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  1. Past hour
  2. Hi, coul you please update all these mods with new command "skipWhenMissingDependencies = 1", so we could easily manage mods presets? Maybe release an all-in-one pack?
  3. Today
  4. Finn the Fox

    Reaction Forces Issues

    I recently purchased the Reaction Forces CDLC on Steam and it does not work, I enabled it but it shows on the main menu as locked/unpurchased, nothing I have done has resolved this issue. Is there anything more I could do to try to remedy the situation?
  5. Raider_18

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    Hey guys, trying to use parts of this for a function that changes the loadout of AI when they are spawned in, problem is I cant get the units that have already been changed to be excluded. Im trying to append and use the set/get variable but its changing all the units everytime. I think it's a scope issue? What do you guys think? my init.sqf: // detect and change all units on map private _units = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && { alive _x } && !(_x getVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",false])}; { [_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _units; uiSleep 1; CB_CHECK_UNITS = true; private _checkedUnits = allUnits; while {CB_CHECK_UNITS} do { // this variable will contain any new units that were not included on a previous loop _NewUnits = []; // Remove checked Units from the updated Unit array to create a list of new Units _NewUnits = allUnits - _checkedUnits; // Now only do the following if there are new units found. if (count _NewUnits > 0) then { { if (side _x isEqualTo WEST && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] spawn CB_fnc_factionConfig} else {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {{[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig} forEach crew _x};}; _x setVariable ["CB_VAR_PAINTED",true,true]; } forEach _NewUnits; _checkedUnits append _NewUnits; }; hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#ffffff'>There are <t color='#00ff00'>%1 <t color='#ffffff'>new units found and <t color='#ff0000'>%2 <t color='#ffffff'>Checked Units",count _NewUnits,count _checkedUnits]];// Debug sleep 30; };
  6. Yesterday
  7. wansec_6

    EricJ Release thread

    G'day @EricJ, That's a bummer. Hope you can manage to figure it out. Keep up the great work!
  8. Mason art

    How do people get BloodLust 2

    pls just help me gang
  9. Reforger mod (has ported civs;)
  10. Being able to peek around obstacles without exposing yourself functions a lot like a wallhack. Players sit and watch from the maze of structures around capture points in 3rd person and effortlessly pop out and kill you as you approach. It leads to a lot of cheap deaths and completely ruins the dynamics of firefights. Arma is a series that prides itself on realistic infantry combat, why is this behavior still sanctioned by the developers? Please make official Reforger PVP servers 1st person only. Excellent video by Dslyecxi demonstrating the problem:
  11. Desperta Ferro

    DG Base Attacks

    Very good script, I'm using it on my server and I love it. Congratulations!
  12. Xwrodrygues

    The Lost Brother's Mod: IDF Infantry Ver. 4

    Does anyone have a link to the "Lobo infantry package version 4.0"?
  13. Hello ! I'm looking to add tracer effect to an ammo type, but I can't see it when my tank is shooting The script look like that : class CfgAmmo { class Sh_120mm_APFSDS; class Kjpz90_AP: Sh_120mm_APFSDS { caliber = 0.90; timeToLive=15; whistleDist=14; tracerScale=2; tracerStartTime=0.1; tracerEndTime=2.3; model="\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\shell_tracer_green"; }; }; And I also tried that but both of them didn't worked : class CfgAmmo { class Sh_120mm_APFSDS; class Kjpz90_AP: Sh_120mm_APFSDS { caliber = 0.90; brightness=50; timeToLive=200; tracerEndTime=200; }; }; Is someone knowing how to configure it ? Thanks in advance !
  14. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849325560 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. This mission uses dynamic minefields built by Ethics Minefields Script: This mission uses a playable area control script called PAC: Cheers, thy_
  15. yanok-63

    PSN account to PC

    Hello, what about our PS account on PC ? need to keep our Shelter, skins...
  16. custardsparta@hotmail.co.uk

    RHS: Status Quo

    Hi, I have a problem - the RHS version of the conflict senario on both Everon and Arland When trying to spawn vehicles shows a blank in each vehicle slot is this intentional? Thanks in advance
  17. YES! You can spawn whatever you want through CSWR (performance friendly because it doesn't change any original AI behavior, and its persistent loops are super limited to provide a balanced performance with a lot of AI living to the mission)
  18. thy_

