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Posts posted by jimbob6661

  1. Hi George! OK, so once I got back going I remembered where I had an old status bar hiding from an old mission I used to host. the icons are a but different but this is working for me I don't need the colors changing etc So this is good. I did borrow your Kill.paa icon and add it to it and I put you in the credits of it. If you would like to see the code I will post it.

    It seems that formatting is an important thing to make these work properly, this is how it looks now. https://imgur.com/a/g5UWZFy I will do some good testing on what you have here shortly.

    • Like 1

  2. This is how I now have it 

    //________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 08.06.18 _____________
    ________________ GF Ravage Status Bar Script ________________
    Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary
    Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
    For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /* 
    means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. 
    You can open this ex:
    with notepad++
    and also use the extra pluggins
    (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems )
    or use any other program for editing .
    For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:
    include this in your initPlayerLocal :
    [] execVM "Ravage_Status_Bar_GF\Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf";
    waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
    [] spawn
    	_uid = getPlayerUID player;
    	while {true} do
    	sleep 0.01;
    	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
    	if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554)) then
    	diag_log "statusbar is null create";
    	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    //________________ IMPORTANT ! edit your selection for MP or SP score ________________
    _Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
    _count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 
    _health = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
    _hydration = player getVariable ["thirst", 100];
    _nutrition = player getVariable ["hunger", 100];
    _money = player getVariable ["cmoney",0] call fn_numbersText;
    //_serverFPS = round diag_fps;
    _radiation = player getVariable ["radiation", 0];
    _maxHealth = (_radiation / 10000) - 0.3;
    _rad = round ((player getVariable ["radiation",0]) / 100);
    _pos = getPosATL player;
    //_dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
    //_Bearing = _dir;
    _grid = mapGridPosition  player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3];
    _Time= format ["%1", ([dayTime, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString)];
    switch true do {
    case(((_dir >= 355) && (_dir <=359)) || ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 5))) : {_Bearing = "N";}; //Bearing North
    case((_dir > 5) && (_dir < 85)) : {_Bearing = "NE";}; 		//Bearing North-East
    case((_dir >= 85) && (_dir <= 95)) : {_Bearing = "E";}; 	//Bearing East
    case((_dir > 95) && (_dir < 175)) : {_Bearing = "SE";}; 	//Bearing South-East
    case((_dir >= 175) && (_dir <= 185)) : {_Bearing = "S";}; 	//Bearing South
    case((_dir > 185) && (_dir < 265)) : {_Bearing = "SW";};	//Bearing South-West
    case((_dir >= 265) && (_dir <= 275)) : {_Bearing = "W";}; 	//Bearing West
    case((_dir > 275) && (_dir < 355)) : {_Bearing = "NW";};	//Bearing North-West
    //________________ Color Gradient ________________
    //Additional color codes can be found here:  http://html-color-codes.com/
    _colour_Default 	= parseText "#FBFCFE"; 
    _colour90 			= parseText "#F5E6EC"; 
    _colour80 			= parseText "#F0D1DB"; 
    _colour70 			= parseText "#EBBBC9"; 
    _colour60 			= parseText "#E6A6B8"; 
    _colour50 			= parseText "#E191A7"; 
    _colour40 			= parseText "#DB7B95"; 
    _colour30 			= parseText "#D66684"; 
    _colour20 			= parseText "#D15072"; 
    _colour10 			= parseText "#CC3B61"; 
    _colour0 			= parseText "#C72650"; 
    _colourDead 		= parseText "#000000";
    //________________ Changing Colour based on health  ________________
    _colour_Health = _colour_Default;
    if(_health >= 100) then{_colour_Health = _colour_Default;};
    if((_health >= 90) && (_health < 100)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour90;};
    if((_health >= 80) && (_health < 90)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour80;};
    if((_health >= 70) && (_health < 80)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour70;};
    if((_health >= 60) && (_health < 70)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour60;};
    if((_health >= 50) && (_health < 60)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour50;};
    if((_health >= 40) && (_health < 50)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour40;};
    if((_health >= 30) && (_health < 40)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour30;};
    if((_health >= 20) && (_health < 30)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour20;};
    if((_health >= 10) && (_health < 20)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour10;};
    if((_health >= 1) && (_health < 10)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour0;};
    if(_health < 1) then{_colour_Health =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ Changing Colour based on Thirst ________________
    _colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;
    switch true do
