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Everything posted by hoverguy

  1. Is it some kind of variable? If so open HG\Config\HG_Config.h and set cashVariable to "rvg_money", if it's an item you will have to modify some files...
  2. Hello @Gill93 The HUD is supposed to display your current cash amount everytime. Looks like the HUD is showing 50$ but in reality the cash variable is set to 0$, to me it's jut a display issue. Make sure the cash variable is well read or that the HUD is refreshed when it needs to be. Hello @sgtpipokinho Make sure classnames are correct (case sentitive, "arifle_MXC_F" & "arifle_MXC_f" are different strings) and that they have a sell price set. I've also just fixed an issue that was blocking the sell button in disabled mode. -> click here (github).
  3. hoverguy

    Config error with Altis Life

    Hello @FirstOrderKylo L.287-288 you forgot to close two arrays { "B_Messenger_Gray_F", "EMS Bag Grey", 2000, { "", "", -1 } , { "B_Messenger_IDAP_F", "EMS Bag IDAP", 2000, { "", "", -1 } , ---> { "B_Messenger_Gray_F", "EMS Bag Grey", 2000, { "", "", -1 } }, { "B_Messenger_IDAP_F", "EMS Bag IDAP", 2000, { "", "", -1 } },
  4. Hello @Harine Thank you it's always a pleasure to read things like this. clearInventory is only for vehicles, and yeah gear was not saving correctly especially on first time setup where it was completely skipped, now it's fixed https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/3a270e8096e67ed9ad8d0165b1f1677dea9166ea @bl2ck dog, Thanks for the credits & good luck with your project :)
  5. Hello @Fr3eMan As an example: private["_tree","_parentIndex","_childIndex","_grandChildIndex"]; disableSerialization; _tree = (findDisplay 1500) displayCtrl 456; // Clear tree tvClear _tree; // Create parent _parentIndex = _tree tvAdd [[],"PARENT"]; // Create child _childIndex = _tree tvAdd [[_parentIndex],"CHILD"]; // Create grand child _grandChildIndex = _tree tvAdd [[_parentIndex,_childIndex],"GRAND CHILD"]; Check the Notes part here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/tvAdd
  6. 1) You have to enable clearInventory in HG_Config.h 2) Shops weren't made for Ravage mod specifically or survival game modes hence why they're missing fuel/damage saving, will think about it :) 3) Will add it as an option
  7. Hello @cupcake_actual I will add side whitelisting to shops, coming in the next update :)
  8. Hello @bl2ck dog Thank you! Make sure you have all the required stuff in initPlayerLocal.sqf, have you tried the provided mission in editor? Is it working? Hello @taro8 It will defeat the purpose of having different traders on map, exactly what it was designed for. For example you can have one trader that only buys handguns, another one for machine guns etc... If I add price per item types it means that you can sell everything to one trader. I know it's boring and time consuming to add classnames to configs but that's how it is right now. Thanks for your proposition though and hope you will still enjoy it :)
  9. Hello @katipo66 In scripts // First method private _hasEnough = [500] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney; if(_hasEnough) then { // Do shit } else { // Am so broke... }; // Second method if([500] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then { // Do shit } else { // Am so broke... }; In addAction condition you just use the function without assigning a variable to it. Yeah I can add something like this, nobody ever asked for it tho... maybe later :) Yes database extension (check HG_Config.h header): savingMethod = "extDB"; Don't know if it makes sense to use DB for singleplayer mission to you, it does to me (local database). Hello @nelo_riot It's pulled from the game configs automagically :) There's one function that retrieves right config based on passed classname (HG_fnc_getConfig) and then in the script I use the returned config to gather display name from the said config with the given classname. Hello @Azola21 Of course you can modify the script to sell vehicles in garage, but you must follow license terms and share your work. And yes it's possible to take ownership of editor placed vehicles with an addAction (https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Useful-Functions - Set vehicle ownership part) Simple example: this addAction ["I WANT this vehicle",{[(_this select 0)] call HG_fnc_setOwner},"",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) AND (alive _target) AND ((player distance _target) < 5.5)'];
  10. Hello @J.Huff I'm afraid you're still using the old version... grab the latest from here https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops and preview the provided mission. All the actions are on one object.
  11. Hello @Booker- Name gate variable -> fenceGate Trigger On activation fenceGate animateSource ["Door_1_sound_source",1]; fenceGate animateSource ["Door_2_sound_source",1]; On Deactivation fenceGate animateSource ["Door_1_sound_source",0]; fenceGate animateSource ["Door_2_sound_source",0];
  12. Hello @katipo66 Well the thing is that HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup function is defined when initServer.sqf event script is fired... which is a problem because editor placed unit inits are called way before initServer.sqf... so if you put this in init box [this] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; It won't work simply because on init HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup function doesn't exist. Now you can do it -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/2136244139fffe88fd292561647cafbdb44cb3b0 Also read this -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/How-to-setup-kill-rewards When you spawn in game for the first time you have the same gear as the playable unit you just chose. Then when you buy stuff it gets saved in profile or database (depends on savingMethod token value in HG_Config.h). And yeah by default everything is saved in profile so when you try it in editor it will remember your cash amount, bought gear, vehicles etc... for next time you spawn in. Where is the dumb question? Can't find it... Thanks man :)
