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  2. rshort3

    Horrible glitching

    @RoxieAtomic thank you again for your reply. I will send video if i ever have any. The glitch seems to happen randomly, maybe just servers catching up or loading in. I dont know, but often times it will turn me a complete 180 while running and in a gun battle. Again thank you.
  3. 2.16.151758 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v3, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit - Fixed: Advanced Flight Model helicopter simulation did not consider water buoyancy - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T180426 - Fixed: Float rounding error that could cause missile to explode mid-air (thanks @PlayerBot) - Fixed: Scripted min/max behaved incorrectly when provided with a NaN value (NaN is allowed on the left side) - Fixed: createMarker would ignore the drawPriority of other markers and incorrectly draw on top of higher priority markers - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T180604 - Fixed: Performance issue in Eden Editor when looking outside of the terrain - Fixed: Eden Editor lines that go through the camera (but don't start/end in the camera view) would randomly not show - Changed: Scripted division by zero now returns infinity (previously 0, still triggers a script error) If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15p9j7C2nHUt6NoVfChX4YFuqzFXzblJh Note: There are separate Dll files that also need to be placed into Game folder.
  4. Today
  5. Manage your own store! Chips, fries, meat, burgers, vegetables and fruit. Eggs, cheese, breakfast cereals, juices or milk - order all products cheaply online and put them on your shelves. Expand your store, make it bigger and provide the best possible service. Create promotions and set competitive prices so that the goods sell quickly. Handle cash and card payments and watch out for thieves. Maybe you will need protection to prevent any thief simulator from stealing anything from your store? Over time, renovation, painting of walls, or hanging..... This game was released on Play Store, have you tried it yet? Game Trial Link: Supermarket Simulator 3D APK
  6. There is no Wildcat, it's "Hellcat" for all of them. That's why I didn't change Czapla either. Wildcat was used in Arma 2.
  7. Manjummel Boys Movie is a heartwarming tale of camaraderie and discovery, centered around a group of lifelong friends embarking on an unforgettable adventure. Directed by a debutante filmmaker, this Malayalam film captures the essence of youth, friendship, and the thrill of exploration. Embarking on the Journey The film introduces us to Vinod, Manu, Kuttappan, and Vicky, collectively known as the Manjummel Boys . Bound by their shared love for adventure and spontaneity, the group decides to embark on a road trip to Kodaikanal, a picturesque hill station in South India. Their journey promises excitement, laughter, and the opportunity to forge memories that will last a lifetime. Challenges and Surprises However, their trip takes an unexpected turn as they encounter a series of challenges along the way. From navigating unfamiliar roads to facing unpredictable weather, the Manjummel Boys must rely on each other's strengths and support to overcome obstacles and keep their spirits high. As they delve deeper into their adventure, they discover hidden gems, form unlikely friendships, and unravel the true meaning of camaraderie. Bonding Through Shared Experiences As the Manjummel Boys traverse through breathtaking landscapes and embark on exhilarating escapades, they bond over shared experiences and create a bond that transcends time and distance. Each moment spent together strengthens their friendship, deepening their connection and solidifying their resolve to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Lessons Learned and Memories Made Through their journey, the Manjummel Boys learn valuable lessons about life, love, and the importance of seizing the moment. They come to realize that true happiness lies not in reaching their destination, but in the journey itself – in the laughter shared, the bonds forged, and the memories made along the way. As they return home, they carry with them a newfound appreciation for friendship and the courage to embrace life's adventures with open arms. Manjummel Boys: A Heartfelt Journey of Friendship and Adventure Manjummel Boys is more than just a road trip movie – it's a heartfelt ode to friendship, adventure, and the joys of youth. With its endearing characters, scenic landscapes, and heartwarming moments, the film captures the essence of camaraderie and reminds us of the power of friendship to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. As the Manjummel Boys bid farewell to their adventure, they leave behind a legacy of laughter, love, and lifelong bonds that will continue to inspire audiences for generations to come.
  8. In the vast digital expanse of Minecraft, every update brings forth a new wave of excitement and anticipation. With the arrival of Minecraft 1.20.80, players around the world are poised to embark on an unparalleled journey into a realm brimming with innovation, adventure, and boundless creativity Immersive Visuals Step into a world of breathtaking beauty with the visual marvels of Minecraft 1.20.80 . From the tranquil serenity of sun-kissed meadows to the awe-inspiring majesty of towering mountain ranges, every corner of the Minecraft universe has been meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and awe. Dynamic lighting effects, enhanced textures, and realistic environmental details combine to create an immersive experience that transports players to a world of limitless possibilities. Expansive Exploration Prepare to chart unexplored territories and uncover hidden wonders as Minecraft 1.20.80 introduces a vast array of new biomes, landscapes, and structures to explore. Traverse dense forests teeming with exotic flora and fauna, navigate treacherous mountain passes, and delve into the depths of ancient ruins in search of lost treasures and forgotten secrets. Whether you're embarking on a solo expedition or teaming up with friends, the possibilities for adventure are endless in this sprawling sandbox world. Encounter New Creatures The Minecraft universe comes alive with a diverse array of creatures and wildlife in version 1.20.80. From the graceful elegance of soaring eagles to the playful antics of mischievous monkeys, the world is teeming with life and activity. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows, with ferocious predators and mysterious creatures waiting to challenge even the bravest of adventurers. Whether you're forging new alliances or engaging in epic battles, every encounter promises to be a thrilling adventure in its own right. Revitalized Nether Venture into the fiery depths of the Nether and discover a realm transformed by the groundbreaking features and enhancements of Minecraft 1.20.80. Explore vast networks of twisting tunnels and towering spires, navigate treacherous lava lakes, and encounter a host of new creatures and challenges along the way. From the towering fortresses of ancient civilizations to the eerie glow of bioluminescent fungi, the Nether is a world of wonders waiting to be explored. Minecraft 1.20.80: Unleashing the Infinite Realm of Creativity and Discovery With its stunning visuals, expansive exploration, diverse wildlife, and revitalized Nether, Minecraft 1.20.80 represents a bold new chapter in the ongoing saga of this beloved sandbox game. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, there has never been a better time to dive in and experience the limitless possibilities that await in this vast and wondrous universe. So grab your pickaxe, gather your friends, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in Minecraft 1.20.80!
  9. pierremgi