    	case(_hydration >= 100) : {_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;};
    	case((_hydration >= 90) && (_hydration < 100)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour90;};
    	case((_hydration >= 80) && (_hydration < 90)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour80;};
    	case((_hydration >= 70) && (_hydration < 80)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour70;};
    	case((_hydration >= 60) && (_hydration < 70)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour60;};
    	case((_hydration >= 50) && (_hydration < 60)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour50;};
    	case((_hydration >= 40) && (_hydration < 50)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour40;};
    	case((_hydration >= 30) && (_hydration < 40)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour30;};
    	case((_hydration >= 20) && (_hydration < 30)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour20;};
    	case((_hydration >= 10) && (_hydration < 20)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour10;};
    	case((_hydration >= 1) && (_hydration < 10)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour0;};
    	case(_hydration < 1) : {_colour_Hydration =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ Changing Colour based on Hunger ________________
    _colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;
    if(_nutrition >= 100) then{_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;};
    if((_nutrition >= 90) && (_nutrition < 100)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour90;};
    if((_nutrition >= 80) && (_nutrition < 90)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour80;};
    if((_nutrition >= 70) && (_nutrition < 80)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour70;};
    if((_nutrition >= 60) && (_nutrition < 70)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour60;};
    if((_nutrition >= 50) && (_nutrition < 60)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour50;};
    if((_nutrition >= 40) && (_nutrition < 50)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour40;};
    if((_nutrition >= 30) && (_nutrition < 40)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour30;};
    if((_nutrition >= 20) && (_nutrition < 30)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour20;};
    if((_nutrition >= 10) && (_nutrition < 20)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour10;};
    if((_nutrition >= 1) && (_nutrition < 10)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour0;};
    if(_nutrition < 1) then{_colour_Nutrition =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ FPS Colour ________________
    _colour_Blue		= parseText "#0033FF";
    _colour_Blue_light	= parseText "#3399FF";
    _colour_Green		= parseText "#339933";
    _colour_Yellow		= parseText "#FFFF33";
    _colour_Red			= parseText "#FF3333";
    //________________ Changing Colour based on FPS ________________
    _colour_Fps = _colour_Default;
    switch true do {
    case(_serverFPS >= 60) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 45) && (_serverFPS < 60)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue_light;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 30) && (_serverFPS < 45)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Green;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 15) && (_serverFPS < 30)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Yellow;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 1) && (_serverFPS < 15)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Red;};
    case(_serverFPS < 1) : {_colour_Fps = _colourDead;};
    //________________ display information ________________
    You can delete the Line that you dont want. The numbers at the end of the lines , are defined  below
    At the end of the lines , are the spaces between the next number and logo
    IMPORTANT ! as mentioned above , edit your selection for MP or SP score
    ________________ Switch your Selection below ________________
    _Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
    _count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 
    ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText
    parseText format
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%2<img size='1.6' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Players.paa' />    </t>	
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'>%3%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Health.paa' />    </t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'>%4%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Hydration.paa' />    </t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'>%5%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Nutrition.paa' />    </t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%8<img size='1.3' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Kills.paa' />    </t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%9<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Money.paa' />    </t>				
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%10<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Radiation.paa' />
    		"%",					//1
    		count playableUnits,	//2
    		_health,				//3
    		_hydration,				//4
    		_nutrition,				//5
    		//_Bearing,				//6
    		//_dir,					//7
    		_Kills,					//8	
    		_money,					//9	
    		_rad,					//10	
    		//_serverFPS,				//11
    		_colour_Default,		//12
    		_colour_Health,			//13
    		_colour_Hydration,		//14
    		_colour_Nutrition		//15
    		//_colour_Fps				//16


