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Everything posted by Wyqer

  1. There won't be a 0.964. The next version will be 0.97 and is some months away. A small update will be published for the release of the tanks dlc, but nothing which would make a 0.963 save incompatible. And concerning Versions have a look at this: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:Versioning
  2. The prices for the premade squads are defined here: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf#L34
  3. Hey Kenny, glad you like the mission :) Concerning your questions: 1. Possible yes, but not without "risk". You could build a full FOB in the editor without the storage areas and the FOB building itself. After you start, bring the container there and put the FOB in the "gap" of your prebuilt FOB and put down the storage areas. But there is a problem: If you restart your server you'll duplicate all items which are available at the build menu and are preplaced via the editor. As it'll be saved and upon restart the preplaced will be there and the "saved" ones will be placed right upon the preplaced. Hope I'm explaining it good enough. There are two ways to prevent that: In the init field of every (!) item you place at your prebuilt FOB you write: this setVariable ["KP_liberation_preplaced", true]; After you've established your FOB at the place, you stop the server, go into the eden editor, remove the base there and continue playing (as now you've the saved base objects which will be loaded upon restart) Concerning your performance, I would suggest to not place many of "immersive AI" around your base. Or you just try it how the server and the machines of your clients can handle them. 2. It's changeable here, if you want to: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/client/build/do_build.sqf#L103 Set the multiplier from 0.6 to 0.2 for example and lower both 3.5 to e.g. 2 or 1. 3. If you want to place down the crates via eden etc. you've to use the three crates for the resources. And you've to execute (via init line in the editor e.g.) the following on them: this setMass 500; this setVariable ["KP_liberation_crate_value", 100, true]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; clearItemCargoGlobal this; orientate on this: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/shared/functions/F_kp_createCrate.sqf 4. Concerning remove the zeus restrictions, you can just follow the instructions in the wiki on GitHub: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:FAQ#how-can-i-enable-full-zeus
  4. @Rockapes in the kp_liberation_config.sqf KP_liberation_resistance_sector_chance = 35; KP_liberation_resistance_ambush_chance = 30; @LBMartin Have a look at this wiki article: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:ConfigFiles#presetsbluforopforresistancecivilianscustomsqf
  5. @otarius-big First of all: I answer always as soon as I've time for it on the Workshop, Discord, GitHub and this thread. So no need to copy/paste your posting here additionally on my profile on the forums (post is deleted by the way). These variable values (haven't you already asked the same thing in the past?) aren't from Liberation neither are they from vanilla ArmA. So I would suggest you ask the creator of the script, from where these variables are from, where, when and how you should declare them in a mission etc. to get the script working. So the answer haven't changed since the following posting:
  6. @targetdummy The mission saves every minute to the server profile file. And it's of course persistent through server restarts. It only resets the save if you change the profile of the server or if you enable both "wipe save" parameters in the mission parameters. If it don't save on your server, you should recheck your server configuration. Make sure you've set a profiles and a name parameter in the startup parameters. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Profile_Options @yxman Sure it's possible. Rename the whitelist.sqf to whitelist.hpp and move it to the userconfig folder for example. And then just edit https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/client/commander/enforce_whitelist.sqf#L1 to: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\userconfig\whitelist.hpp";
  7. No, the mission.sqms don't need anything which would be connected to the kill manager.
  8. If you're playing with ACE, have a look at this commit from the past: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/commit/88fa4c143dc3e3a17f58fe87d96e6abfee6a3c53#diff-4c37f5c8d1d53c6d87f6425d485829dd
  9. @RaphT Infantry units (squads) are only saved if they're near a FOB, not in a player squad and not in the cargo of a vehicle. @7akata No it's not true. (Who said that this is true?) You made a syntax mistake with your edits. Have a look at this: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:FAQ#why-do-i-spawn-on-the-spawn-island-with-no-functions
  10. Can't say what's wrong on your end then. Just make sure to get the pbo from the releases tab (extract the rar archive) and put the pbo in your mpmissions folder in your arma3 folder. Create a local MP LAN game and select the mission. If you still have issues, you could append a rpt here. Found in C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\Arma 3
  11. @Edward Tomes Well, the file is missing, as the error message says. Let me guess: You've just downloaded the master from GitHub and not a prepacked mission. And you haven't build your pbo from the basefile and the framework. And this causes your issue. So I would recommend, you just pick one of the preconfigured missionfiles from GitHub (the same which I've published on the workshop) and edit these instead of downloading the master and try to put your mission together. https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/releases
  12. @mach2infinity From the changelog of v0.93: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation#096-12th-october-2017
  13. @CptCyrus The log snippet you've posted isn't showing any error. The checkclass output is a intended output which isn't an error. It just shows you which classnames aren't available on the server due to missing mods etc. If you load with RHS you'll have also additional RHS vehicles, if you load without you don't have them and the checkclass output just informs you about it. Therefore I can't say you anything concerning your issue on the base of your small snippet. Again it would be very helpful if you can state the exact error of which you're talking about and what's the "not to launch properly" is for you.
