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Everything posted by nanomien

  1. Aha. That explains why it didnt work in MP. Any workarounds to actually make it work in MP? I see it's only annoying in many mp games, but in certain coop-mission its useful with intros.
  2. Thank you! I got it working in the editor. However, the intro didnt start when i exported the mission to multiplayer. But i will look more into that. Probably something im missing:)
  3. Thank you both! I will test that soon as I get home on thursday. So the Intro plays automatically if you create one in the editor, or do you need a line of code in description.ext or in a script somewhere?
  4. Hey, gambla. Did you get it to work? Im having a hard time to get my intros working. When previewing from editor in the Intro drop-down-menu the intro plays but never exits to the mission it self. In multiplayer or in mission drop-down-menu it doesnt play at all. Im curious anout how your solution is!
  5. Nevermind. I solved it by setting weather parameters correct. Seems like if i set the parameters to a high overcast value, and set _startingweather to "CLEAR" in the script my previous problem occure.
  6. Ok, this may be a newbie error, but I have read through your descriptions and the whole thread here to make sure I did everything right. I tried your script and it is awesome! But when I change _startingweather to "CLOUDY" or "RAIN" it shows dark sky, and a faint sun with no clouds. But when I go to splendid camera the clouds appear and everything is normal. I disabled all mods, and tried with your example mission. I even put all weather parameters to manual. _startingweather at "CLEAR" works fine. Any advice? Thank you for your help:)
  7. nanomien

    FHQ TaskTracker

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  8. nanomien

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi barbolani. Your mission looks great, and I'm looking forward to play it this weekend. I do a lot of mission editing myself, but so far i've just been playing alone with my friends without publishing to steam workshop. I plan to release one in the nearest future, though! Oh, and this is my very first forum post here. Your mission got my attention! Keep up the good work.