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    {_x .... } forEach allUnits; is OK at start, on server only (no need to re-run that at each JIP) Note: For MP scenario, you must check if your sqf are ok for all commands with global effect GE . Multiplayer needs more attention for many things. See multiplayer threads. and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting Once in MEH "entityCreated", just use _entity for all you want to do. As there are plenty of different entities (objects like rabbits, projectiles,...), you need to filter. For example: if (faction _entity isEqualTo "BLU_F" && {_entity isKindOf "CAManBase"}) then { [_entity] execVM "scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf"}; Here, you check for faction, which is a strong filter, then (lazy evaluation) you filter only unit ("CAManBase", because rabbits & snakes are "man") and you skip the vehicles of the faction. Note: execVMing an sqf is not the best way for performance saving, because you're recompiling the same code again and again. Create a function instead and call or spawn it. (there threads about that and BIKI is your friend). https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Script_File https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Function https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext especially : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Functions_Library
  10. When I was writing my script, I wanted to create my own script for closing and opening the technique. I am new to writing scripts and therefore used various sources from the Internet. I managed to create such a script, but its correctness leaves much to be desired. Below I have given what I got. But this is not exactly what I wanted, at first I can't make it so that the close button is displayed again during the open close iteration. Help me figure this out, point out what I should pay attention to. /* 0 = [] execVM "addAction.sqf"; */ respMash addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Expand the KSHM</t>", { myResp = [west, "respMash"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;//Creates a respawn point in the technique player addEventHandler ["GetInMan",//Creating a GetInMan event - if a person is inside { ["respMash","player"];//GetInMan parameters = true player moveOut respMash;//Action when true. Will land the player }]; respMash setVehicleLock "LOCKED";//Completely blocks the technique hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS DEPLOYED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 0;//deletes the line of the action Expand KShM respMash addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Collapse the KSHM</t>",//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;//Removing the respawn point in the technique respMash setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";//We will completely unlock the equipment player removeAllEventHandlers "GetInMan"; hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS COLLAPSED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 1; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM player moveOut respMash;//It will land the player if he teleports to respMash = car }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Expand KSM respMash addEventHandler ["Killed",//The event in which the equipment is destroyed { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; respMash removeAction 0; respMash removeAction 1; }];
  11. So ive been looking around for decent server hosting/ rental services for a reforger private server for myself and my friends I’ve found a lot of interesting options but nothing solid at this moment we need something that’s cross platform friendly so that friends on Xbox can actually join and play I’ve specifically been looking at this company called Streamline servers And they have reforger servers available but say nothing about crossplay, does anyone have any experience with streamline or any other services they can recommend? Anything helps
  12. anyone know how to fix this? I did a fresh reinstall and it was working fine but now it has the error/crashing again.
  13. remi6

