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Everything posted by saddle

  1. Trying to add score = 0; to initPlayerLocal.sqf and { this addEventHandler ["Killed",{ params ["_unit", "_killer"]; score = score + 1; systemChat format ["%1 has been killed by %2. Current Score %3", _unit, _killer, score]; }]; } forEach allUnits; to Init.sqf and then format ["%1 %2 message", variable%1, variable%2] remoteExec ["hint", 0]; into the player unit's intialization field. is this all ai units you mean? I am probably doing something wrong, because it is not working sorry.
  2. If I want it to display as simple texts and numbers on the screen for all players at all times, i'll look into titleText commands too. For example simple text in a corner showing Playerinthegame1: 0 Playerinthegame2: 0 Playerinthegame3: 0 Sorry, I appreciate the help but I am trying to make sense of it. I'll make some more tries later today when I am home!
  3. Thanks Dramacius, i'll give this a try! [EDIT] It does not work, at least not in multiplayer, no systemChat message either. Going to see if I can make some edits.
  4. Hey guys, so I am practicing at making terrains right now. I decided to start following the suggested PMC ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial. https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial I am at the Binarization step, where I get stuck and encounter a sudden error when I press the Crunch button. Have been trying a bunch of attempts at a work around but not managed to solve it yet. The logs does not show any information at all and I have not managed to google the issue. Very sure I have followed all steps successfully up until this point. My files contain config.ccp and other files, despite it saying no configs or missions found?
  5. saddle

    Issue with Binarization step

    I renamed the PBOPREFIX with .txt and it works. Now I just need to figure out how to load this thing so it shows in the game. No success so far. [EDIT] someone is telling me I should add access = 2 into the config since my map is not showing in the editor map selection so far. [EDIT 2] I have resolved the issue on the Discord. Thanks!
  6. saddle

    Issue with Binarization step

    Yes I am showing file extensions and all. The path to the config looks like this: P:\tut\tut_tutorial_terrain\source Turns out I had accidentally named the file .ccp instead of .cpp. I corrected this mistake. Now it is telling me this:
  7. Hey guys. I have a thought about fine tuning the difficulty of the AI against my group of players as the mission maker and zeus. What I want to translate is the difficulty of AI in SOG Prairie Fire into a non-SOG Prairie Fire setting. I have noticed that different dlcs and mods has different difficulties with different AI. In my experience, Global Mobilization has insanely high accuracy, while SOG Prairie Fire the enemy has very low accuracy. No doubt the dlc or mod makers tune this, in Prairie Fire case, to play on the idea of being outnumbered 1 to 100 in a bullet hell where shots fly all over the place. Makes sense. Really cool. Been trying for some time to translate that sort of difficulty and settings in the AI to other mods and settings, but not been able to. I have tried to adjust both the normal game settings, and the AI mod (VCOM) that I use. I have tried the very lowest of values, but still they are a lot more accurate than the AI in SOG Prairie Fire. Basically, I want that bullet hell with shots flying all over the place in other content, but I am not able to replicate what the AI is doing in SOG Prairie Fire difficulty so far. Anyone can help here it would be very appreciated!
  8. I found under the normal game settings AI LEVEL: SOG PRAIRIE FIRE. Not sure if that changes anything. I will test it some.
  9. I will take a look at that. It has something to do with that particular content though, as different AI from different dlc, has different accuracies overall in the same mission spawned as zeus.
  10. Hello everyone, lately, I have been looking for ways to improve quality of life as a long time Zeus mission maker. Is there a way to switch SIDE on All players currently in session with the press of a button. One button for each side or, better yet, make it toggle between two sides such as West and Civilian on the press of a button? This would be very convenient for me, as I would otherwise have to be quick on my feet at times, constantly bringing up modules back and forth in order to change it and I am quite busy as is during the sessions. Any pointer or tip is very appreciated.
  11. saddle

