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About Roadblock103

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  1. Roadblock103

    Lowlandswarrior RNLAF AH-64D Apache

    Ok, so my issues is quite tiny, and possible that no one else has. The hellfires blow after about 5.5km or so. Is this an easy thing to extend? It's not a huge concern, as I regularly can engage laser designated targets at ranges lower than that, still outside of a danger area. One thing that does impress me is the accurate speed of the hellfires. Also, is the Blackfoot 20mm overpowered? Because it is a significantly more powerful gun than the 30mm in arma. (And I'm talking hit for hit, the beautiful spread of the 30mm was taken into account, great job btw on this) Lastly, and I apologize for not following the dev on this; but is the white phosphorus hydras coming back sometime, maybe? I didn't know what went wrong with them. Thank you so much, again. This is absolutely amazing!!!
  2. Roadblock103

    Lowlandswarrior RNLAF AH-64D Apache

    The beeping is the same type of beeping that is heard when flying a damaged helo. The issue is unique to this helo, not seen before. The helo is undamaged, but beeps as if damaged. Happens about half the time in Zeus spawned versions.
  3. Roadblock103

    Lowlandswarrior RNLAF AH-64D Apache

    The beeping happens for me too. Some helo Rezzes have it, some don't. Happens in afm and sfm. As soon as you power on, it starts. Then you know you need a new helo.
  4. Roadblock103

    Lowlandswarrior RNLAF AH-64D Apache

    How do you pitch the pylons?
  5. Thank you for the fast reply. I'm very excited about your aircraft, our group is eager to employ it. On one of our servers we run a persistent map; will this helo run an armament selector, or will different armament configurations be represented by putting multiple helicopters down on the map? (As in, will one helicopter on the map be reconfigurable, or will we need to put down multiple configurations to get the different arms options?) also, will it be rearmable? Thank you so much, as I said, my group is looking forward to release for testing and implementation. It's sounding amazing!
  6. Will there be a 114L hellfire option, that can ir lock on radar contacts, as opposed to relying on laser designation alone? (Fcr/longbow)
  7. I have the Saitek x45 (well, recently upgraded to new hotas which I have yet to use) About 95% of the time, if I am in a game, and enter controls config for anything, the stick disappears. Reboot of arma required for rediscovery. If I access the control config from the title menu screen, it works fine. Bruce