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About VyMajoris_IHS

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  1. VyMajoris_IHS

    [R3F] Logistics

    How do I increase the capacity of a container/vehicle?
  2. And yet, the media still turning its back on the numerous occasions of Cuban Intelligence(DGI) infiltration inside the US and the terrorist attacks. watch?v=fPHw4lHqMZM (can't post links yet) But I don't think that the lyrics were inciting democracy and western values at all. Just like in Vietnam, the US intelligence office was committed in spreading pornographic and anti-family propaganda. Beyonce and Jay-Z are not exponents of western greatness. Even if they indeed incited democracy, that doesn't meant that the people would have representatives, for even in my country, Brazil, 80% of the people doesn't have representatives and the voting machines are secretly maintened and manufactured by the Venezuelan-Cuban Agency called "SMARTMATIC". ]History repeats itself. The US government did the same with USSR and later, with China. The government helped its own enemy.
  3. VyMajoris_IHS

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The Police officer was doing his job. The weird one here is the person who called the police. This is an example of the hostile mentality that the modern times creates, placing everyone against everyone.