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Posts posted by ArmanIII

  1. Thanks all


    2 hours ago, Undeceived said:

    Man, this looks fantastic!


    Btw. is that a river down in the valley? :icon5:  How will it look like / work? I guess it goes quite downhill which makes it hard just to create a pond in river form? Looking forward to see more, mate!


    Yes, that's river, but unfortunately Arma doesnt support rivers at all. Only one solution is place ponds (as you wroted), but the river slope is too big for ponds, so there are only small rocks, unfortunately...


    Here is a photo of Dudh Koshi in real


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  2. 2 hours ago, Luneshot said:

    Bit of a bump, but what an awesome mod. One thing I might note about the Milky Way image used in this mod; there are at least two bright "stars" in that image that are not "stars"; the large yellow-spiked star, and the bright spot right next to the MW center. At least one of these is actually Jupiter, according to the original source: http://www.eso.org/public/usa/images/eso0932a/  

    I believe there's a comet in there as well. Might be a fairly quick touchup to try and remove those.


    Another interesting feature to add might be the zodiacal light; at the darkness levels where you can see the Milky Way in its full glory, the zodiacal light will be visible as well.


    -Fellow astronomer


    Thanks for ideas. As I like night observing night sky, I wanted to add all "night features" like zodiacal light. But due to my short of time I am still not able to add or fix current issues. Maybe if someone wants to continue, he can, but I for near future no.

  3. 2 hours ago, wsxcgy said:

    Looks awesome! Kudos for all the custom objects. I love mountainous terrains too so this is really exciting.


    Personally, I would've avoided using the arma 2 spruces trees, since theyre pretty distinctively picea abies/picea obovata(which really only occur in europe and russia), while the picea smithiana of the Himalayas has a fairly different look to it. I would have tried retexturing the A2 larches to green since they sorta acheive the look of Himalayan cedar instead, so that there still is some variety aside from just straight up pines. But thats just me being stupidly pedantic, you can ignore this paragraph. Its still an amazing looking terrain.


    Those plants as in pics below seem a bit over-saturated and kind of clash with the color harmony. They're used a lot in the like terraces also. I'm sure you know which ones. They oughta be toned down a bit more to match with the other flora.


    And some parts of the sat map, like pics below, have overly intense greens that almost look blue-ish and also kind of break up the color harmony, theve got trees over them but thosw trees are totally different colors and its a bit weird. Those areas would look better if the greens and blues were toned down a bit. 



    Very good work so far regardless of my criticisms and I can't wait to see where this goes and see how it plays when its released. I've been long hoping for a Himalayan type terrain.


    Thank you for your advices.


    About trees: I tried to make new pine trees like Himalayan Cedar but I gave up that because make tree in Arma is very time consuming thing. I know that these used trees are very! different from original trees which are in Himalayas, but...


    Small bushes - thanks, will be fixed.


    Sat map - imagery is downloaded from online maps, so it is same as in maps. For me it is very difficult to repair it bcs satmap is splited into four 20480x20480 satmaps and their editing totally lagging my pc (i must buy more ram), so for now it is impossible to repair...


    And last thing - criticisms is needed bcs without it, it cannot be better...

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