  13. Hi @Cruzader77, thanks for your kind words :) Hello @nelo_riot, thank you, it really is basic scripting you know... Hello @Nebel345, I don't remember how I did it cause it's been a while now... But anyways the syntax here is not correct: _unit = _grp createUnit [_unitType,_pos,[],6,"FORM"] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; -> for "_x" from 1 to _grpSize do { _unitType = _pool select (floor(random(count _pool))); _unit = _grp createUnit [_unitType,_pos,[],6,"FORM"]; [_unit] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; };
  14. Hello @Vandeanson You're welcome :) I don't know how Zombies & Demons mod handles units... _unit parameter is just a placeholder it can be anything... I would suggest you to check what function is called by the module then you figure out what to do from there. Yeah there was a problem with gear loading from save, fixed now https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/5a8c163796740317850c7629de83aa6dbc23136a
  15. Hello, Should be fixed in latest commit, check github and update your stuff. Thanks.
  16. Hello @solviper DefaultClutter class has to be declared outside of the Clutter config class. Your CfgSurfaces & CfgSurfaceCharacters have to be defined outside of the CfgWorlds config class. config.cpp example class CfgWorlds { class YourTerrain { // Stuff class DefaultClutter; // <---- Default clutter definition here #include "cfgClutter.hpp" // <---- Clutter config here }; }; #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" // <---- Surfaces & Surface characters configs here cfgClutter.hpp class Clutter { // Removed DefaultClutter class grass_green_clutter: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.0; swLighting = 0; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; };
  17. Hello, You just have to add another array of RGB values, don't know if that's what you want but the topic title is pretty clear to me: desertcliff[] = {{X,Y,Z},{X',Y',Z'}};
  18. Hello @Bayern_Maik, You should read this https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Useful-Functions Add or sub cash part :) Hi @Chris Smith, I can't reproduce the issue you're having :(
  19. Hello @Powershard, This is a nice idea, lemme write it down somewhere :) Another nice idea, added to my list :) Added to code, will be available in next update, but bear in mind that it won't save accessories & magazine because it's tricky (have to add weapon with accessories/magazine on player before storing to uniform/vest/backpack for each weapon in inventory... which is a pain...) Hello @Chris Smith, No one ever reported this, can you please be more precise? Hello @SkipperLD, You can make per rank shops see config files headers (HG_ClothingShopCfg.h / HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h / HG_WeaponsShopCfg.h) the token you're looking for is whitelistRanks[] = {}; You again? Yes it will be in next update :) Thank guys for using my shops!
  20. Hello @n.lendall, I'm aware of this, next update will bring changes and should fix display issues with dialogs. Hello @daniel1060, That will require a bit of modification, you want a global cash variable broadcasted to everyone right and use that money on clients to buy stuff. Add me on steam so we can figure this out.
  21. Hello, you're welcome. Yup fixed the index error, forgot this one :) You may be able to store it properly now. I'll add this one, thanks for the suggestion. Added. Yup also fixed, it's fine in the mission I provide but forgot to add it to the addActions samples when I done the wiki... As you can see here https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/How-to-configure it's clearly enclosed in quotes, see getPlayerUID command. Thanks for you reports :) EDIT: https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/ef44b0d4586ca777da3adf3690efe10ea8aae410
  22. Hello Victruso, Just added a Useful Functions page to the wiki Hello Atlas1205, Fixed it, thanks for your report :)
  23. Yeah that's stated in the Updates section on github Hey MrCrazyDude115, I just made a wiki -> Useful Functions
  24. Hello Chris Smith, You can follow the HG_DefaultShop example, just copy it & adjust to your needs. Not the best, not at all, but thanks for your support :) Am about to change how spawning is handled, it will accept STRING (markers), OBJECTS & POSITION ([x,y,z]), so stay updated https://github.com/ Hmmm, I'm completely aware of the issue, that's because of the GUI coordinates system I use. Working on a fix but don't have time atm to be 100% dedicated. All I can say for now is to check the github regularly. Thanks you guys for using my shops!
  25. In fact you can have both. When clearInventory is true and enableVehicleInventorySave is true as well, the vehicle content gets emptied BEFORE the saved stuff is being stored back in the vehicle. They are complementary. If only clearInventory is true then nothing is saved and things as in first aid kits and such are removed. If clearInventory is false and enableVehicleInventorySave is true, first aid kits will be left in inventory and saved stuff stored back in, so clearInventory always have to be enabled when using enableVehicleInventorySave. So in the end you need both to be enabled :)