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  1. Past hour
  2. pierremgi

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    _newUnits is just allUnits - _checkedUnits ... but _checkedUnits is also allUnits ... further more, your variable _units seems to be useless. If I'm right you want to treat edited units and the spawned ones. An event handler is usually better than a loop. Here, the easy way is to treat in two parts, in init.sqf: { _x spawn ...} forEach allUnits; // or add a filter: ... forEach (allUnits select {!isplayer _x}) (alive _x is useless with allUnits) addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then { do something on _entity}; }];
  3. Hi I use customized keys, the cursor keys to move and Sup and Pg Down instead of "q" & "e" for example. For this reason, I would also like to customize the keys that the menu has, they are apparently not customizable. Does anyone know how to do that?
  4. Strange, I have just tested it on my dedicated with no issues. Are you seeing any errors in the server or clients RPT? Is it maybe a copy and paste issue from the forum inserting hidden characters?
  5. We already discussed about that in an other thread. I mentioned this code with MEH "entityRespawned" when I thought you tried to REspawn some playable units. After discussion, if I'm right, you are trying to REspawn spawned AI units. This MEH doesn't work for simple AI (spawned or edited) because they are not playable so not eligible for the respawn system. Usually, moders and scripters use a code for re-creating an AI replacing the dead one, with more or less traits and behaviors (face, waypoints if single unit in group, loadout,...), with options like position (at start, at death...). You can also find some codes/modules for triggering a new AI unit/AI wave with same path(s), under conditions or timers. It's something near from your goal. The fact is your demand for same face and speaker is not usual, and probably need specific lines about that, on existing codes. I understand and respect your choice for Jebus system. Tell me if you are interested in MGI modules.
  6. Ok thank you! I was not aware. I've change the line to match KK's example if(!isNil "_shooter" && {!isNull _shooter}) then { lorea doTarget _shooter; lorea fireAtTarget [_shooter, handgunWeapon lorea]; };
  7. Lazy evaluation, part in curly braces is only done if the previous statement is true/satisfies the overall statement. Yes, if _shooter isNil then isNull _shooter makes no sense. If isNull _shooter is in braces then isNil returns true which satisfies the OR statement so isNull will never be evaluated.
  8. Today
  9. Why the curly braces around the !alive part of the clause? I have a similar statement in a HitPart eventhandler that throws an "Undefined variable in expression" error if the _target was hit by a falling inanimate object (no shooter I guess). Is this because of the missing braces? Even though I am testing for the condition that there is no shooter. if(not(isNil "_shooter" || isNull _shooter)) then { lorea doTarget _shooter; lorea fireAtTarget [_shooter, handgunWeapon lorea]; };
  10. Rogozarski

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Thank you for making this once again! CWR has been a source of countless hours of fun for me both in Arma 3 and 2! 🙂 Is there a COOP version / are you planning to make one soon? Similar to this for the original OFP: If you have no plans for it, can you help me edit the missions myself? I tried to unPBO the cwr3_1985.pbo to get the missions out and modify them for my friends and I to play, but I keep getting an error that says "Out of memory while expanding memory stream"... :c
  11. Hi i need help with god mode not work and need help with editing script i have mod modded script workshop and how to enable in enfusion thnak you 🙂 class God { static void OnPlayerSpawned(EntityAI player) { godMode(player); } static void godMode(EntityAI player) { player.SetHealth(1000000) } }; "OnPlayerSpawned" addPublicVariableEventHandler { params ["_unit"]; God.OnPlayerSpawned(_unit); };
  12. DnA

    Experimental Ports Release Announcements

    The experimental Mac ports have been updated to version 2.16. They now also include Reaction Forces Creator DLC, and are cross-play compatible with Windows at time of writing. Visit the updated overview page, Community Wiki known issues and tips, and let us know your feedback (also via Discord's ARMA #linux_mac_branch channel)!
  13. stburr91

