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About justgiona

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  1. http://pastebin.com/NqJpH8rR maybe that'll help a bit..
  2. After scavenging and reading a lot of forum posts I finally made it to make Esseker work on my Exile Modded Server............BUT........i'm stuck at character selection. It says there's an error or something like that about the file called ExileClient_object_item_craft.sqf I tried to open it and see what was wrong with it and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Is there maybe related to loot tables and stuff like that? Because i haven't messed with that stuff, yet. I am so close to get it working than i'm out of ideas. :( If you want to try it yourself and see if it works, the server ip is: What should i try?
  3. So in the extensions menu when choosing the server will people be able to see which keys/mods they need to have in order to join if i put all of them into one big @Mod ? My question is: Will each mod show up based on the keys, or the only thing they will see is Mod with a big red dot? :D
  4. so basically for blastcore and jsrs i can just put the serverkey in the keys folder in the main arma 3 directory? two more questions at this point: 1) Can i change the name of the folders of the mods, for example if the mod is called @Dawn of the Dead bla bla bal bla can i modify it to @DofD and still work? Is it only going to check the keys inside of it or the name of the folder has to be exactly the same as everybody else? 2) If I'm going to use Orshanets as my map, will the missions give me an error since they were probably not meant to be for that map? Will I have to change the spawns (if so how) in case people spawn in weird places? I'm not familiar with this map, so i don't know how that's gonna work out. I know i have to put Orshanets in the map cycle in order to work, at least that's what i was reading. thank you for replying man! really appreciated it. I REALLY want to put this freaking server up :( been struggling.
  5. Hello nice folks, I'm new to host a server so i'm gathering a lot of information by searching online but i'm still having problems setting up my server by getting a bunch of errors. The mods that i want to have on my server are: Dawn of Dead Infected Skins, HLC Mods (awesome weapons), BAF Vehicles, BG_WEF (bolt animations), xCam, Ryan's Zombies and Demons, Arma 2 Cutscene Animations, AIA, Blastcore Phoenix 2, Blood Mist, Blood Patches, Chinook Pack, CBA, Enhanced Movement, Esseker, Exile, Blastcore Physics, Joint Rails, JSRS3 Dragonfyre, Mocap Melee, BIS Spotlight, Ukraine (village map), RH Acc, RH Pistols, RHS Armed Forces Of Russian Federation, IanSky Scope Mod, Kio Skull Mask, TRYK Uniforms, Zee Identity Pack, Flay Archery, SpookWarCom, Tao Folding Map, Task Force Radio, EWK Humvees. That's a lot of mods i know, but why not right? I have a 30 slots server and a bunch of my friends are going to have some fun plus anyone else that wants to join in. Now, my first mistake was adding ALL the mods on the server without changing anything. I know a lot of these mods can be just client side as long as i assign a key on my server right? If so which ones? I can't figure out which ones i have to put on my server and which ones i can just put a key instead. Also for the ones that i put on my server, do i need to add a key for those as well or they already come in with keys attached? One more thing, for mods such Tryk's uniforms, i was getting a bunch of errors for conflicting addons. Do i need to specify which "pack" to go for? I can't even see a config file though. How do i modify those mods for userconfig? I don't get it. I don't want you to do all the work for me, i'm just trying to learn so i can modify and maybe in the future even make my own custom stuff on the server. It's just very confusing with keys, mpmissions, missions, mods, etc. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and acknowledging how things work. If anybody is eager to help me understand or even give me the smallest advice, i'd greatly appreciate it.