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  1. Past hour
  2. For you, from the future, "Door_6_source" is the RAMP of the Taru helicopter 😉
  3. Gunter Severloh

    WeaponSights (Half-Zoom) Overhaul

    Nice work AirShark, so you figured it out yourself, or you asked Axle for help? Plan on doing a workshop version? It shouldn't be the version axle and i made dont do that, they are independent zooms, though the difference is our mods were full zoom, so it might be that because this mod has a half of a full zoom that its effected. He might have to add i think an event handler which idk how to do to have it where if the normal zoom is being used to basically disable or cancel the function of the mod, or basically do an else type of function i guess. Idk if Axle knows how to do this but AirShark could ask someone on the forums here for some help to setup the function for a switch.
  4. Today
  5. Don't know of any workarounds to make these work together but Contact was also causing issues for Old Man custom map UI which is official content. So yeah, it will likely conflict with anything that alters those things, not just this mod.
  6. I'm just wondering if they plan on implementing a clan tag system or provide us a better option for changing our in game display name? I play with a mill-sim team and we all us accurate radio comms using our call signs. The people who play on steam are able to change their steam name with an unlimited amount of characters, but on Xbox we are limited to only 12 characters and we have to pay $10 to Microsoft to update our name. Please provide us with a way to implement a clan tag or change our in game name.
  7. Hi, would it be possible to make grenade launcher for my rifle as attachment to not make 10 version of one rifle with grenade launcher and any other things?
  8. wooow you joined in 2006, which means you have played most of the arma series right?, I just happen to be in the same boat, never done much modding but have been always coding in Arma ^_^, but that aside I haven't got to properly import custom models into Arma, I seem to have some weird issues with the shadow geometry thing in Object builder, I'm a modeler though, will look into this since my first mod got some favorites heheheheh....
  9. @Larrow Sure, could be also done like that. Nice solution.
  10. A few months ago, inside his "Invade&Annex" framework, Quiksilver has managed to kind of deal with that, @h4wek . We were having a similar issue with that flatbed truck: it could only carry a single small container at once, instead of two, even if the sizes and weights were ok for more. I don't know how did he tweak that, but your issue might be related to that little game bug as well. And I won't dare to offer additional suggestions, because every single incursion of mine in such subjects were ALWAYS outside the regular/original set up from the game, so as you can see in this topic specifically, I could only make them work with the help of the savy guys around here. 😎
  11. JCataclisma

    Simple Single Player Cheat Menu

    Hello, guys! Don't know whether anybody is still rocking with this script. I have recently used it for the first time, and all works fine. But now I am trying to run it with Contact and/or Sahara DLCs, and the "Load" button doesn't show on the map. Any suggestions on a workaround? Cheers!
  12. How to turn any array into a shuffled deck in 1 line. Nice. The brackets shouldn't even be necessary since floor random and count are all unary commands.
  13. Just tried it. is the ability to zoom with the zoom button disabled? i understand the intent of ADs'ing being reduced but the mod totally removes my ability to zoom in without weapon
  14. Years in Arma3 i never thought of how better this could be. will try
  15. Is just... private _selectedMission = _availableMissions deleteAt floor( random count _availableMissions );
  16. When dealing with this you can use the side of the group of the unit. _realSide = side group _deadUnit; Does this exist? This variable will be Nil until the display is being shown and its onLoad has happened. This... ... can be replaced with just... _color = side group _oldUnit call BIS_fnc_sideColor; Surely when the mission starts this is just the side/group of the player. Not quite sure what you mean by team. Could this not be done with createMarker of type ICON, then the information would be available to all maps rather than handling them individually by placing drawIcon's on them all/
  17. Hello I wanted to give you this tool for developpe mods


