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ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

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Just wondering if this is a decent frame rate for the demo ..

Demo frame rate test ..

There's a pinned thread about the demo, I don't really see why a new thread just to discuss your demo FPS is needed :)

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Hi all:bounce3:,

I've been making a COOP mission with the OA demo editor. I had intended to use the singleplayer editor until it was finished & then copy it over to

\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\RomeoSierra\MPMissions.

But I've hit a few snags:

Problem 1)

I wanted to be able to repair vehicles at a H (emergency) pad so I did a search & found this:

// Written by Weasel [PXS] - andy@andymoore.ca

// This script rearms, refuels, and repairs vehicles.

// Vehicles must be less than height 2 (typically landed, if air vehicles) and must remain in the

// trigger area for 3 seconds. It then drains all fuel, repairs, rearms, and refuels.


// Setup a trigger area to activate this (F3 in map editor) with the following settings:



// Name: Rearmlist

// Condition: this;

// Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;


// Warning: If this trigger area overlaps another trigger area (such as ammo-transport Scripts), sometimes

// things don't work as planned. Keep this seperate if you can.

_unit = _this select 0;

// Don't start the script until the unit is below a height of 2, and make sure they hold that

// height for at least 3 seconds.

WaitUntil{(getPos _unit select 2)<2};

sleep 3;

if((getPos _unit select 2)>2 || not (_unit in list Rearmlist)) exitWith{};

_unit setFuel 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Repairing...";

sleep 15;

_unit setDammage 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Rearming...";

sleep 10;

_unit setVehicleAmmo 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Refueling...";

sleep 5;

_unit setFuel 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Finished.";

if(true) exitWith{};

So I made a txt file in notepad then I copied the above into it. Then I saved it as: My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\<name>\missions\first.TakistanLite\rearm.sqf

I then went into the editor loaded "first" mission & created the trigger as above. Upon testing it kept saying "script not found: rearm.sqf"; So I changed this: Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;

to this:

Activation: {[_x] execVM "C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\<name>\missions\first.TakistanLite\rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;

That stopped the error but unfortunately it didn't fix/rearm/refuel my vehicle either! Any ideas?:confused:

Problem 2)

I wanted to add respawn for BLUFOR at their base camp so....I searched for something on that, here's what I found/did:

I made a txt file and saved it as "description.ext". In that file I put:

respawn= "BASE";

respawndelay= 30;

Then I went into the editor & placed a marker with this info:

name: respawn_west,


Colour: Default,

Icon: empty,

Axis a: 1, Axis b: 1, Angle: 0,


I tested this out before I added any of the first aid modules to avoid confusion but no dice. That didn't work either! :(

Problem 3)

I've been messing about with the Simple Support Module but with it's default settings it's a bit over powered for my mission. So I did a search &.......I found a post:

Quote by Luomu

scriptName "init.sqf: 1";

if (isnull player) exitwith {};



//exclude anything but mortars and ammo drop



BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = FALSE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST";


BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST = FALSE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST";


//number of mortar rounds that fall


//by default, supports can be called infinitely. To limit them, we need to add separate checks.

//each support has an EXPRESSION that is called when the support is called.

//here we use it to disable ammo drop after one use.




call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu; //update list


//for mortar we want three available strikes. To count that we need

//to use a separate variable.

mortarsAvailable = 3; publicVariable "mortarsAvailable";

//CONDITIONs are used to check if a support can be called.

BIS_SSM_Mortar_CONDITION = "mortarsAvailable > 0";

//we need to decrement the mortar counter each time it is fired


mortarsAvailable = mortarsAvailable - 1;

//we need to add yet another check to hide the icon

if (mortarsAvailable <= 0) then {



call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;



//update should be called any time the variables are changed. Leaving it out

//here seems to have no effect but BIS scripts always have it.

call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;


I haven't started problem 3 because I saw this:

Originally Posted by Dwarden

also You can edit the mission afterward in MP editor

but please remember only the mission.sqm file is transfered to client so You need adjust Your scripting accordingly

So has that rendered all of the above unworkable? :butbut: (at least in the above fashion) as rearm.sqf, description.ext & init.sqf wouldn't be sent to the client? (not that I can get them to work yet anyway!)

How would I need to adjust these scripts 'accordingly'?

How would I do this with just mission.sqm?

So any ideas folks or am I too limited by the demo? (which is fine btw),

I've already had more out of this demo than I thought I'd get. Every time I poke at something new you go 'ahhhhh it works!' or 'ummmm don't work but if....'

I would love to get this working so I can hit the ground running when I get Combined Ops! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers :D

Edited by RomeoSierra

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for problem 2, I think you only have to type respawn = 3; not "base."

Thanks for the tip but the game won't send "description.ext" to the other players soo.....what do I do?

Erm I was thinking (usually my first mistake!:p). How does the game know where "BASE" or "3" actually is on the map? Or is BASE/3 where I put the respawn marker?


EDIT: Please note I need to solve these problems just using the editor & mission.sqm (if possible). Demo only remember. ;) For now.

ANOTHER EDIT: Is there some way to add the data from rearm.sqf, description.ext & init.sqf into mission.sqm?

This post refers to my problem in earlier post #102

Edited by RomeoSierra

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I guess each player would have to have a copy of the unpacked mission in their documents, then.

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also You can edit the mission afterward in MP editor

but please remember only the mission.sqm file is transfered to client so You need adjust Your scripting accordingly

I guess the only way to get them to work is to play with friends who can be given these extra files. Although I remember playing a mission in which I could read objectives on the map and afaik it needs an extra file too.

