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About Stebbs92

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  1. Stebbs92

    United States Air Force

    Been messing around with the autopilot orbit with the AC-130. The orbit seems to be really small; to the point where you can't even see the center of the orbit, because when at the 500m minimum altitude, the center is below you. This makes it really hard to get a good orbit because you can't circle an area directly overhead, you have to center your orbit next to the target area, and then the target is only within the gimbal limit of the guns for about a third of the orbit. What I want to know is, would it be possible to have an autopilot function where a waypoint can be set to give the gunship a center for its orbit, and/or would it be possible to create a way to alter the parameters of the autopilot orbit in flight, such as adjusting the orbit altitude and radius of the orbit?