    Do you want it

  18. obviousjelly

    mod question

    hello I'm part of a small mod team and am getting conflicting rules from other modders I need help clearing up. we are trying to use an asset that has this deed of free use attached to it CC BY 4.0 Deed | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative Commons, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ in this deed it states no money gained and must credit original maker of the asset. if we follow those rules that also line up with the mod user agreement can we use the asset? its on arma reforger
  19. I have a custom player marker system. For the most part, it functions fine. However I had to implement some workarounds. 4 sides PVP only (Blufor, Opfor, Independent and Civilian.) Simply put, it creates markers on the map and gps minimap for each teammate, in addition to one for the player. However, since I am making use of civilians as a playable faction, they occasionally showed up with Blufor's team markers until I set side relations and -10000 rating for each civilian. Once that was solved I ran into a new issue: (I didn't know this) Players apparently become civilians from the moment they die until they respawn - meaning civilian positions would be relayed to a non civilian player. As such, I figured I might be able to make the regular markers only appear when the player is alive. That worked. So I also figured I could make some OTHER markers display based on _oldUnit in onPlayerRespawn. But I get nothing. My intent is to have RespawnOnStart = 0, so that _oldunit would have a chance to be set, because while I am sure there's a way to get the team the player selected in the lobby and display markers based on that but I wouldn't quite know where to begin. onPlayerRespawn.sqf params ["_oldUnit", "_killer", "_respawn", "_respawnDelay"]; _miniMapEH = ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { private ["_color"]; switch (side _oldUnit) do { case west: { _color = [0, 0.3, 0.6, 1]; // Blue color for BLUFOR }; case east: { _color = [0.5, 0, 0, 1]; // Red color for OPFOR }; case independent: { _color = [0, 0.5, 0, 1]; // Green color for Independent }; default { _color = [0.4, 0, 0.5, 1]; // Purple color for Civilian }; }; // Loop through all playable units to draw icons for each player on the same side { if (side _x == side _oldUnit) then { // Draw colored dot icons for team players on the map _this select 0 drawIcon [ "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\dot_CA.paa", // Icon path _color, // Color based on player's side getPosASLVisual _x, 32, // Icon width 32, // Icon height getDirVisual _x, "", // Empty text 1, // Scale 0.04, // Text size "PuristaMedium", // Text font "right" // Text align ]; _this select 0 drawIcon [ "\A3\ui_f\data\map\vehicleicons\iconManVirtual_ca.paa", // Icon path [1, 1, 1, 0.65], // White color with 65% opacity getPosASLVisual _x, 25, // Icon width 25, // Icon height getDirVisual _x, name _x, // Name 1, // Scale 0.04, // Text size "PuristaMedium", // Text font "right" // Text align ]; }; } forEach allUnits; }]; diag_log format ["_oldUnit Side: %1", side _oldUnit];
  20. Nice work - I've always thought about doing something like this. Have you thought about modelling some real military ration packs for more of the military side of things?
  21. davidca1993

