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Everything posted by mobilemick

  1. Looking good.. Only fault i found, when i do a search from google, it takes me to your homepage rather than the specific thread. thank you
  2. mobilemick

    The new Sector Module

    Does the Modules only work in Stratis, If i run in on Altis map, the icons don`t appear on the right of the screen...... But i can still capture bases (window pops up saying BLUFOR have captured ) Thank you **EDIT** Had to add a OPFOR player to map before they would show
  3. mobilemick

    Insurgency | ALiVE - Official Release

    Take your time M8, it`s only a game ///
  4. mobilemick

    Campaign: The Henchman

    Sounds good, Not played SP before, but this looks like it will be my first
  5. The missions carry on when all players die, or leave the server, only way they end is , IF admin END TASK, or server restarts... Not sure about total number of deaths, i havent seen it anywhere .. To make anyone drive a vehicle, Sqd leader needs to use PDA to give them pilot/Driver licence
  6. mobilemick

    Looking for group to play with

    Search for "TheSh1tGamer" in multiplayer,Or add me on Steam we are in UK and play various misions, either created by ourselves or from Steam Workshops, Feel free to put your own mission on our server, just having Fun, TEAMWORK is a must.. Tara
  7. Created a Mission... but If i preview my mission then > BLUFOR have no weapons and are inside the building, :) :) but if i switch to MultiPlayer they are on the roof of the building and have full gear guns NV, etc.... Anybody had this before, Tried searching, but GOOGLE isn`t my friend Thank you
  8. The only code im using on the infantry is "" removeAllweapons this;removeHeadgear this; unassignitem "NVGoggles"; this removeitem "NVGoggles"; Also have VAS script Farqoos revive sytem, and Unitcaching ATM Airdrop Works perfect in preview, Thanks
  9. Have you tried this > http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170132-LEA-Loadout-Editor-for-ArmA-3
  10. Ahh sorry you wanted tickets per player ,, not per team,,
  11. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Well i restarted server, i had 4000 in bank, 3000 on me, and a gun, Restarted server and i had 0 in the bank, no gun and 2300 on me, ?? Does this line not need my server name ?? databasename = "TEST"; serverName = "TESTSERVER";
  12. mobilemick


    Should of said driving into OPFOR base, Just tried it now and your defences worked) it must of been linked to one of the last towns we captured,that is why it let us finish without completeing all towns. I presumed they automatically came from steam workshop ? Thank you
  13. mobilemick


    Great mod all running good,.. Couple of suggestions 1. Revive system, saves having to respawn everytime you die, (FAR revive is quite good) 2. You cant plant explosives when holding binoculars, (not important, just a observaton. 3. If you start as BLUFOR you can parachute straight into OPFOR base and the mission will end, Its fine if you playing with friends, but not if some muppet decides to join and ruin it for us all, (Maybe all bases have to be captured before taking OPFOR 4. RHS when i try to run these, itjust takes me back to mission screen 5. When buying the Hemit(Ammo truck) it only contains 10 FAK`s Thank you
  14. mobilemick


    Working now, i read your replies on Steam and figured it out :) :) Thank you
  15. mobilemick


    i put the "MP_Warlords_01.Altis" in my MPmisions where my server is located, and when i #missions in multiplayer, i get this error on my server screen Include file A3\JEZ_warlords\cfgMission\Params.hpp not found
  16. mobilemick


    Excellent mod :) Is there a way to run it on my dedi server, Thank you
  17. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Tried that, OH well, spent enough time, ill go find another mod to play with Thanks for the help.
  18. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Thanks noven, Sorry i edited the message before after you replied.... if i leave game, and rejoin my stats are saved, if i restart my server, everything is back to 0
  19. For some reason, whenever i start TDAST and launch, it Shows my PC name in multiplayer rather than, my server name i put in TDAST Any ideas Thank you **Fixed** the PAYDAY police mod i was using, was changing it. ***
  20. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    I dont get the message saying "inidbi not found", so must be working :) :) Will test it again, Thanks for the advice
  21. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Thanks Noven,,, Guns are now showing and working fine :) :) But !!!! it has now stopped saving to inidbi.. :)
  22. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Been trying to install this mod, and here is my progress. 1, Install mod, works fine 2. add @inidbi to my server d:/Games/Arma3/A3Master (Saving now works) :) :) :) 3. Add any of the gun mods and the saving stops working, 4. Also when all mods loaded on server (d:/games/Arma3/A3Master, also added on client machine, i get green dot on multiplayer, but when i join, i get eror, saying "dont use CBA, ASDG, RH etc... Last time for me trying to get it working, then giving up lol EDIT, Is it possible to run this mod, without using Gun mods..
  23. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Installing them now :) I have a spare PC which i use to run arma3 server, Do i need to add the files into TDAST location, Or shall i install them where i have arma3 installed :) Thank you
  24. mobilemick

    Payday Mod

    Any ideas why this is appearing, cannot buy any weapons, Great MOD by the way, keep up the good work
  25. You need to have a mission loaded in TDAST