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Everything posted by donnyx1x

  1. donnyx1x

    AI and JTAC

    Can AI be deployed as Jtac operators? If so how?
  2. donnyx1x

    Loss of the Command bar

    I,m currently trying to make my own missions . When I go ingame I seem to have lost the command bar (usually bottom left of the screen) showing other squad members. I have no idea what I,ve done to make this happen. I did try to tinker about in the game options ect but nothing has helped so far. Have I missed somthing in there maybe? Or is there a set answer while working in the editor? Thanks in advance
  3. donnyx1x

    Loss of the Command bar

    Yeah I have myself as the squad leader of a 16 man AI team
  4. donnyx1x

    AI and JTAC

    Appologies for being a bit vauge. It,s a mission that I want to build myself. It would be enough if another AI can see the target weather it be static, moving inside a structure or in the open. Thanks in advance😊
  5. donnyx1x

    Module: Sites

    Sounds very cool. I,ll be keeping my eye out for it then ;)
  6. donnyx1x

    Module: Sites

    When making a Mission in the eden Editor, I want to put an OPFOR site module down but it only seems available as CSAT Forces even if I,m using another opfor faction. Isthere anyway to Change it to a desired faction? If so how?
  7. donnyx1x

    X&Z Settings

    I cant seem to find it anymore. Would it be in the main options or somewere similar? Cancel that I,ve sorted it I think. Thanks again :)
  8. donnyx1x

    X&Z Settings

    During some Editing I seem to have made a change somewhere that causes both X and Y lines to show up during contacts showing the Enemy positions and their movement. This happens now in both sp and mp game play. Is there a setting Ive changed by mistake or maybe a clash of mods that I,m missing?
  9. donnyx1x

    X&Z Settings

    Ah ok thanks I,ll try to find it and sort it out. Much appreciated mate :)
  10. donnyx1x

    Altis flooded

    I,ve recently discovered that when on Altis the first approx 1.5km inland for the whole Island is under water and I,ve no idea how, when or why this has happened. I,ve not checked the other maps yet but does anyone have an idea what the cause could be and how to correct it?
  11. donnyx1x

    Altis flooded

    Cancel my last I worked it out. Many thanks for your help dude :)
  12. donnyx1x

    Altis flooded

    Ah ok thanks. Is there a way that I can some how take it out?
  13. donnyx1x

    Arma3 and Steam problem

    Hi, Are you loading your game through a launcher? It could be that steam see,s it as you already having the game running somewhere else. If so try closing it and just running the game through steam directly. Failing that , it could be maybe down to a battleye update but don't quote me on that. Hope this helps.
  14. donnyx1x

    Altis flooded

    @11th Marine Expeditionary Unit- Maps @3den Enhanced @ace @ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation @ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces @ACE Compat - RHS- GREF @Ares @Ares Mod - Achilles Expansion @ASR AI3 @CBA_A3 @CUP Terrains - Core @CUP Terrains - CWA @CUP Terrains - Maps @CUP Units @CUP Vehicles @CUP Weapons @MCC Sandbox 4 - Mission Making The Easy Way @Project OPFOR @RHSAFRF @RHSGREF @RHSSAF @RHSUSAF @SMA RHS compatibility Patch @Specialist Military Arms (SMA) Version 2.7.1 @Tracer Mod for RHS- USAF @ZeroReal-NoSway_NoFatigue Jets Orange Tank
  15. donnyx1x

    Altis flooded

    Its one I,m in the process of making myself so its quite possible its something I,ve done myself I was thinking of maybe Mods clashing but this issue seems to have raised its head from nowhere
  16. donnyx1x

    Profile saving problems

    Hi I,m having the same problem. where is it were it says read only? I cant find it.
  17. I,ve got no idea why its happening and it only seems to happen about 90% of the time. when I look through a sight it,s taking a really long time for the reticules to appear upto 15 seconds sometimes. And when I use the sight on the RPG-7 pgo-7 they dont come up at all.So all I get is a blank scope like looking through a telescope.
  18. I want to set the amount of times a unit can respawn but dont know how. Can anyone help point me in the right direction please?
  19. Im using the maptools mod in arma2aoco.It seems to work fine untill I need a revive by a medic.Thereafter although I have it still in my inventory, it no longer can be seen on my map. I,ve tried putting it down and then picking it up again. I,ve tried Fix headbug, and tried to take a second maptools in my ruck to swap and ditch the old one.All without luck. Has anyone else had similar issues and if so how was it sorted out? Many thanks in advance.....
  20. Aparentley its just down to a small map being used eg:Aliabad. the tools are still there but so far off the map that you can no longer see them. One tip I was given was to try pressing H plus left click which should bring the compass back to the centre. Ive not tried it out myself yet so would be intrested to so if it solves it for you?
  21. I,d like to know how to restrict the use of aircraft down to just one group of players when creating a public server. Does anyone out there know how this can be achieved weather it be by scripts or other? many thanks in advance :)
  22. donnyx1x

    Arma 2 oaco

    how can I make a vehicle repair/ refuel/rearm trigger for both fixed wing and helis it the 2d editor.
  23. Works great using that trigger. Many thanks!!!