    Elim cheater

    If you pay attentionyou can see before the end of the timer something moved and get ping as an enemy. Then as the timer end kill one of us in spawn and we kill him. He moving before the game start https://youtube.com/watch?v=WOYYotncC44&feature=shared
  22. hey welcome to the Arma mission making zone ^_^, to get started I really recommend you explore the Arma documentation https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Scripting_Commands, all the explanation of the magic is there in the documentation, or you could try tutorials on youtube to get started ^_^ so to spawn a unit Arma uses "createUnit" command, a unit needs a group it can be your group, to add a unit to your group, you get your group with the command: private _playerGrp = group player; next you place down the unit you want to spawn and copy his class by right clicking him and going to Log >> Log Classes to Clipboard, after you got the class into your clipboard you delete the unit and use the "createUnit" command to spawn in the unit to a group https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit private _unit = _playerGrp createUnit ["B_crew_F", getPosATL player, [], 0, "FORM"]; that is kinda the basics on how you spawn a unit in Arma, but to actually spawn in some units for empty vehicle seats, driver, gunner, etc..., here is a script I wrote(that probably took less then a second, probably 😃 ) spawnAssistantUnits = { params ["_veh","_unitGrp","_unitClass"]; // if provided object is not a vehicle, exit if (_veh isKindOf "Man") exitWith {}; // get commander seat, gunner seats, driver seat private _commander = commander _veh; private _turrets = allTurrets _veh; private _driver = driver _veh; // spawn commander if there is no unit in commander seat if (isNull _commander) then { private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit assignAsCommander _veh; [_unit] orderGetIn true; _unit moveInCommander _veh; // if vehicle doesn't have a commander seat, delete unit if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then { deleteVehicle _unit; }; }; // spawn driver if there is no unit in driver seat if (isNull _driver) then { private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit assignAsDriver _veh; [_unit] orderGetIn true; _unit moveInDriver _veh; // if vehicle doesn't have a driver seat, delete unit if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then { deleteVehicle _unit; }; }; // get current full crew of the vehicle private _fullCrew = fullCrew _veh; // get occupied turret paths private _occupied_turret_paths = []; { private _x_seatType =_x select 1; private _x_turretPath =_x select 3; _occupied_turret_paths pushBack str(_x_turretPath); } forEach _fullCrew; // spawn units for gunners empty { private _x_str_turret = str(_x); // if turret gunner doesn't have a unit assigned if (!(_x_str_turret in _occupied_turret_paths)) then { // then spawn unit private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit assignAsTurret [_veh, _x]; [_unit] orderGetIn true; _unit moveInTurret [_veh, _x]; }; } forEach _turrets; }; the above function might not work in 3DEN editor object inits, but you can in your mission folder directory "Documents\Arma 3\missions\YourMissionName", inside the folder create a file named "init.sqf", and paste the above code there, next you want to radio activate to call the function [vehicle player, group player, "B_Soldier_F"] call spawnAssistantUnits; to call the function through radio commands, place a trigger, set activation type to "Radio Alpha" and give it a text, now in "On Activation" paste the above code, you can now hop into any vehicle and and press 0, 0 2x and you should see your text which would spawn in some units to all the empty gunner, driver, commander seats, also make sure you set the trigger to repeat or you can only call the function once P.S: why am I seriously writing all this down?, simple because I got nothing to do ^_^, also don't feel pity for me for wasting my time writing all the code, I'm a fast typer 😃
  23. Desperta Ferro

    Exile Scavenge Framework

    Hello! I know this script is old and maybe not functional? But I've managed to put into my server but when I get the Message that I've found something nothing happens. Any ideas? Or maybe there is a script that does something like that that works?
  24. Any help please ?
  25. Had a crazy day on the 15th, had to go to the hospital.

    9am Monday i was finishing up posting my update for my RDR2 mod on the Nexus (Bandit Hideouts btw), and i noticed this slight cramping

    on my right side it felt like when you hold a shit in to long and you cramp, lol.

         So i shut down my computer, and this somewhat pain started increasing over a period of 2hrs, was talking with my mom,

    twice on the phone.   The 2nd time i called her the cramping turned into pain, i threw up (puked) twice, almost fainted and

    was almost rolling on the floor in agony, wtf is going on!?


         So my mom said you better get yourself to the hospital and get whatever it is checked out, well since i had no ride,

    though i could drive myself i dared not to considering i couldn't sit still, i was pacing around my apartment to take my mind of the pain.

       So i called 911 that connected me to the local ambulance in my town and off i went.   I get to the hospital get my blood taken, triage ect,.

    they tell me to sit in the waiting room, this was at about 1pm so here i sat from 1pm til almost 4pm in pain and severe discomfort,

    seriously WTF!


    They finally call me, i get to a room they told me to wait in, it had a bed, so i sit down at the edge of the bed still hurting,

    in about 10minutes the pain subsided, like it just vanished. What happened? Was it the change in seating? Hardly.

        Well i sat in that room for 2hrs, so here 6pm rolls around, doctor comes in, says i need a CT Scan, so an hour after that i get one,

    i ask the nurse if i can use the bathroom, so i do, i must have pissed my brains out for 5min i had to go so bad, lol


    Well 7pm roles around another nurse comes in which was like 20min after i peed and says they need a urine sample, omg i just let everything out!

