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Everything posted by Wyqer

  1. Sprint 12 finished Yesterday we've finished the 12th development sprint, which started at April 12. As always you can have a look at what we've achieved in this sprint in the corresponding dev-blog on GitHub. We're also looking for one additional Tester for our team. Details about this are also in the dev-blog. You can download the current preview, as always, on GitHub or via the Steam Workshop. Just make sure to read the dev-blog before starting the preview with wrong expectations. v0.96.4 - Global Mobilization Update We've already done some work for the small update for the legacy framework. If you want to have a look at the current content, you can have a look at the Pull Request on GitHub. You can expect the update for the legacy framework until the end of the week.
  2. Contribute your KP Liberation legacy framework presets Due to the planned GM Update for the legacy framework, we would appreciate if some of you have some created opfor/blufor/arsenal presets laying around and want to contribute them. (e.g. CUP presets or other mods/factions which aren't covered for now) For contribution, create a Pull Request on the gm branch of the official KP Liberation repository: https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/tree/gm If you don't know what that means, have a look at this small article: https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/ Many thanks in advance.
  3. Small Update on the old framework incoming As we didn't expect any new official maps as we declared the 0.963a as the last version on the since then called "legacy Liberation framework", we decided to break that statement in a very small and limited range. Due to the new Weferlingen terrain and the two new factions we'll release one last™ update on the legacy framework. It'll contain the following: Prepared mission.sqm for Weferlingen and Weferlingen Winter Bufor and Opfor presets for East/West Germany troops Transport configs for the new assets CivRep building ignore list for Weferlingen Some really small adjustments to the code (e.g. getting rid of the uncritical but annoying widthRailWay message and some other "quick wins") We won't implement anything new to the old framework beside of the above, as we'll still focus on the refactoring with 0.97.0. You can expect the release on GitHub and Steam Workshop in about one or two weeks, as we'll mainly take care of it after closing Sprint 12 of 0.97.0.
  4. Wyqer

    Help with remoteExec

    You should make a bookmark to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 That way you can read the vital information on commands you want to use. enableSimulationGlobal and hideObjectGlobal need to be executed on the server (2), not every machine (0), to work properly. Also remoteExec(Call) has [arguments] remoteExecCall ["Function", Targets, JIP] So "p1" is one of your arguments, not part of the function. I assume you've created the jets in Editor and assigned them these variables and that "p1" is the variable name of one jet. [p1, true] remoteExecCall ["enableSimulationGlobal", 2] [p1, false] remoteExecCall ["hideObjectGlobal", 2] Basically what you want, but just how to use remoteExec(Call) and the both requested function properly. It might need some more work by yourself to work in your special environment depending how you handle the player actions etc. In general you should invest some time in reading the wiki and other documentation for further issues you may come along in the future.
  5. Feedback for the previews should be posted on GitHub as comment in the dev blogs.
  6. KP Player Menu Description With this dialog you can give the players of your mp mission the possibility to use their KP Player Menu settings, quality of life functionalities and the own lightweight group management. In the first place this dialog was created for the KP Liberation Mission, but we decided to provide it also as standalone version for other mission creators. They can adjust their view distances depending if they're on foot, in a ground or air vehicle, as this is capped to 1600m in a normal mp mission, ignoring the players graphic settings. Same goes for the terrain detail, which is normally set to a value of 10 (that's basically between high and very high) in a mp mission by default. Also some new features like auto switch to 3rd person and disable radio chatter of AI units in your squad. As this player menu saves the settings in the player profile, the player will have the same settings on all servers/missions which use this menu. It also supports KP Ranks by providing a small overview about your progress and current state, but KP Ranks isn't needed at all to use the features. Features A lightweight group management Individual view distances Change of the terrain detail (like deactivating the grass) Automatic 3rd person view switch when entering a vehicle AI radio chatter disable (disable just the voice or the voice and chat) Adjustment of the in vehicle sound volume Persistent settings, which will apply for the player on each server and each mission who uses this menu Languages Currently the plugin is localized for: Chinese Traditional English German Portuguese Required Mods CBA_A3 Download GitHub Releases How to use Changelog Licence Copyright (C) 2018 Wyqer This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
  7. Wyqer