    co10 Escape

    Im gonna be real with you dude, ive tried implementing this fix and it hasn't helped me at all. Can you please explain this like im five? Github is extremely not user friendly.
  14. jonpas

    Theseus Services

    Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.1!
  15. jonpas

    Theseus Services

    Theseus Services has been updated to version 2.1.0!
  16. Yesterday
  17. Raider_18

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    Holy smokes, event handlers... of course. It was one of those situations where you stare at the same code/script for 2 days and it just melts your brain and you forget about simple things. Thanks for the wake up pierremgi! Still not working though. I have the set up like yours as I agree that an EH is better for the goal, but it still changes all units whenever an entity is created. Should I use _x setVariable on them somehow? Although I tried that many ways already with no luck init.sqf private _mapUnits = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}; {[_x] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;} forEach _mapUnits; uiSleep 1; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then {[_entity] call CB_fnc_factionConfig;}; }]; When I spawn a unit(s) every one in the world gets the function applied again, except player and dead bodies. How would I exclude those previous units and only run it on newly spawned/created? fn_factionConfig.sqf // handles private _unit = _this select 0; if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {}; // all get naked removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllItems _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeGoggles _unit; _unit unlinkItem hmd _unit; /* Factions can be one of the following West: "BLU_F" (NATO), "BLU_G_F" (FIA), "BLU_CTRG_F" (NATO CTRG), BLU_GEN_F (POLICE) East: "OPF_F" (CSAT), "OPF_G_F" (FIA), "OPF_T_F" (CSAT Tanoa) Guer: "IND_F" (AAF), "IND_G_F" (FIA), "IND_C_F" (SYNDIKAT Tanoa) Civ: "CIV_F" (Civilians) */ { if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F' && _x IsKindof 'Man') then {[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf';} else {if (faction _x isEqualTo 'BLU_F') then {{[_x] execVM 'scripts\loadouts\BLUFOR\NATO.sqf'} forEach crew _x};}; } forEach allUnits; Im thinking I need to add these into some exclusion array that I could use instead of allUnits at the end but I am not sure of how. For some clarity, the function should essentially re-dress any spawned unit via my function CB_fnc_factionConfig. In there it takes side and faction into account and executes a loadout from other scripts that have switch/case/do for assigned classnames.
  18. rewan

