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Arma II Vanilla working fine, Arma II OA unplayable [Solved] Update graphics drivers

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Hi all

As said in the title, Arma II Vanilla works great on my PC, but I installed (and applied the lastest patch to) OA yesterday and it's absolutely unplayable, even with all the graphic options at the lowest. On the title screen with an empty world (just the sea and nothing else) i get something like 10 FPS at best.

My specs:

AMD Athlon 3200 +

ATI Radeon HD 4850


Can someone help please ?

Edited by Ikaruga

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Jeez, is that 1 core CPU? What frequency?

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No, wait ! Sorry, wrong CPU !

That was my previous one !

I'll post more accurate information when I'm home !

However, whatever my CPU is, Arma2 works fine and OA does not ...

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Even if you have a proper CPU,you definitely need more RAM !

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Yeah, you need more ram and I'd suggest better cpu too. But meanwhile try to add to start up parameters -cpucount=4 (2 if dual-core cpu, ofc if you have multicore cpu...) switch. That fixed all my performance issues with Arma2:OA.

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Updating my GFX card drivers solved the problem : now ArmA2 OA runs as fine as ArmA II vanilla, maybe even a little better.

Thanks to everyone for your help.

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