  3. Hi George me again,

    So, I was doing a teeny bit of configging and got curious. So Since I'm not really using rads in the modules I figure let's get it out of there right? So I did and I get an .html color code appearing after money where fps should be. I first noticed it when I figured out I should remove the pic line for radiation. I had the rad .paa showing with the fps number next to it and the .html number behind it. but here's what I got now.



    And here's the GF_Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf

    //________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 08.06.18 _____________
    ________________ GF Ravage Status Bar Script ________________
    Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary
    Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
    For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /* 
    means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. 
    You can open this ex:
    with notepad++
    and also use the extra pluggins
    (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems )
    or use any other program for editing .
    For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:
    include this in your initPlayerLocal :
    [] execVM "Ravage_Status_Bar_GF\Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf";
    waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
    [] spawn
    	_uid = getPlayerUID player;
    	while {true} do
    	sleep 0.01;
    	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
    	if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554)) then
    	diag_log "statusbar is null create";
    	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    //________________ IMPORTANT ! edit your selection for MP or SP score ________________
    _Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
    _count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 
    _health = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
    _hydration = player getVariable ["thirst", 100];
    _nutrition = player getVariable ["hunger", 100];
    //_money = {_x isEqualTo "rvg_money"} count magazines player;
    _money = player getVariable ["cmoney",0] call fn_numbersText;
    _serverFPS = round diag_fps;
    _radiation = player getVariable ["radiation", 0];
    _maxHealth = (_radiation / 10000) - 0.3;
    _rad = round ((player getVariable ["radiation",0]) / 100);
    _pos = getPosATL player;
    _dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
    _Bearing = _dir;
    _grid = mapGridPosition  player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3];
    _Time= format ["%1", ([dayTime, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString)];
    switch true do {
    case(((_dir >= 355) && (_dir <=359)) || ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 5))) : {_Bearing = "N";}; //Bearing North
    case((_dir > 5) && (_dir < 85)) : {_Bearing = "NE";}; 		//Bearing North-East
    case((_dir >= 85) && (_dir <= 95)) : {_Bearing = "E";}; 	//Bearing East
    case((_dir > 95) && (_dir < 175)) : {_Bearing = "SE";}; 	//Bearing South-East
    case((_dir >= 175) && (_dir <= 185)) : {_Bearing = "S";}; 	//Bearing South
    case((_dir > 185) && (_dir < 265)) : {_Bearing = "SW";};	//Bearing South-West
    case((_dir >= 265) && (_dir <= 275)) : {_Bearing = "W";}; 	//Bearing West
    case((_dir > 275) && (_dir < 355)) : {_Bearing = "NW";};	//Bearing North-West
    //________________ Color Gradient ________________
    //Additional color codes can be found here:  http://html-color-codes.com/
    _colour_Default 	= parseText "#FBFCFE"; 
    _colour90 			= parseText "#F5E6EC"; 
    _colour80 			= parseText "#F0D1DB"; 
    _colour70 			= parseText "#EBBBC9"; 
    _colour60 			= parseText "#E6A6B8"; 
    _colour50 			= parseText "#E191A7"; 
    _colour40 			= parseText "#DB7B95"; 
    _colour30 			= parseText "#D66684"; 
    _colour20 			= parseText "#D15072"; 
    _colour10 			= parseText "#CC3B61"; 
    _colour0 			= parseText "#C72650"; 
    _colourDead 		= parseText "#000000";
    //________________ Changing Colour based on health  ________________
    _colour_Health = _colour_Default;
    if(_health >= 100) then{_colour_Health = _colour_Default;};
    if((_health >= 90) && (_health < 100)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour90;};
    if((_health >= 80) && (_health < 90)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour80;};
    if((_health >= 70) && (_health < 80)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour70;};
    if((_health >= 60) && (_health < 70)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour60;};
    if((_health >= 50) && (_health < 60)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour50;};
    if((_health >= 40) && (_health < 50)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour40;};
    if((_health >= 30) && (_health < 40)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour30;};
    if((_health >= 20) && (_health < 30)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour20;};
    if((_health >= 10) && (_health < 20)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour10;};
    if((_health >= 1) && (_health < 10)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour0;};
    if(_health < 1) then{_colour_Health =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ Changing Colour based on Thirst ________________
    _colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;
    switch true do
    	case(_hydration >= 100) : {_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;};
    	case((_hydration >= 90) && (_hydration < 100)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour90;};
    	case((_hydration >= 80) && (_hydration < 90)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour80;};
    	case((_hydration >= 70) && (_hydration < 80)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour70;};
    	case((_hydration >= 60) && (_hydration < 70)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour60;};
    	case((_hydration >= 50) && (_hydration < 60)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour50;};
    	case((_hydration >= 40) && (_hydration < 50)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour40;};
    	case((_hydration >= 30) && (_hydration < 40)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour30;};
    	case((_hydration >= 20) && (_hydration < 30)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour20;};
    	case((_hydration >= 10) && (_hydration < 20)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour10;};
    	case((_hydration >= 1) && (_hydration < 10)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour0;};
    	case(_hydration < 1) : {_colour_Hydration =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ Changing Colour based on Hunger ________________
    _colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;
    if(_nutrition >= 100) then{_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;};
    if((_nutrition >= 90) && (_nutrition < 100)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour90;};
    if((_nutrition >= 80) && (_nutrition < 90)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour80;};
    if((_nutrition >= 70) && (_nutrition < 80)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour70;};
    if((_nutrition >= 60) && (_nutrition < 70)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour60;};
    if((_nutrition >= 50) && (_nutrition < 60)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour50;};
    if((_nutrition >= 40) && (_nutrition < 50)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour40;};
    if((_nutrition >= 30) && (_nutrition < 40)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour30;};
    if((_nutrition >= 20) && (_nutrition < 30)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour20;};
    if((_nutrition >= 10) && (_nutrition < 20)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour10;};
    if((_nutrition >= 1) && (_nutrition < 10)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour0;};
    if(_nutrition < 1) then{_colour_Nutrition =  _colourDead;};
    //________________ FPS Colour ________________
    _colour_Blue		= parseText "#0033FF";
    _colour_Blue_light	= parseText "#3399FF";
    _colour_Green		= parseText "#339933";
    _colour_Yellow		= parseText "#FFFF33";
    _colour_Red			= parseText "#FF3333";
    //________________ Changing Colour based on FPS ________________
    _colour_Fps = _colour_Default;
    switch true do {
    case(_serverFPS >= 60) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 45) && (_serverFPS < 60)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue_light;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 30) && (_serverFPS < 45)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Green;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 15) && (_serverFPS < 30)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Yellow;};
    case((_serverFPS >= 1) && (_serverFPS < 15)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Red;};
    case(_serverFPS < 1) : {_colour_Fps = _colourDead;};
    //________________ display information ________________
    You can delete the Line that you dont want. The numbers at the end of the lines , are defined  below
    At the end of the lines , are the spaces between the next number and logo
    IMPORTANT ! as mentioned above , edit your selection for MP or SP score
    ________________ Switch your Selection below ________________
    _Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
    _count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 
    ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText
    parseText format
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%2<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Players.paa' />				</t>	
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'>%3%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Health.paa' />				</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'>%4%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Hydration.paa' />				</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'>%5%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Nutrition.paa' />				</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'	color='%12'>%6%7<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Compass.paa' />				</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%8<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Kills.paa' />				</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%9<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Money.paa' />				</t>				
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'>%11<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\FPS.paa' />
    		"%",					//1
    		count playableUnits,	//2
    		_health,				//3
    		_hydration,				//4
    		_nutrition,				//5
    		_Bearing,				//6
    		_dir,					//7
    		_Kills,					//8	
    		_money,					//9	
    		//_rad,					//10	
    		_serverFPS,				//11
    		_colour_Default,		//12
    		_colour_Health,			//13
    		_colour_Hydration,		//14
    		_colour_Nutrition,		//15
    		_colour_Fps				//16

