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  3. Hey thanks for your answer. I didn't try the guard waypoint, I'll try it ! Yes the ai jets destroy my team vehicles really fast and that's good but they just fly around the infantry. My mission is a domination mission on a big map with multiple capture points and the player is fighting the ai. In my mission, I will also spawn tanks, vehicles, helis, planes, infantry etc...
  4. Hey thanks for your answer. But I don't want a random plane to appear from nowhere, shoot and disappear. I want the ai plane to patrol around an area and shoot at infantry when spotted.
  5. Learn what the "Guard" waypoint does. it will become your best friend. https://community.bohemia.net/wiki/Waypoints With Guard,any "known" targets will be shared with Guard groups,and they will move to attack them. Keep in mind, jets are designed for vehicle tasks usually, And AI will always prioritise them over infantry. Really it depends on your type of scenario..is this a dynamic mission or heavily premade with waypoints,and specific unit positions / groups etc?
  6. It would help if you provided the config your working from and maybe the error message too. Also, I'm assuming your repacking the mod for your own private use?
  7. Saltoperator

    Make AI planes attack Soldiers

    Unless you want the planes to be an active target for you and your units in your scenario, I have two solutions for you: Use CAS Module, select your preferred aircraft and sync it to a trigger. When the trigger is activated, the CAS will spawn, attack and fly away. If you want the plane(s) to attack the same way and at the same place each time, use unitCapture and unitPlay for both movement data and firing data Don't overruse unitCapture, as it will make your mission folder very large in file size. The upside to this method is that the planes will remain in the scenario as AI units after unitPlay is completed, making them targetable for you and your units By using one of the methods above, you are guaranteed that the planes will attack no matter what.
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    One thing that bugs me regarding new "Modern Russia" faction: it contains infantry units, tanks, cars and turrets categories, but no APCs and any aircraft. This makes that faction rather handicapped when playing with various dynamic missions that have faction-based spawn scripts (like DRO). In some cases it's possible to choose a secondary faction (so the "legacy" Russia), but then the outcome is randomly generated mish-mash of units from both. Which in practice is not far from just using the legacy Russia as it already contains EMR camo uniforms. I think adding a selection of APCs and aircraft from legacy faction to new one would make it more useful in such instances (and there would be no need to manually change crews in Eden editor too).
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Well, that's a solution I haven't thought about! 🤣 Looks to me like there is already something like that in the mission - 99% of my infantry pickups from FOBs were 100-200 meters apart. It was just that one time, where they've decided to spawn on eachother. Anyway, talking about "cursed" LZs - in both my playthroughs Orino is a bitch. Especially the medevac LZ, that's in direct view from Agios Dionysios. There are numerous Gorgon APCs spawning in AD, and usually a single Kuma tank too. I've lost count of the times were I've been killed by them when simply idling on the LZ, waiting for the injured soldiers to load. Question regarding the armed AH-11F variant - it is able to carry a full "load" of 6 passengers, along it's four weapon hardpoints (which can load up to 16 ATGMs) and radar. Doesn't that seem a bit optimistic or "overpowered"? I'm not sure the engine of real-life equivalent allows for safe flying in such configuration, and in fact it seems that navy variants with Seaspray radar have it's cabin filled mostly by the radar/ASW systems operator. Vanilla armed WY-55 seems also optimistic in it's ability to carry 6 passengers, but in it's case at least you could argument that it's lightened by removal of four seats (replaced by ammo box/belt chutes). And it still has smaller number of weapons and no radar when compared to "Giga-Chad" that is AH-11F. Happened to me few times too - I think the proper way to deal with that is to call "Nighthawk", or whatever the support heli (not the drone) is called. IIRC you can make it to land on your mark. But I never tried that, as my emergency landings often ended right on the enemy position.
  10. Since both links are dead now but have been archived i'm gonna make it easier for future visitors: https://web.archive.org/web/20150107183528/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6920345/HC_tutorial/hc_tutorial.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20150107183527/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6920345/HC_tutorial/HC_tutorial.7z
  11. https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/8d5752a4-2b02-ef11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://jciodev.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/b6645b33-2c02-ef11-a81c-0022481ae02c https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/31c78bb7-2c02-ef11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://jciodev.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/d5b4b801-2d02-ef11-a81c-0022481ae02c https://jciodev.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/5506878f-2d02-ef11-a81c-0022481ae02c https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/c7e14589-2d02-ef11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://jciodev.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/5c4aad1e-2e02-ef11-a81c-0022481ae02c https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/92d1eec2-2e02-ef11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://twor.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/support-forum/3d97ad43-2f02-ef11-a73d-6045bd3fd1cb https://twor.