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About dawg711

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  1. dawg711

    Paying Again To Play A3

    Okay so I heard on another forum a rumor that you had to pay Custom Combat Gaming to play on their servers. Before posting anything and in disbelief I did my homework. It is not easy to find anything but I did find this posthttp://customcombatgaming.com/forums/index.php?/topic/23201-cannot-connect-to-the-dev-servers/ After reading this post I was in shock!! I have already paid for Arma 3 why should any community be allowed to charge me to play on their servers? Now I dont post this to start trouble but to let the community in a whole know what is going on. It is only if we ban together can we put an end to this before it catches on. Look to the future if it is allowed for CCG then others will be doing it. That is just not right. Posted Today, 02:55 PM Forum Members 1 posts sup lads, I just made the contract to pay 10/per month to get the access 2 the dev servers but when i connect to them it still tells me that i have 2 get whitelisted. (sorry for my bad english with russian grammar)
  2. dawg711

    Update 1.44 Getting strange errors in RPT!

    I dont know exactly what this means but it comes up for every AI on foot when using the AI script pack from Armaholic. I used that pack for months and this never harmed anything. Does not spam but will allow you to track when the AI on foot spawn.
  3. dawg711

    Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux

    I got this working on Wasteland finally.....If anyone is interested look for Dawg's AI Warzone
  4. dawg711

    Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux

    Anyone try this on A3 Wasteland yet? I have the built in Anti-Hack banning for using this.
  5. dawg711

    Server RPT issues

    This is the error you want to concentrate on. 23:21:47 String STR_MOD_LAUNCHER_ACTION not found I have the others on my RPT and the server runs fine. What mod are you trying to run? My guess by this error is your server does not know what mod you are trying to run. Meaning something with the mod is not installed right. Is you are with a Hosting company I would ask them. If they are not helpful then consider going with Vert Hosting. They may not be the fastest group but they are very helpful. I hope this helped if even just a little. Good luck. Cliff
  6. dawg711

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    You can use this link to set up your call lines. http://lostvar.com/AISSP/AISSP.html If you want to specify exactly the troops and vehicles for each side look in the LV Function that covers the Ambient. The Fillhouse, Paratroops, Militarize, and Renforcement chopper all have there own lines that can be edited. That tool on that link is great takes all the guess work out of it. I have several scenarios set up ready to go. I used the Markers for the Territories. May not have as much action as a server full of players....but these AI are so real.....with the right settings it beats a PVP server. You can set there skills so you can carry out real firefights where the AI actually will miss you. Check out Dawg's AI Warzone to see what I have done with it.
  7. dawg711

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Ok so I have this AI in my Wasteland server and they are so much fun. What I would like to do is set them up so they can control the territories they are in. Right now in Dawg's AI War you find that the AI are mostly at territory control points. Areas you can capture for profit. The thing is right now you dont have to do anything but be in the town to capture it. Plus live long enough. That is not that hard if you dont have to kill to get what you want. What I want is have it where you have to kill off the AI like they were players to capture the point. Answer this guys (assuming its not been done) Would this idea not add something greater to those of us with a low population server?? How do we get this done? Cliff