    Reaction Forces Issues

    The devs are very active in their Discord, you may want to try there. https://discord.com/channels/700262636096323634/1215300159521427458
  14. Hello to the entire Arma Reforger community, I would like to open this discussion thread to gather feedback and bug reports regarding the mods available on the Arma Reforger Workshop. As an avid player of this immersive experience, I've noticed some technical issues in some mods that could benefit from some attention from the developers. The goal of this topic is to provide a centralized space where players can share their experiences and observations regarding specific bugs encountered in mods, as well as to facilitate communication with content creators to allow them to fix these issues. Here is some useful information to include in your bug reports : • Affected mod name • Detailed description of the bug encountered • Steps to reproduce the bug (if possible) • Screenshots or videos illustrating the problem • Other relevant details By working together, we can help improve the quality and stability of Arma Reforger mods, which will enrich the gaming experience for all players. I therefore encourage you to share your observations and participate in this community initiative. Thank you in advance for your contribution and commitment to the Arma Reforger community. Best regards,
  15. I am the only disturbed by the camera when holding a gun in reforger compared to other fps like arma 3? The hands and gun feels very small. Obviously this depends of the the fov but I tried different configurations and it always feels kinda weird. Also will we have gloves? .
  16. Hello jebus user or perhaps dreadpirate himself. I'm trying to get editor custom voice and face models to carry over on respawns using jebus. Init function option. This is a code that spawns in A group 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1] spawn jebus_fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with code i init function 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_ fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with two other code lines merged 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I am trying to add this to code to one of the above codes that works. addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then { [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"];[_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; Can"t get the right setup getting errors with ] } ect to see if it will work. Can somebody just get the codes merged so i can see if it will work. Avibird.
  17. I know I'm kinda necromancing a very old post, but the solution for me was that you had to put the module's name into the units[] array in CfgPatches
  18. Forgive my ignorance on this matter, but given Sullen Skies is map specific, why would you load a Sullen Skies mod if you aren't loading the required compatible terrain? I'm don't quite understand the logic. I'm happy to look into updating them but there's currently over 50 versions on the Workshop...
  19. Hi, coul you please update all these mods with new command "skipWhenMissingDependencies = 1", so we could easily manage mods presets? Maybe release an all-in-one pack?
  20. Finn the Fox

    Reaction Forces Issues

    I recently purchased the Reaction Forces CDLC on Steam and it does not work, I enabled it but it shows on the main menu as locked/unpurchased, nothing I have done has resolved this issue. Is there anything more I could do to try to remedy the situation?
  21. Raider_18

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    Hey guys, trying to use parts of this for a function that changes the loadout of AI when they are spawned in, problem is I cant get the units that have already been changed to be excluded. Im trying to append and use the set/get variable but its changing all the units everytime. I think it's a scope issue? What do you guys think? my init.sqf: // detect and change all units on map private _units = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && { alive _x } && !(_x getVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",false])}; { [_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _units; uiSleep 1; CB_CHECK_UNITS = true; private _checkedUnits = allUnits; while {CB_CHECK_UNITS} do { // this variable will contain any new units that were not included on a previous loop _NewUnits = []; // Remove checked Units from the updated Unit array to create a list of new Units _NewUnits = allUnits - _checkedUnits; // Now only do the following if there are new units found. if (count _NewUnits > 0) then { { if (side _x isEqualTo WEST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig} else {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig} forEach crew _x};}; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _NewUnits; _checkedUnits append _NewUnits; }; hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#ffffff'>There are <t color='#00ff00'>%1 <t color='#ffffff'>new units found and <t color='#ff0000'>%2 <t color='#ffffff'>Checked Units",count _NewUnits,count _checkedUnits]];// Debug sleep 30; };
  22. Yesterday
  23. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, That's a bummer. Hope you can manage to figure it out. Keep up the great work!
  24. Mason art

    How do people get BloodLust 2

    pls just help me gang
  25. Reforger mod (has ported civs;)
  26. Being able to peek around obstacles without exposing yourself functions a lot like a wallhack. Players sit and watch from the maze of structures around capture points in 3rd person and effortlessly pop out and kill you as you approach. It leads to a lot of cheap deaths and completely ruins the dynamics of firefights. Arma is a series that prides itself on realistic infantry combat, why is this behavior still sanctioned by the developers? Please make official Reforger PVP servers 1st person only. Excellent video by Dslyecxi demonstrating the problem:
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