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Everything posted by Quarz

  1. Hello community! I want to show you my first map-project i am currently working on. It is a 5x5km map located in southern Germany. It is roughly based on real height-data, but the towns/villages are not like they are in real. Originally i used it for testing my mapping skills, but i kept working on it. I extended the map up to 10x10km and i am working on the new towns at the moment. But let me show you some pictures: (thanks to Mondkalb, Marseille77, Mikebart, Raunhofer, ArmanIII, Bushlurker, Homer Johnston, Beton and shezan74 for addons, tools and tutorials) [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] I also made a winter-Version (special thanks to raunhofer and armanIII for winter-plants, textures and sounds) [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img]
  2. Hey community! You can finally download the first Version of the Map!! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29101 Tell me what you think! Quarz
  3. Hello! I continued working on the bigger 10x10km Map! Let me show you some pics: [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] But there is still a lot of work to do, so it will take some time.. Best regards, Quarz
  4. hey monyetswa! At the moment there is no military-base, but i am going to build one! The Map is actually located near the area of the former Military-Base at Roth, but i did not take the real names of the cities/villages.
  5. First of all, thanks to everyone for your answers! I'll use this thread to post some pictures every now and then depending on how fast my progress will be. And i hope that there will be some brave A2-Players left when i finish the map :)