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Nitpick central here but I just noticed that the LDF version of the AH-11F actually had the same denomination as the WY-55. i.e. : for NATO AH-11F is "Hellcat" vs AAF WY-55 "Wildcat" but for the LDF both AH-11F and WY-55 are "Czapla". Maybe find it another polish bird name ? Also on the topic of the Air Control, I was a bit unlucky and got nicked by two/three 20mm rounds in the first day, of course I was like "well my chopper is fine" (as I didn't seem to have taken any damage to any critical area) but apparently the hit still managed severed the fuel tank (it was still showing white aka low damage) and I was forced to emergency land near Galati. And frankly once I did that, I was legit out of fuel and without a clue as to what I should be doing... what should I have done ?
  19. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Thanks, but after some mucking around, no luck Maybe they will get enough complaints and fix it. Then again I should submit a ticket for it though.
  20. Since the Arma 3 AI pilots tend to flare more than RuPaul when landing, even when in stealth mode, I decided to use unitCapture and unitPlay for the insertion in one of my scenarios. After a very smooth, low-approach landing by me, if I may say so 😊, I kept the recording of me touching ground going for about 5-6 seconds before ending it. When the recording is over, I want to pass control back to the AI and have him fly away after every player inside has disembarked. This has proven difficult to achieve. Setup: heli1 is its variable My heli has this setFuel 0; this flyInHeight 0; in its init field to 100% prevent engine start in MP It has a Hold waypoint in front of it as its first waypoint A Skip Waypoint trigger is set as Waypoint Activation UnitPlay is triggered when all playable units present in the scenario are inside the heli via (AI is disabled in description.ext) this setFuel 1; is part of the trigger to have engine turned on when AI is supposed to take over. flyInHeight is still 0; pilot disableAI "ALL" in pilot's init field Methods attempted: Place a second Hold waypoint close to where the heli lands in unitPlay A Skip Waypoint trigger is set as Waypoint Activation { _x in heli1 } count allPlayers == 0 in Condition field pilot enableAI "ALL" in On Act field in second Hold waypoint trigger. Next waypoint is MOVE, then LAND for AI to land back at the ship. Attached an invisible helipad to the heli I tried using a Land waypoint as the second waypoint, as I had a helipad close to where I landed in unitPlay that the AI pilot insisted on landing on after assuming control again when testing
  21. We will see. Or to say with it Kozlowski's words: "Yeah, right. I've heard that before..." 🙂
  22. Old thread, but hard to find stuff online about similar questions. Regarding this script. It looks and seems simple enough, but seems to throw an error. Now I know this from 2018, so maybe some funcs changed or such? But would I be able to expect results in local MP, or must It be dedicated MP?
  23. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    No plans to make the campaigns playable in COOP. Too much work with too less time. Also there are missions where you are alone, which then makes no sense when all of the sudden there is more than one player. With Mikero's tools you should be able to extract the files.
  24. CUP Hotfix released CUP Units, Vehicles and Weapons have been updated to 1.18.1. We have fixed over 40 issues that cropped up in the 1.18 release. Get it now.
  25. Recently added stuff: - racetrack in the main town - trailer camps (new caravans Euro style) - shiny monument to those who sacrificed their time to bring Yulakia to life - tourist sightseeing place Victorin Caves near Bobrowka - bunkers & missile silos etc. Release: April 2024.
  26. this is CSAT for Tanoa! this is made with stuff inside the vanilla game ( a part the camoface, for strange reason BI has excluded asian characters) I had wanted something closer to the Indonesian kopassus (not to mention the Berets that don't fit for asian heads there is a texture glicth easily solvable )
  27. pierremgi

    How to turn init code in to a script?

    _newUnits is just allUnits - _checkedUnits ... but _checkedUnits is also allUnits ... further more, your variable _units seems to be useless. If I'm right you want to treat edited units and the spawned ones. An event handler is usually better than a loop. Here, the easy way is to treat in two parts, in init.sqf: { _x spawn ...} forEach allUnits; // or add a filter: ... forEach (allUnits select {!isplayer _x}) (alive _x is useless with allUnits) addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then { do something on _entity}; }];
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