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Posts posted by Shreeden-VX9-

  1. You could try adding

    if (!_whitelisted) then {


    if (_function select [0, count _x] == _x) exitWith {

    _whitelisted = true;


    } forEach [






    To that function I suppose? That would allow acre and cba


    Ok so I'm not getting any errors anymore but my guys still aren't getting the radio.

    Any Ideas?

  2. I have no idea what kind of "anti-cheat" stuff wasteland has, but that would definitely cause the issue. seems its blocking CBA (not even ACRE2) from checking server vs. client version.

    EDIT: From some googling, it looks like you need to add ACRE2 and CBA to some sort of whitelist. Apparently you have to do this with any mod you use with the anti-hack stuff.

    Strange thing is that we didn't have any problem with running TFAR. However TFAR didn't suit our needs so we are looking to ACRE2.

    ---------- Post added at 23:34 ---------- Previous post was at 23:25 ----------

    This is the filterExecAttempt.sqf.

    Not sure what I would add or where.

    // ******************************************************************************************

    // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *

    // ******************************************************************************************

    // @file Version: 1.0

    // @file Name: filterExecAttempt.sqf

    // @file Author: AgentRev

    // @file Created: 14/07/2013 13:10

    private "_packetName";

    _packetName = [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

    if (_packetName == "BIS_fnc_MP_packet") then


    private ["_values", "_args", "_function", "_whitelisted", "_filePath", "_argsType", "_argsStr", "_buffer"];

    _values = [_this, 1, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;

    if (count _values < 3) exitWith {};

    _args = [_values, 1, []] call BIS_fnc_param;

    _function = [_values, 2, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

    _whitelisted = false;

    if (_function == "BIS_fnc_execVM") then


    _filePath = if (typeName _args == "STRING") then { _args } else { [_args, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param };


    if (_filePath == _x) exitWith


    _whitelisted = true;













    if (_function == _x) exitWith


    _whitelisted = true;











    "JTS_FNC_SENT"*/ // PM Compact by JTS


    if (!_whitelisted) then



    if (_function select [0, count _x] == _x) exitWith


    _whitelisted = true;










    if (_whitelisted) then


    _this call BIS_fnc_MPexec;




    if (isServer) then


    BIS_fnc_MP_packet = [];

    publicVariable "BIS_fnc_MP_packet";

    _argsType = toUpper typeName _args;

    _argsStr = if (_argsType == "STRING") then { "'" + _args + "'" } else { if (_argsType in ["BOOL","SCALAR","ARRAY","SIDE"]) then { str _args } else { "(" + str _args + ")" } };

    _buffer = toArray ("ANTI-HACK - Blocked remote execution: params=" + str (_values select [2, count _values - 2]) + " args=" + _argsStr);

    while {count _buffer > 0} do


    diag_log toString (_buffer select [0, 1021]);

    _buffer deleteRange [0, 1021];





    FOUND THE FIX! See the add.

  3. ACRE2 removes the radio slot and does not use ItemRadio. The radios are replaced with an ACRE_PRC343 which should be in your inventory. If this was not automatically placed in your inventory, and the players only have ItemRadio, that means @acre2 is not running on the server. At a minimum, ACRE will replace ItemRadio with ItemRadioAcreFlagged, and also give you an ACRE_PRC343.

    So - check your server RPT's, and confirm @acre2 and @cba_a3 are loading. The new mod reports in the RPT should help a lot with this. Remember, it has to be @cba_a3.

    Running this on A3Wasteland 1.0c

    Checked the report. Shows CBA and ACRE2 loading their pbos.

    I have this in my report

    12:58:17 ACRE2 Library Loaded

    I do see this though.

    12:58:39 "ANTI-HACK - Blocked remote execution: params=["cba_versioning_state",true,true,false] args='if(isServer)exitWith{};if (isNil "CBA_display_ingame_warnings") then { CBA_display_ingame_warnings = true; };;0 = objNull spawn { sleep 1; sleep 1; _func={cba_versioning_mismatch=[format["%2 (%1)",name player, player],_this];publicVariable "cba_versioning_mismatch";_this spawn{_t=format["You are missing the following mod: %1",_this];diag_log text _t;sleep 2;if (CBA_display_ingame_warnings) then {player globalChat _t}}};if !(isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main"))exitWith{"cba_main" call _func};};'"

    12:58:39 "ANTI-HACK - Blocked remote execution: params=["cba_network_sendPlayerID",true,true,false] args=[]"

  4. I'm trying to get this running on my server.

    I've uploaded @cba and @acre2 to the server and added the params.

    When we are in game the radio location in the inventory is showing nothing.

    I look at the database and see that the players have "ItemRadio" in their inventory but they cannot see it or transmit.

    Clients have CBA and Acre2 installed and running.

    TS plugin is enabled.

    Any ideas?

  5. Yeah i see this...And have you tested to reproduce the bug without the mod ? :). 'Cause in fact the bug exist in vanilla game too...


    I will certainly add a video to the feedback tracker and report him on the dev development thread.

    For the .bikey... I don't know how this thing work...I have my private key and i have made the .bikey and I don't know why its not good...

    If anybody know how it works (why it don't work ^^), it would be cool if a can fix it for the next update -_-...

    Arotor issue Is an Arma side issue.

    Please Let us know when you have a new bikey.
