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About ByThePowerOfGoogle

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  1. I must say that now I am interested as well. How were you making money off of ArmA servers in the past. I hope you were not breaking the EULA. I can only assume that you are making this money as a third party that Dwarden talks about whom are allowed to charge and make money. Also, I find it very interesting that you can be a part of a Mod developers community who has emphatically stated that he intends on turning people in to BI who use "his" Mod for monetary gain when you clearly mention that you pay your bills from charging as a result of ArmA servers. Isn't that a little hypocritical? I guess since you are not the decision maker it is not hypocritical but shows a lack in character. I know how you feel about BI as I know who you are and have spoken with you before. Yes, I am posting this as an anonymous person but I think dear sir that you are barking up the wrong tree as well and really should be supporting BI since as a result of them you are able to pay your bills. The community as a whole makes a difference in your life given the fact that you are making money off of the community. It is clear that this is on a personal level as it is for me as well. I will leave the rant at that point and remain slightly confused.
  2. ColinM9991, You're not exactly the shining example here as you are on the team that works on Altis Life... If memory serves me correct Tonic threw his own version of a temper tantrum and shut everything down affected several of innocent people as well. Mod makers need to realize that while some may be doing it as a small hobby they need to expect to have a certain level of responsibility when their mod becomes popular. If not then you are no better then the people whom you complain about. The fact of the matter is monetary gain off of ArmA servers has been going on for several years and it has always been a grey area. So shame on BIS for finally instituting a policy of regulation for monetary gain? No more with the grey areas... Either you have acceptance or not... Altis Life has already made it pretty damn clear that NO ONE who uses their mod will be allowed to have a donator system and anyone who does the Mod team will make efforts to report them to BIS in the hopes of getting their application thrown out. I am not even going to get into the part where Altis Life tells game server providers that selling of material related to "your" mod will not be tolerated. In summation, this decision that BI is making may not be liked by all but for mod developers I have a real hard time seeing how this directly involves you. You really should consider not crying about it and if you are going to walk off into the sunset then just do so. B.E.C. got it right and the least everyone else can do is do the same thing. Stop complaining and just walk away if you are really that hurt over this. If you still want to make money then be like everyone else including me and put in an application. I promise it was not that difficult and I am sure if you ask nicely BI would even write the application in crayon and provide color pictures for you. B.E.C. I am honestly sad to see you pack up shop but a lot of us completely understand. I wish to thank you on behalf of many many others for all of the strong work that you have put into the ArmA community. Till Next Time,
  3. To whom it may concern, I have been on the fence about this entire issue since it began. Obviously we all have the rights to do what we want with the things we develop. However, when you throw a temper tantrum that affects a rather large community because you do not agree with something that the developer/owners of the game it is just flat out petty. Now the following link that I am going to gladly share is in protest to the protest that B.E.C. is showing. I suppose it is my right as it is theirs as well. The only way this information can be removed would be for B.E.C. to file a petition for removal from this organization or others like it. Additionally you can find any B.E.C. documents on the web by searching the cache pages. To make life easy for anyone interested. The old B.E.C. website can be viewed here: web.archive.org/web/20141118124323/http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/ A message to B.E.C..... If you want to continue to hurt the innocent people in this kick-a$$ community then please by all means file your petition and have it all removed. Good bye B.E.C. it has been a great time.