I'm having an issue with the newest version of AoW.
When running it on what seems to be random points on the map when a squad of infantry walks on or is spawned on, all but the squad leader vanish, yet are still registering, they cannot be seen, and moving them up and dropping them does not reveal them.
Their icons always stay in the formation they are set to and if the squad leader moves, every 2-4 seconds the vanished infantrys Icons will reappear at their formation marks facing the dirrection he is moving and other npcs dont seem to even notice they might be there, they cant be seen, hurt, or interacted with in anyway and if you End kill them in Zeus the next time the squad leaders position is updated their body will appear in the formation point laying on the ground.
Ive disabled all of my mods and tried running it and found the same issue.
I restored and older version of AoW i happened to find in my recylebin and booted up every single mod i had and i'm having no issues at all compared to the new version, does anyone have any clues as to what might be causeing this, and are the older versions stored anywhere to be downloaded? Im currently not at my PC so i cant check exactly what version im running now, but it was back when AoW had static town assault locations so its quite old.