    I've fiddled with these status bars before but I don't know what I did to break it if you could check my "work" here that would be awesome!

    I potentially want to remove the nav part so players have to find a compass and the color part of the fps too but am weary of fooling with it now. 😄

    • Like 1

  4. 12 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    Here is the mission and the script

      Reveal hidden contents



    Thank you George, I'll dig in and see if he's blocking any ravage loot from there. I did figure out that I'd keep the tents but sleeping bags and the cash are in my way hahaha. EDIT: Oh I see, this is basically overriding the lslists (or w/e is used in the mod, I read somewhere it's based on ls spawner) this may work. Don't you have a custom loot script in your collection as well George? I'll go look. 😄

    EDIT2: So after a bit of digging and cross referencing His script is calling the lootworldObject_list in the ravage.pbo, I see how this is working, I should be able to get ls loots in my mission to grab that no prob. Thank you and Mr. bl2ck dog your website is down.

    • Like 1

  5. I have a question regarding Loot tables and scripts and have searched the main ravage topic and google extensively and can't find anything.

    My question is: Is there any way by script to blacklist certain ravage items from the loot lists? I am adding the modules to a MP mission that has it's own cash system in place and do not have a need for the bank notes, sleeping bags and tents for they are useless and will make people ask what they are for more times than I wish to answer.


     Any help is greatly appreciated.

    • Like 1

  6. On 1/30/2019 at 1:54 AM, JD Wang said:

    I know locking vehicles never used to make a difference, has that been fixed?
    Is it time for me to start adding ACE keys and lockpicks? 

    So far they haven't  even attempted to get in a locked tank with an unlocked suv next to it, if I change it to air vehicles the same they ignore the locked ones. I just wish I could add air to it I've tried adding 

    if ((_x iskindof "Air" || _x iskindof "Car") && (crew _x isEqualTo []) && (_x distance _Leader < VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH) && (locked _x != 2})) then

    and a few others but that fails, for now

  7. 6 hours ago, Freddo3000 said:


    You cant right now without editing the mod, though I'll make an issue for it.