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/support-forum/c3afacf9-2f02-ef11-a73d-6045bd3fd1cb https://twor.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/support-forum/7ed1f346-3002-ef11-a73d-6045bd3fd1cb https://twor.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/support-forum/9db91e9e-3002-ef11-a73d-6045bd3fd1cb https://pgccouncilcsp.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/4aa09739-3102-ef11-a73d-001dd806eee4 https://pgccouncilcsp.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/d38def81-3102-ef11-a73d-001dd806eee4 https://pgccouncilcsp.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/5f158daf-3102-ef11-a73d-001dd806eee4 https://pgccouncilcsp.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/7e5f0816-3202-ef11-a73d-001dd806eee4 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bloom-cbd-gummies-reviews-big-beware-customer-honest-opinions-approve-tickets-886245132047 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bloom-cbd-gummies-reviews-serious-warning-exposed-ingredients-offer39-tickets-886241611517 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bloom-cbd-gummies-reviews-new-consumer-report-warning-issued-gummies-39-tickets-886236395917 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-acres-cbd-gummies-reviews-update-2024-exposed-ingredients-offer39-tickets-886204550667 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-acres-cbd-gummies-reviews-consumer-safety-first-exposed-results-tickets-886208412217 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-acres-cbd-gummie-reviews-analytical-expert-warning-pros-cons-39-tickets-886222504367 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-analytical-expert-warning-pros-cons-get39-tickets-885507906987 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-approved-customer-exposed-ingredients-lets39-tickets-885518990137 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-carefully-read-exposure-real-ingredients-price-tickets-885542199557 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-honest-analytical-real-ingredients-approved39-tickets-885545268737 https://medium.com/@beverhebert/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-new-5-consumer-warning-exposed-ingredients-offer-39-8e198aff8fff https://medium.com/@beverhebert/makers-cbd-gummies-reviews-consumer-safety-first-is-it-safe-and-effective-0b0020f0b6a2 https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/56204b33-7df9-ee11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/e6eeead4-7df9-ee11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/7fb18ba7-7ef9-ee11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/forums/general-discussion/e867fcfd-7ef9-ee11-a73d-001dd8305ba3 https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/8a787b85-7ff9-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/54a833e3-7ff9-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/ec21321b-80f9-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/45b98a61-80f9-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/a06cdf54-ecf7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/22a4676b-eef7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/eaac7861-eff7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/7ba8eb9c-eff7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/1823604c-f1f7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://sogmt.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/851bd241-f2f7-ee11-a81c-000d3ab8bdfc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/58f621b8-edf7-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/79c5d2c9-eef7-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc https://thecontingent.microsoftcrmportals.com/forums/general-discussion/6c2d7a15-f0f7-ee11-a73d-6045bd01c1cc
  12. the workbench requires Reforger to be installed on a PC. So nope.
  13. Wanna play with me & my team, test out new terrains? Join me here: http://discord.gg/0at5rHYr1sy2Mp8y Yulakia RC6 is available to anyone willing to send bugreports. Release this Sunday.
  14. zukov

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    About King of the dunes mode, is possible have a sample mission (in RV obviously)? (I love it because there isn't the cashier at the start) even the differences with the classical one. Thanks in advance
  15. Yesterday
  16. Hi all, I've recently downloaded a mod and it has a few great uniforms but the names are silly so I'd like to change them. I've been digging in the pbo with PBO manager, opened the config.bin and have edited(using Notepad++) all the 'Display Name' references to the name of my choosing, I've saved the config but nothing sticks once ingame. I'm assuming I'm missing some crucial step here. I thought maybe I need to repack the files into a new pbo, so I extract all the contents of the PBO but when I use addon builder to pack them into a new PBO I just get a vague failure error. So ultimately, I'm not really sure where to proceed from here. Any help would be appreciated!
  17. Hi ! So for my mission I need enemy planes to attack ground troops in a certain area. With waypoints I made them take off then I put a destroy waypoint but they just fly around without attacking me or my soldiers. I would like to point out that I did put air to surface missiles on enemy planes as well as bombs. Thanks!
  18. I ended up solving this issue by simply adding an action after the unitPlay is done playing: _heli1movedata = [LOTS OF COORDINATES OMITTED TO MAKE THIS POST SHORT]; _heli1playback = [heli1, _heli1movedata] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; sleep 55; player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; The playback itself lasts ~60 seconds, where ~5 seconds are spent on ground. I therefore eject the player 5 seconds before the playback ends (and the helicopter starts moving on its own). I hope this can be helpful for others stuck with this problem, instead of trying to fiddle too much with the questionable helicopter AI.
  19. unconnecteddd