    DLC content spawning

    Through Eden Editor, you can spawn easily whatever you want (vanilla, dlcs, cdlcs, mods) with CSWR. Documentation and video tutorials show how to use that. 😉
  19. As I told you in your original post, check this out:
  20. Exactly, but check this out to solve what you want:
  21. RoxieAtomic

    Horrible glitching

    Hi @rshort3, it's good to hear that it's since been better, but it does sound like a frustrating glitch - we're sorry that you're experiencing it. If you happen to catch a clip of this in the future, please do get in touch 🙏 Can you also please let us know how often you come across this glitch? Dealing with cheaters remains a priority for us, and we appreciate any cheating reports that are sent through our in-game Report System 🙂 You can send these reports to us by going to the 'last played with' tab, which you'll find in the Options menu when you're in your Shelter 🏠 If you also have any clips of players cheating in the game, you can send them to us at vigor@bistudio.com 📧🍅
  22. Lazarczyk

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    Napisałem tu post ale po opublikowaniu widzę pozmieniane bez sensu słowa i zdania . Dlaczego ? Edytowanie nic nie daje.
  23. I wouldn't know about some "scarecrows from outer space" but whatever 😄 And about the cockpit. I don't mind the fact, that they reused it's layout from Arma 2's Apache for Mi-48 Kajman. It's a cool design and fun to play despite this. OPFOR has always had pretty decent armory at their disposal in Arma series. CSAT's unique uniforms and gear in Arma 3 may seem weird for some, I can see your point on that.
  24. RoxieAtomic

    When does season 18 end

    Hi @UncleSlippyFist, Season 18 will be ending next month, when we'll be launching Season 19 💪 The countdown timer should appear in the game closer to the time ⏳🍅
  25. flakerumia

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Hello guys. I love Air Control mission, however I've found a something to improve. I've unlocked FOB Casino, however literally 800meters away from base random APCs, tanks and infantry AA are being spawned every time I'm closing to the base. No matter if I destroy them once, they keep coming back every few minutes. It's very frustrating. Can you improve the script to spawn enemies outside certain radius of friendly FOBs? UPDATE: I think I know the problem: It turned out that village next to FOB Casino is also an objective: But it's really too close.
  26. Hi everyone, today I've got a nice "conversion" problem. I'm using a script to allow me to chat with civilians, and everything's working perfectly, but for the purposes of a mission, I'd like to manage to convert the first part by removing the randomness. The first 5 conversations should only be played once each. I've tried playing with Select instead of SelectRandom but I haven't managed to change the syntax to make it work. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? Below is the script I'm using: intero.sqf : The part in blue is the one I want to transform, the variable allows me to switch to the two random conversations once the first 5 have been triggered. Thanks in advance for your advice! EDIT: After a lot of tests and a lot of mistakes, I finally found a track. I've run out of errors but nothing happens (the script for the conversation and the variable and marker changes). I'll keep looking tomorrow! _text1 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je ne suis pas certains mais il me semble que l'US Army avait un avant poste au Château du Diable."]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero51", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["US",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["US"]; }; _text2 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je me rappelle que durant la guerre civile des mercenaires s'étaient installés par ici, ION je crois bien."]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero52", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["ION",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["ion"]; }; _text3 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["Cherna",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["Rus"]; }; _text4 = { line1 = [name player, "4Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["boat",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["boat2"]; }; _text5 = { line1 = [name player, "5Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["heli",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["heli2"]; }; [_text1,_text2,_text3,_text4,_text5] select [0,1,2,3,4];
  27. Sorry this is not a fix.or a work around, No other program let alone game that i have requires me to unplug anything to use its basic menu interaction, not to mention you can fly things in this game, guess what I use to fly, I bet you can't guess I posted this a year ago and I've even posted in the official bug tracker thing, still nothing, just "unplug the controllers" no just no I'll also add in that I've been paying arma/bi games for close to 20 years now and this is the first game that has this issue and not only that but we are now in v1 and still no fix How about just fixing the issue instead of people having to unplug stuff to play
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