    That's sort of what i'm requesting, I spent a few hours last night trying to add just Air vehicles to this line:

    "    if (_x iskindof ""Air"" && {crew _x isEqualTo []} && {_x distance _Leader < VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH} && {locked _x != 2}) then" \n

    But all efforts fail me. I also tried part of Aussie's line from  quotes to && and that didn't work either, 

    Also I was looking at ai steal all vehicles. Would this be the correct code?
    " if ((_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (_x isKindOf "Air") || (_x isKindOf "Ship") && {crew _x isEqualTo []} && {_x distance _Leader < VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH} && {!((locked _x) isEqualTo 2)}) then" \n

    I also tried adding this before the line with your formatting:

    _VehChoice =
    		["Air", "LandVehicle"]

    And replaced _x iskindOf  ""Landvehicle"" with _x iskindOf ""_vehChoice""  and got no love. 

    Then again I'm no coder.


    Thanks for all your work, it's been an interestingly fun evolution.


    P.S. I understand if this functionality isn't something Genesis wants added, but nonetheless I wouldn't mind it in my insane mission, it would make players be aware of the lock state of their vehicles.


    Also, I noticed that after ai steals a vehicle, if their enemies have been killed the units in the veh just stop and loiter in one place until others on their team call for help again, then they decide to start moving again.  Maybe make the loiter condition to circle? so they don't look asleep? 

  8. Quote

    Take it from a glazier. Throwing anything a grenade at a residential window would not be good idea. Unless you throw as hard as you can and directly straight at the window, there's a high chance the window will break and crack, but the grenade will not enter the building. It would fall to the ground, bounce off, or just crack one of the panes of glass.




    I know this is old AF but take it from someone whom as a child broke many new construction double pane windows for fun, (and with very little effort) if a rock or small baseball can ruin your days' work so can a grenade... Andersen, Pella, it don't matter. If residential the contractor just got f'ed if I was nearby.. So yea the game is bugged still to this day. Don't try to misdirect a bug to some horseshit RW nonsense. Thanks.

  9. 1 hour ago, bad benson said:

    man. people and the stuff they come up with are amazing. check this out guys. someone reported this on steam.



    as i said in the comment. almost too cool to fix it.

    I thought as you already stated this was by design since day 1. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in ArmA and was one of the main reasons I decided to start using this a few years ago to begin with lol

  10. Just now, bad benson said:


    that sounds good. with some cooperation this might be easily fixable on your side after all. i can share soem lines of code later to temporarily deactivate features. that way you wouldn't need to rely on the menu to have people disable it by hand. or something similar.

    That would be cool, I'm always wanting to have things fixed on my end in the mission so it's as plug & play as possible for teh clients. I'm hoping a line in his code I see here is for the prohibition of placing charges on certain entities so I'm adding the babe_em_help to the line and test.

  11. 2 hours ago, bad benson said:

    nah man. you can't possibily expect me to read through all that. i'll fix anything i can, if you provide some more info on the cause and stuff. i mean sometimes just a video of what happens can help me see what's going on but just "it's broken" won't make me do anything. for the simple reason that it takes too much time and effort. sorry but i already got my hands full managing my own code

    Completely understandable. I wasn't expecting you to dig through all that, that's my job! :P I just linked it for reference.

    The info you provided on the recent additions will help me track this down,   I do believe it does rely on a ray cast of sorts and that it has a script for the prohibition of placing charges on certain objects so I'll try that.. Thank you for the info on the helper object I'm sure that's what I need! 

  12. Hi BadBenson, 

    I've noticed something in the custom mission from a3wasteland.com that the enhanced movement affects AgentRev from there created a sticky charges addon here for the mission a while back and after the latest update of EM something keeps this from working properly. EM works perfectly but trying to place charges on wall, vehicles won't work unless I disable EM or use an older version (if you have one to use) I like using your mod on our servers, it makes sense to have this ability in game. Any way you could check into this on your off time? or possibly link me to the previous version's archive? Any help is greatly appreciated, love your work!

  13. On 3/29/2017 at 11:05 AM, killzone_kid said:


    for starters you can use addMPEventHandler and "MPKilled" to avoid remoteExec unnescessary

    Hi killzone, I'm willing to do this myself on my end since I'm seeing the remoteExec being filtered by wasteland, I assume if I were to replace all addEventHandler ["Killed" with addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled" that will stop the remoteExec?

    Apologies for my ignorance!