    KP Player Menu

    As it's not really connected to the topic, I recommend you join our (text-only) Discord and we discuss this there in our channels (#kpliberation or #kp-mods would be sensible).
  8. Wyqer

    KP Player Menu

    Glad that you use it in your community. 🙂 For the small diagnostic stuff, you can extract it from the old Liberation framework easily. It's this file: https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/server/offloading/show_fps.sqf Make sure it's executed from server and possible HCs. Also adjust the HC slot names accordingly to your pattern (HC1, HC2, HC3)
  9. Don't even know the script you've mentioned.
  10. There is no difference if it's dedicated or local hosted. Wouldn't make any sense to restrict it to a dedicated server. Prequisites: FOB, at least one factory, Commander Slot, AI Logistics activated via mission parameters (default, seen on the map screen)
  11. There is no "commander controls groups, platoon sergeant controls single AI". It depends on how you build the vehicles/soldiers. If you click build it's empty or, if it's a soldier, join your squad. If you click on build (crew) it'll be a crewed vehicle or a single AI (or group) which isn't part of the players squad. The commander has the zeus interface to command the "not in a player group" AI, which doesn't need any editing. For editing the mission to have full zeus access, you need to edit more than "edit" and "place", head over to the Wiki -> FAQ.
  12. As already answered at Discord: Wiki -> FAQ -> save/load mission parameters No Wipe needed.
  13. No https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_FAQ#buildings-and-their-purposes
  14. https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/shared/kill_manager.sqf#L75 https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/scripts/shared/functions/F_kp_cr_globalMsg.sqf
  15. Edit the missionfile via eden.
  16. The small edit is fine if you use unrestricted arsenal anyway, yes. For anything more, you should join the Discord. A much better place for sharing code snippets/explanations/instructions than a forum thread.
  17. Sure, just do the adjustments needed in the action_manager.sqf and init_arsenal.sqf. But there is no on/off switch.
  18. C:\Users\<yourName>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 First post contains the discord link.
  19. So you have the action in to open the logistics dialog, you've created a convoy, you selected the created convoy and then you can't select anything in the Destination drop down menus? I can say it works fine with an unedited version. But your edits doesn't sound like something which could influence the logistic system. I recommend you join the discord and provide a serverlog there. Also a screenshot with the opened dialog could be a good addition to that.
  20. Which version do you play exactly? What edits have you done in the mission?
  21. Due to the fact that everything after 0.963a will be under the GPL-3.0 and not under the MIT license anymore, we just provided a more illustrative article about what this means to you as player/admin or derivative creator. We thought it would be the easiest way to provide an easy to follow guideline, with which nobody needs to be unsure if he or she does "everything right" in case of derivative publishing or simple editing. Have a look at it at the KP Liberation Wiki: License Summary/Guideline Also the next sprint is already ongoing. If you're interested in what we want to finish until December 23, have a look at the sprint backlog: Scope of Sprint 9
  22. Client and server run on 1.86. Otherwise my reply would be obviously pointless in the thread. It's just to encourage people to try, if they may just "give up" in the launcher and don't try to join or get misleaded.
  23. The signature mismatch is just showing in the vanilla launcher for me. If you "keep selected and join" it doesn't cause issues while connecting and playing. In the server browser inside the game all is showing green. That's at least my personal experience with the signature mismatch issue. Servers run at verifySignatures=2 btw. Mods for example on our servers: CBA, ACE, RHS, KP Ranks, Project Opfor, BW Mod, Enhanced Movement, etc. Maybe I'm (or our servers are) just lucky with that
  24. Show the convoy you're trying to setup (screenshot for example) and describe what you want to achieve with the convoy. Remember you can just have one convoy between A and B, another one from A to B isn't possible, add trucks if you need to carry more stuff between those two points.
  25. [PREVIEW] KP Liberation v0.97.0 on Steam Workshop We've just published the preview version also on Steam Workshop, if you aren't that familiar with moving pbos etc. Just remember that it's an MP mission, therefore you have to host a local LAN game in order to play it "like singleplayer" on your own. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1578389037