  14. @mach2infinity There is nothing in Liberation which affects the players weapon sway. So you're good with using mods which alter this etc. It won't conflict with Liberation. :) @CptCyrus Deleting a classname is the "proper way". Just stick to the syntax of sqf concerning arrays. It would be much more helpful to help you, if you share the exact error you're encounter. Maybe this small article will help: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:FAQ#why-do-i-spawn-on-the-spawn-island-with-no-functions
  15. "btc_p_"[...] looks like a script from someone. So I guess he/she would be the best source to get information on how you implement that script in a mission. You've posted variables, by the way. And they do nothing if you just put these global variables somewhere without anything else.
  16. @zafjr \scripts\client\build\do_build.sqf around line 354 if(buildtype != 6) then { _vehicle addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; { _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; } foreach (crew _vehicle); }; // Build Logging Start private _text = format ["[KP LIBERATION] [BUILDLOG] %1 built %2", name player, _classname]; _text remoteExec ["diag_log",2]; // Build Logging End }; Modify it like the above (Build Logging) @Mot_Monkey for 1. Have a look at this file and expand it: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/server/base/startvehicle_spawn.sqf And this will help with the understanding of the connection to the markers: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:Devkit#littlebird_0 for 2. - Extend your preset with an additional array for a squad. Have a look here: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/presets/blufor/custom.sqf#L299 - Insert the new squad via the new array name here: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf#L34 - Add a name for it here (you don't have to use a localization, you can have it also like "my new squad" or similar): https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf#L141 If you've added you new squad at the end of the array from the 2nd point, you've to add it also at the end of the names. for 3. Currently you can only remove them via the group management action. for 4. No, that's not implemented in the current state. @Mamede Filho The screenshots are very hard to read. From the first look it looks fine so far. A recommendation concerning the editing of sqf files: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:ImportantHints#notepad Concerning the issue itself I would suggest you join the discord and state the issue there also. Mostly I'm around there with up to 200 other Liberation players, who always like to help or answer questions (text chat only, don't worry). There it would be much easier to have a closer look at this issue. https://discord.gg/bpPUU48
  17. Hey there, for the first question a small and basic explanation/overview: Aggressivity -> How often the enemy does something Difficulty -> How much enemies are present on each event There is nothing in Liberation anymore which affects the individual skills of an AI unit concerning accuracy, etc. For the second question: You can add more classnames to the array to have a greater variety of enemy units. The chance of them to spawn is random, so if you put for example 4 times the classname X, 3 times the classname Y and 3 times the classname Z in the array you've a spawn chance of 40% for X, 30% for Y and 30% for Z. And the important value is the combat readiness percentage ingame. If it raises the array to select enemies from will move from the militia ones to the normal opfor ones for the cities etc. for example. Hope I was able to help you. If not, just keep asking. Or you could join the discord. There are now more than 800 Liberation players (~120-200 online at the same time) on the Discord server, so a good source for answers and help.
  18. Feel free to join the Discord Server (link nearly everywhere, where you can get Liberation). It's only text and a good place to ask questions if you need something.
  19. Hey rauny888, that's possible, of course. But I guess you had hope for a more "change these two values" answer ;). It was already a consideration to implement a kind of "arsenal unlock tiers" via resources or via progress of the campaign. But it didn't made it further as the "first tests". Guess after 0.97 there would be a good and more easy way to implement it via an optional module in the future. If you're used to SQF, you can add it to the mission. The possibility to code it is given.
  20. @ab_luca To use modules etc. you've to unlock zeus. https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/wiki/EN:FAQ @M.Mosley Like the example shows GRLIB_whitelisted_steamids = [ "76561198016642627", "76561198016561231", "76561324658965431" ];
  21. The "paradrop cargo" is nothing which comes with Liberation. Guess it's RHS or ACE, so I can't say anything about issues with this feature. We recognized this action menu entry also in our sessions, but don't use it.
  22. As far as I know nobody really did that. You can change the loadouts if you use Zeus with the Achilles Mod or if you play with ACE, which gives the ability to change pylons. Or you add one of the scripts to the mission by yourself, of course.
  23. @sully101x Have a look at the post in this thread: These are the two places where you have to add the ace function to add FRIES.
  24. Yes, with repeating these two additions you can add more things which should be done to a built/loaded vehicle of a specific classname.
  25. \scripts\client\build\do_build.sqf line 321 switch (_classname) do { in this switch you add another case: case "I_Heli_light_03_dynamicLoadout_F": {[_vehicle,["Green",1],true] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;}; \scripts\server\game\save_manager.sqf line 287 if (_nextclass in civilian_vehicles) then { KP_liberation_cr_vehicles pushBack _nextbuilding; }; after this if you add another if: if (_nextclass == "I_Heli_light_03_dynamicLoadout_F") then { [_nextbuilding,["Green",1],true] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; };