Hello Massi,
First thanks to you for all your ArmA 3 mods.
My question is about the file size of your NATO/SPETNAZ Vehicles. The diversity of vehicles is really awesome, but do you think it can be possible for you to separate the vehicles type into differents .pbo's . So if we only use the USSOCOM/SEALS mod, we can choose to only activate the vehicles that we really need without overloading Zeus or the mission editor.
In exemple :
hmmvw.pbo / hmmvw_c.pbo for all HMMVWs
bmp.pbo / bmp_c.pbo for all BMPs
tank.pbo / tank_c.pbo for all Tanks
heli_nato.pbo / heli_nato_c.pbo for all NATO helicopters
I do understand it can be hard due to coding, ressources or updating issues, but I was wondering if you had already thought about this.