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Everything posted by icmspectre

  1. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Fuck yesss, time for those CoD4 Shock-n-Awe mission intro's
  3. The bird actually says MAW
  4. Dbskdkfjdknfndkd excitment isn't the word
  5. Shoe in? So she's gonna be in Bravo?
  6. Will the hueys door gunners have searchlights?
  7. The rate of fire of an m16a1 is 150-200rpm. And in his demo it looked a lot faster
  8. Are the weapons rate of fires going to be the same as they were in his demo?
  9. The Kar-98 wasn't used in the Vietnam war as far as I'm aware, at least as far as I know. Mostly Soviet left overs from WW2 and Chinese weaponry
  10. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Oh okay, I understand that may be annoying. I didn't mean to offend in any way, was just weird seeing this thread have noone post for a while
  11. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Have you taken a break from the CH-46 and moved onto the MI-18?
  12. I saw Shermanators video, and a lot of the uniforms had been removed (for example aircav and other battalions). So with Bravo will there be a way to get the aircav patches or whatever back on the uniform?
  13. You know because the uniforms have been massively decreased, is there another way to select individual ranks and battalions? Through patches or a seperate pbo?
  14. If you plan on doing this with 3.0 I'll jump on board and help with mission making
  15. Will there be a helitrans module like in 2.6?
  16. Looks like you've got more than the general public excited here boys. Well played lads, good work
  17. Speaking of bayonets. Will they be attachments or different varients of weapons
  18. What's left overall?
  19. Thank you bby
  20. Will the weapons have new sounds and anims in Bravo?
  21. On your website, on the concept unit page. There's a US soldier without a top with just his rigging and pants. Do you plan to implement this into the game?
  22. Sexy sexy sexyEdit; Will there be a few different skins for the UH-1B in the Bravo release?
  23. Is there only gonna be the UH-1HB in Bravo? Are the H's and C's coming with Charlie?
  24. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Have you thought about adding HiddenSelections onto your helicopter. So that the numbers on the nose and side would be randomised every time one is spawned?
  25. icmspectre


    Will there be a marines texture for this, or will that just be for the seahawk?