    Change Scope Zoom to mouse wheel up and down

    Okay thank u i will try to modify it so i can zoom the scope maybe. Thank u ^^
  20. It can be changed in the file named (InputUserSettings). This is how I set up the mouse wheel for scrolling through the inventory. Action Inventory_PrevPage { InputSource InputSourceSum "{5DF76AF925E2DA0B}" { Sources { InputSourceValue "{5DF76AF925E2C52B}" { FilterPreset "up" Input "mouse:wheel+" } } } } Action Inventory_NextPage { InputSource InputSourceSum "{5DF76AF927520BD0}" { Sources { InputSourceValue "{5DF76AF927520AF8}" { FilterPreset "down" Input "mouse:wheel-" } } } }
  21. Hey, I'm encountering an issue where my bindings to scope in and out are conflicting with my mute keys. I attempted to rebind the function to my mouse wheel, but it isn't being recognized. Is there a solution, perhaps a config document or something, where I can adjust the keybindings to enable zooming by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down?
  22. Thanks for this. Was able to get it to work quite easily but for the image i used it needed 2200W to about 675 Height. Only took a few tries to get it properly spaced.
  23. cosmic10r

    Creating Patches instructions?

    Made the post and then immediately found RHS documentation on it Thank you again RHS!!!!!!!
  24. HI all, I was going to take a run at making some patches. I can't seem to find any documentation for it in the wiki. Does anyone know of a template or instruction set? Thanks!
  25. cosmic10r


    Good to see you to man! It's had it's ups and downs for sure lol... but no different then anyone else. It's pretty wild out there these days. I finally got into the reforger tools to poke around a bit. got a few units placed. The scripting will take awhile but Im playing reforger with some milsim guys. Its been really fun. Having 10 guys drop in in helos and move through the woods is too much fun. Im hopeful A4 basically takes reforger as a base, the engine and makes A3 out of it with the QOL improvements. I know the whole lack of SP has really put some of the gang off. You really need to play MP to enjoy Reforger right now and have the motivation to do stuff.
  26. 24-4-2024 EXE rev. 151757 (game) EXE rev. 151757 (Launcher) Size: ~229 MB DATA Fixed: Projectile penetration of Military Coffin props Fixed: Floating mesh in the Prowler model Fixed: Footstep sounds on the green version of Bunker (Tower) - FT-T122026 Tweaked: Generated new inventory icons for Ghillie suits Fixed: Hidden selections on rugged communication terminals Tweaked: Improved UV mapping of the VR Slope (10x5x4) object - FT-T177369 Fixed: Weird vertex issue on a couple more small damaged houses - FT-T163748 ENGINE Fixed: setParticleFire error message was misleading Tweaked: Scripted division by zero now returns infinity (previously 0, still triggers a script error) Fixed: Scripted min/max behaved incorrectly when provided with a NaN value (NaN is allowed on the left side) Fixed: Advanced Flight Model helicopter simulation did not consider water buoyancy - FT-T180426 Fixed: createMarker would ignore the drawPriority of other markers and incorrectly draw on top of higher priority markers - FT-T180604 Fixed: Performance issue in Eden Editor when looking outside of the terrain Fixed: Eden Editor lines that go through the camera (but don't start/end in the camera view) would randomly not show
  27. RoxieAtomic

    PSN account to PC

    Hi @yanok-63, thanks for getting in touch with his question 🙂 We aren't currently planning on doing cross progression or any account transfers. You'll have to start over, but grinding is definitely one of the great things about Vigor 💪🍅
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