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Posts posted by icmspectre


    ok Huey Gunships added

    note: for transport your squad will need to use the H34 or H13 for now, as UH-1D/H Slicks are not in bravo

    All rocketpods are removable, and you will be able to change them using the in-game menu..

    "uns_UH1C_M21_M158"                   UH-1C-M21 with dual M134, 7x rocket pod, and M60 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1C_M21_M200"                   UH-1C-M21 with dual M134, 19x rocket pod, and M60 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1C_M21_M200_1AC"               as above in 1st Air Cav livery
    "uns_UH1C_M6_M158"                    UH-1C-M6 with quad M60, 7x rocket pod, and M60 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1C_M6_M200"                    UH-1C-M6 with quad M60, 19 rocket pod, and M60 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1C_M6_M200_1AC"                as above in 1st Air Cav livery, but with experimental napalm tanks
    "uns_UH1C_M21_M158_M134"              UH-1C-M21 with dual M134, 7x rocket pod, and M134 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1C_M6_M200_M134"               UH-1F-M21 with quad M60, 19x rocket pod, and M134 door guns in random livery/decals
    "uns_UH1F_M21_M158_Hornet"            UH-1F-M21 with dual M134, 7x rocket pod, and M134 door guns in USAF Green Hornet livery/decals
    "uns_UH1F_M6_M158_Hornet"             UH-1F-M6 with quad M60, 7x rocket pod, and M134 door guns in USAF Green Hornet livery/decals
    "UNS_UH1B_TOW"                        UH-1B Combat Aerial Tow Team. 6x TOW missile pod in 1st CAT livery
    "UNS_UH1C_M3_ARA"                     UH-1C/M3 Aerial Rocket Artillery. 24x Rocket pod and M75 Grenade launcher

    Will the hueys door gunners have searchlights?

  2. yeah nice vid, though he could have done with me whispering in his ear:

    - a lot of his thoughts about origins or purpose were incorrect! but hey that's our job right? the weapon library and descriptions tell you a lot about this stuff

    - all the weapons with pre-loaded attachments, like the LMGs and sniper-rifles and SMG's and pistols with suppressors don't show up in the arsenal, so about a quarter of our weapons are missing

    - the bayonets will work in melee combat, as will the rifle butts

    - the wire stock weapons have more dexterity but more recoil

    - the StG44 and uzi need a new uvmap

    - all of the AK variants have slight differences based on their date of production

    - the full-auto grenade launcher vest has been fixed!

    - the french MAS49/56, BAR, and K-50M models are due to be replaced shortly with those lovely high def models you have seen in other shots.

    - he missed out demoing some attachments like the APS with suppressor, the Stoner with bipod etc.

    - the PM63 should not have a suppressor - I will fix that - good find.

    - he missed the RPG7 and SA7 launchers

    - the B40 and K50M are vietnamese-made copies of the RPG2 and PPSh

    - also he missed the grenades - we have 25 types


    all in all though not a bad demo! thanks shermanator.

    Are the weapons rate of fires going to be the same as they were in his demo?

  3. I have noticed that the more news about Knight's progress had been posted the more annoying requests have emerged. Just stopped feeding ppl with news and have gotten more time for development which is nice. Also, I find out that some people have been trying to drain my ideas for their projects. I am waiting impatiently to see which projects will have those ideas implemented. 

    Anyway, the Mi-17 is a testbed for CH46. As long as I work on either one, I work on both.  A little teaser tho: at the moment, I work on implementation of system that generates climate environment (ambient temperature specifically) and it will have a dramatic impact on a helicopter performance, like IRL. It's scripted system so can be transferred to any helicopter quickly.

    So, answering you question directly - no, I have not. 

    Oh okay, I understand that may be annoying. I didn't mean to offend in any way, was just weird seeing this thread have noone post for a while

  4. Well its a matter of preference I guess , what type of missions do you want to make ? That's the first question.

    I started on a campaign written script back around 2.6 titled "Operation Copperhead" Centered around a SF recon team... but was too busy with the 2.6 release of the mod and didn't have a committed campaign team to play it out so it was shelved. It climaxed to an unexpected ending very moving. But alas its still sitting on my HDD waiting for someone to give it a go...

    If you plan on doing this with 3.0 I'll jump on board and help with mission making
