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Everything posted by constance68w

  1. constance68w

    BMR Insurgency

    I didn't realize this was a problem for anybody else and that's foolish of me to assume given that it's an issue with AGM and the way the explosives are handled, correct? The source should be the player who placed the charge, but AGM makes that difficult.. Any ideas? I currently have none except changing the source until it works, but that's useless without valid information.
  2. constance68w

    BMR Insurgency

    The explosives issue has been solved by a friend and myself while we were trying to edit a few things inside to better suit our play style and the play style we are getting our friends into, satchelCharge_remote_ammo MUST MUST MUST be changed to satchelCharge_remote_ammo_scripted demoCharge_remote_ammo MUST MUST MUST be changed to demoCharge_remote_ammo_scripted Yep, that's just adding "_scripted" at the end of it to make it work with AGM, tried and true, it works. Hope this helps. Following this post for more information and ability to help others.