    So she hooked up an iv with water, and basically i laid there for an hour and a half having this water feeding me so i can pee in a container in the room.

        Well 8:30pm comes around i've peed in the container, and there i sit til 8:45 waiting, finally nurse comes back, grabs a sample, then i sit again.

        9pm rolls around doctor comes in, new doctor not the one i seen the first time, says i had passed a few tiny kidney stones,

    well the 1st doc already told me this as they seen it in the CT scan, but the urine sample was to check for any infections and there was none.


         Half hour later they said i can go, nurse takes iv jack out and now i waited til 10pm for my ride.

    Not one time did i get any pain medication or had it offered, i spent that entire time waiting in pain and discomfort, i could have saved the

    headache if you will and stayed at home and save myself a ton of money, now i await the bill ... what will it be. Ya that was my Monday

    over 12hrs of waiting in pain and then waiting, WTF!

  26. Introducing a basic survival mod that adds hunger and water stats and makes the ingame items such as foods and fuel canister making them usable with custom sounds and animations https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3223868432 pics: Main Features: For Scripters: - for performance reasons, player's food and water values are stored locally on player, the same player on the same network machine can get the player's hunger and water value by using: // food & water value ranges from 0 to 1, 1 = max private _foodValue = player getVariable ["food", 1]; private _waterValue = player getVariable ["water", 1]; - however the above function won't work when a different network machine or server is getting the player's food and water value in MP, to get the player's food and water value across networks use "survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater" function // gets target player's hunger & water value, use this function in replacement of getVariable, because the food and water values are stored locally on player for performance reasons [<player>] call survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater; // returns nothing but sets three variables // example getting the first player's hunger & water value [] spawn { _firstPlayer = allPlayers select 0; [_firstPlayer] call survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater; waitUntil {!isNil "sp_recievedpacketvar_player"}; waitUntil {_firstPlayer == sp_recievedpacketvar_player}; systemChat format ["player '%1' actual food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, sp_recievedpacketvar_food, sp_recievedpacketvar_water, "%"]; systemChat format ["player '%1' displayed food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, round(sp_recievedpacketvar_food * 100), round(sp_recievedpacketvar_water * 100), "%"]; }; // sets hunger & water value for target player, use -1 to avoid setting a value [<player>, <food_value>(0-1), <water_value>(0-1)] call survivalpack_fnc_setHungerWater // example setting the first player's hunger to 50% [allPlayers select 0, 0.5, -1] call survivalpack_fnc_setHungerWater; - Item classes: Adding items (through script) // to player inventory player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuel"; player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_TacticalBacon"; player addItem "SPItem_CanSpirit"; player addItem "SPItem_CanFranta"; player addItem "SPItem_CanRedGull"; player addItem "SPItem_Waterbottle"; player addItem "SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Canteen"; player addItem "SPItem_CanteenEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Cerealbox"; player addItem "SPItem_PowderedMilk"; player addItem "SPItem_RiceBox"; player addItem "SPItem_Pumpkin"; player addItem "SPItem_Orange"; player addItem "SPItem_BakedBeans"; // to a crate/vehicle/container this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuel", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_TacticalBacon", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanSpirit", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanFranta", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanRedGull", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Waterbottle", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Canteen", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanteenEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Cerealbox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_PowderedMilk", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_RiceBox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Pumpkin", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Orange", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_BakedBeans", 10]; - Animation classes: sp_anim_start_eating sp_anim_eating sp_anim_end_eating sp_anim_start_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_end_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_start_canister_fuel sp_anim_canister_fuel sp_anim_end_canister_fuel For Modders: - this mod is on github and is open source https://github.com/Shaanig03/Arma-3-Survival-Pack-Mod - license "MIT License" P.S: also my first published mod, hope you find it useful for a scenario ^_^
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