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Everything posted by major-stiffy

  1. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I think he means he's selecting to play with the AI Buddy before start. i.e., companion in SP.
  2. Can't you make it a composition on its' own layer then hide/unhide it as necessary? getMissionLayerEntities "roadblock" params ["_objects"]; _objects apply { _x enableSimulationGlobal false; _x hideObjectGlobal true; }; getMissionLayerEntities "roadblock" params ["_objects"]; _objects apply { _x enableSimulationGlobal true; _x hideObjectGlobal false; };
  3. Double click on the infostand and in the init field add this. this AddAction ["Open dialog","opendialog.sqf"];
  4. If it's single player the pbo should be put into Arma 3 folder then into the missions folder.
  5. major-stiffy

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

  6. major-stiffy

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    Nice write up but don't hold your breathe they even read it and make changes.
  7. I love it. Does it work in MP hosted?
  8. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Glad to see you're still playing. We play with CUP mods for variety. I don't own the DLC or would give it a go.
  9. major-stiffy

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Project Yulakia

    Same. I don't think it's "your map" or any mod. I wish this map maker would make or allow blue skies instead bleak overall outlook on this map. Love the map but it's always sullen.
  10. OMG! This is wonderful. Thanks so much you guys. I mostly play Pilgrimage mod and will update all ported maps to use this. Thanks so much! I plan to put it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf
  11. I've always wished there was a way to make this work. Haven't tried what you wrote because of this but it looks like you were soo close.
  12. major-stiffy

    [Release] Respawn in Singleplayer

    Yeah, it looks messy. Not liking boat or hide out option myself. I might mess around with the one I use in MP. Thanks Ryd
  13. major-stiffy

    [Release] Respawn in Singleplayer

    Not seeing how this could be incorporated into Pilgrimage. Thoughts? Something like this would be nice... I use it in MP Pilgrimage. The download link doesn't work but I have the file.
  14. I've watched Youtube video's mainly of folks doing tutorials. They speed time by 4x to show movement faster so the viewer can see what's happening quicker. How is this done? Is there a command or hotkey in the editor or are the Youtuber's using a video capture software that has the feature? Thanks
  15. Use a Load WP where you want it to land. In the init of the Load Wp put Change evac to your heli's VarName.
  16. major-stiffy

    AddAction get the Origin Object

    I may not have the answer but I think it would help to: 1. Give the varName of the object that has the addAction. 2. What do you mean grab? then do what?
  17. major-stiffy

    Have I understood JIP correctly?

    The game Crysis was out in 2007 and its' game editor was light years ahead of Arma's.
  18. major-stiffy

    AddAction dosent execute Script

    Good luck, all of that is above my pay grade.
  19. major-stiffy

    AddAction dosent execute Script

    Can you show your script here? Some one may be able to see the error and fix it.
  20. major-stiffy

    AddAction dosent execute Script

    try { null = execVM "setBaseMarker.sqf" } remoteExec ["call", 0];
  21. place keys from asset browser in mission. Call them key1 place trigger and in condition put !alive key1; (no size needed) when keys picked up the gate will be unlocked. OnAct to unlock a door office setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_7',0,true]; to lock a door in the init of object office setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_7',1,true]; 7 is the office (or building door number), change to suit. Office in my example is the building VarName.
  22. major-stiffy

    Masking a teleport

    Add to a trigger? {_x setPos (getMarkerPos "yourmarkerVarName")} forEach (units yourgroup); Teleports your group to a marker. You can add fade effects if you want.
  23. major-stiffy

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Project Yulakia

    Great map, certainly in my top 3. Good job and thanks.
  24. major-stiffy


    Did you try searching?
  25. major-stiffy

    Exploding of vehicles BUG

    Solved in latest Dev branch. Thanks KK