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About wohltaeter

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  1. wohltaeter

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    I could swear I heard different echos, based on the surroundings, on devbranch before the 1.56 update. :huh:
  2. wohltaeter

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    I agree, the new sounds are fantastic! I also think the distant sounds fade to soon. I noticed that, if you place an apc or tank in a town, maybe hidden behind some buildings with his engine on, I can only hear him if I'm close to 70 meters to the location where he stands. Shouldn't I hear his engine way before, maybe 200 to 300 meters to the town? If they already plan to work on those sounds, or they're not a top priority, or todays tankengines are already pretty silent, then I'm sorry and please don't mind me. :P