I'll definitely be contacting you then. I dont want to use someone else's layout on something I'm calling my own. Mainly it's just the positions of markers on the map that I need to do myself, which I plan on starting in the next day or so. After that comes tweaking the zones for suitable enemy levels per city. But all in all, it's coming together nicely, not throwing ANY errors on the RPTs in a dedicated enviroment, and all scripts are working as they should be for now.
  22. schadler17

    Script MP/JIP Compatibility

    I thought isServer and isDedicated were pretty much the same thing till I tried running my mission I've been coding for about 2-3 weeks now on a dedicated platform. Found out the hard way, but it was a pretty easy fix to get everything working again, just gotta find out which scripts require which locality. Being only 3 options, client, server and dedicated, it was fairly quick to get everything back to working order.
  23. _items = items player; if ("ToolKit" in _items) then { // script };
  24. Trying to block a Squad Rally/MHQ from being deployed if units are nearby. Right now, I'm using findNearestEnemy which works, but only enemies KNOWN to your player/group. I'm looking for something more efficient, that detects ALL enemies, even ones not known to the player. I've looked around on google and through forums, but everyone uses the findNearestEnemy script.