    Bind SIDE to a Key

    Did some testing and it works like a charm. Thanks so much!!
  12. Hey guys, been looking around in the days for something like a script that affects all AI units on the map, both that gets spawned in at all times, and AI units that has been there since mission start, both SP and MP. Something like a timer that when, say all AI when they have been Alert or in Caution for 2 minutes, they will eventually go down to SAFE again, and have LIMITED movement of walking - if they have not been engaged with any hostiles. Each time they become cautious and alerted, it will be a certain period of time before all of them will switch back to SAFE and LIMITED movement when they have had no engagements. As if the threat is over and the AI can relax again. Civilians will calm down and return to their SAFE and LIMITED behaviors. Soldiers will be at ease and return to their SAFE and LIMITED behaviors. Like on repeat if they end up getting alerted several times. Any tips or pointers are greatly appreciated,
  13. You are golden, pierremgi, I will give this a try thank you.
  14. saddle

    co10 Escape

    So I want to make my own custom templates for bases such as depots, and heard you need to use the map maker(?) for this. I am very experienced with custom missions / modding them, but not managed to figure this one out yet. I have not found anything on the net. Anyone got any pointers? Appreciated.
  15. Hey everyone, I have been looking around for an answer to my question! I am wondering if you can put into say the init file of your mission that always it will give all players present like a huge rating increase, and then say repeat it over and over. I want the players at all time to never ever switch to the sideEnemy or turn into renegades, no matter what happens. Any player who leave and enter. cheers,
  16. Harzach thanks so much. I will give this a shot.
  17. Hello there, as the title says, when I am adding a Spawn on Custom Position to my mission, an error shows up that I have never encountered before and I have done a lot of mission making in this game. I have done this so many times without any issue, so I am a bit confused why this happens all of a sudden and have not managed to find any solutions on the web yet. I get stuck on the spawn/map screen without any interface to choose spawns, and this error keeps spamming; [_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error position: <_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _list 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuPosition.sqf..., line 41 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression < _maxRespawnTickets ]; } else { _ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrltickets 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 75 10:24:45 Error in expression < ["%1/%2",_livingCount,_playersCount]; _ctrlTeam ctrlSetText _playersText; Any tip or feedback greatly appreciated
  18. Edit: Yea works like a charm now. Didn't know I didn't need to load Contact to play Livonia. Thanks a bunch Harzach.
  19. https://easyupload.io/39c1rj mission is in Altis map. I am running the Contact DLC as well, as we want to play on Livonia but I am reading something about the Contact DLC was intended for SP and does not like MP modules such as respawns .. I put in respawnOnStart = 0; and respawning works but without any timer, it is instant at the respawn marker. I put in respawnOnStart = 1; and the error comes back. Might have the same or similar issue as this thread https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/195514-bis-respawn-bug/
  20. It specifically happens when I check the box Choose Spawn Position. Simply spawning without choosing position works.
  21. https://i.gyazo.com/a5dfdd8f332bcfe7fae9f912a34e5dc8.jpg still broken. don't worry about the StartTraffic error its not related to this particular issue i know that for sure.
  22. Looks like this is happening no matter what map I choose in the editor and even make a basic new mission with basic settings ... going to try to check to see if this has to do with corrupted files. No clue.
  23. Hello guys, thanks for taking the time. I am working hard on an experience for some people that I am going to entertain as Zeus and mission maker, but gotten to a point where I have not manage to find any module, mod or other script that meet my specific needs. My friends during their adventure through a map, will come and go to different locations, and return to the same ones again potentially. Each time they do, I want to be able to spawn in AI units, under specific classnames, in very specific location like a marker or trigger. Maybe one AI of one type of classname stands at a gatehouse, and another AI of another type of classname is standing outside in the rain. But each time they go there, they will spawn in into the same spot or markers. And if they leave, they will despawn again, in order to save on performance for the server. I have seen many population scripts out there, but they generally populate areas and houses, they do not place them into very specific manual locations, or i can choose which classname will be placed down to the detail. I am also looking for the option that if I spawn a third guy by the guard house, he starts to patrol in a small radius when he has appeared. I can easily create this by placing down NPCs, but it is going to tax the performance if I have so many different locations populated all at once. It would be better if they despawn on leaving, and respawn on approach. It would also be useful if there are specific enemy classnames in an area they can attack, they will respawn later in case they want to go back and do the same attack over again. Anyone has any ideas or suggestions? Much appreciated!
  24. Thanks a ton for the support so far guys. I might try an option and make like a script/trigger/init line radius around all players on the map, that if any and all AI ends up outside the radius they will disable simulation, and then when they enter the radius the simulation is on again.
  25. Thanks. Will large amounts of AI across the map still affect performance? Even if they are all disabled in simulation?