If u send me them I'll gladly play with you. :D

Edited by ziiip

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Originally Posted by ziiip

If u send me them I'll gladly play with you. :D

Thanks, OK cool so that could be an option if someone could help me get them to work in singleplayer then I'll export to MP. :o

EDIT: This post refers to my problem in earlier post #102

Edited by RomeoSierra

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I just tried the rearm script and it worked. I'm going to assume you have the rearm.sqf in your mission folder already, correct?

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yep, I put it here:

C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\RomeoSierra\missions\first.TakistanLite\rearm.sqf

I take it you only have the demo? & not a full version? :confused:

This post refers to my problem in earlier post #102

Edited by RomeoSierra
additional info

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I'll have another go in a bit (about to eat). Thanks for your help. I will report back as to how I get on (I'll move the trigger out away from everything else to see if that makes a difference).


EDIT: I am trying these out using preview in the editor. Would that matter?

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I'll post what I did in case you can't get it to work for whatever reason.

I went into the editor(demo) and chose the desert map. I placed my unit, then an empty humvee with fuel, ammo, armor all at 50%. I saved it to user missions, then I went into documents\arma 2 oa demo\missions and placed the rearm.sqf file in my unpacked mission folder. I went back in the editor, loaded up my mission, and placed the trigger at 013,014, between the building and the pipes, and made it 10x10m. I previewed it, and drove the humvee into the trigger area and it started to repair/refuel/rearm the humvee.

hope that helps any.

Edited by Capt. Sand
added trigger dimensions

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I'll post what I did in case you can't get it to work for whatever reason.

I went into the editor(demo) and chose the desert map. I placed my unit, then an empty humvee with fuel, ammo, armor all at 50%. I saved it to user missions, then I went into documents\arma 2 oa demo\missions and placed the rearm.sqf file in my unpacked mission folder. I went back in the editor, loaded up my mission, and placed the trigger at 013,014, between the building and the pipes, and made it 10x10m. I previewed it, and drove the humvee into the trigger area and it started to repair/refuel/rearm the humvee.

hope that helps any.

Nope no joy. First I tried tweaking it in my mission (i.e. moving it away from everything, ensure I had set the trigger properly, etc). First I got script not found: rearm.sqf

So I changed this:

Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;

to this:

Activation: {[_x] execVM "C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\<name>\missions\first.TakistanLite\rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;

As before & again no joy.

I then followed your example to the letter &......[wait for it!]......script not found: rearm.sqf

So I extended the path again & predictably enough NO JOY! lol. Nothing, nada, zip! :j:

I just don't understand where I'm going wrong!

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if you're getting "script not found," then the trigger is working, right? so are you sure you have the rearm.sqf where it's supposed to be?

edit: better yet, how are you creating your sqf file? are you pasting the code in notepad, then simply saving as "rearm.sqf"? did you check the "save as type" option and choose "all files" before you saved as "rearm.sqf"?

Edited by Capt. Sand
added more questions

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if you're getting "script not found," then the trigger is working, right? so are you sure you have the rearm.sqf where it's supposed to be?

Yes I think your right about the trigger. Well rearm.sqf is in:

Test Mission:

C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\RomeoSierra\missions\testrearm.Desert_E\ rearm.sqf with mission.sqm

My Mission:

C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo Other Profiles\RomeoSierra\missions\first.TakistanLite\ rearm.sqf with mission.sqm & description.ext

The above path are for my profile but here's the default path in My Documents:

C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\My Documents\ArmA 2 OA Demo\missions

The demo's are installed in the default locations in C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead DEMO\

Did you copy & paste rearm.sqf from my post? Also I have XP sp3 If that makes any difference.

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ok, it looks like it's in the right place. also, I did use the code you posted, since it was there. now, what about my second question?

Edited by Capt. Sand
wrong term

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ok, it looks like it's in the right place. also, I did use the code you posted, since it was there. now, what about my second question?

Yep, that doesn't sound familiar! lol. Yes, yes that was it. I haven't tested yet but if it worked for you then........

I've changed "BASE" to 3 in problem 2 but haven't test

Thanks man, I'll report back later to tell you whether they worked.

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yeeaah, never good to overlook the little things. glad I could help.

Yes it worked! I still can't get the respawns (problem2) to work in singleplayer though. I'll have a go at problem3 later: taming the SSM!

Thanks :D

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alright, in the demo, I went into "scenarios," and clicked on "new mission" to create one. ok, in the "edit mission settings" screen, at the bottom, there's the "edit" button, right? well, I clicked on that and it took me to the map where I could place other units and whatnot. thing is, I didn't see "markers" in the list.

so, then, I guess what you could do is make a singleplayer mission in the editor, then copy it to MPMissions, and host a private session. then you can use your respawns.

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Script paths are from the mission.takistan folder and are relative. The game has no concept of what your computer's file structure is, so paths like C:\mywhatever won't work.

Good: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"...

Bad: {[_x] execVM "C:\Documents and Settings...

Make sure the rearm.sqf is in your mission folder and make sure it's not actually something like rearm.sqf.txt (turn off 'Hide File Extensions' under Windows).

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The export function of the editor, try this:


((Win7) export to email, Thunderbird lets you open the link & select 'save as', save it to a new MPMissions folder under your player profile (win7 under Users\somename\mydocuments\yaddazippity..., same place as "missions"...)

In short, the Editor will export the .pbo (in Win7).

Edited by Qxs

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in case You no aware of it

You can host dedicated server with


in commandline fo the binary :)

Would have been useful if we could host some custom missions on a dedicated server aswell!

The built in co-ops appear to have bugged slots, and any missions made in the ingame editor dont show up in mission list.

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Yeah. I can join some co-ops and end up at an empty slot screen, and usually the host has to restart the mission to fix it.

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Dunno if it's a demo issue or its normal, but if i disable he AI in the lobby and start without human players, the guys who JIP will spawn as birds and not as the playable characters.

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