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ACRE v1.0 - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - Official Thread (ArmA2 to TS3 Plugin)

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why not make acre work with one radio first and then start putting in more ..

use the standard radio that every one has in gear, and make the range longer, wenn that is all done start putting in more radios..

there was just one , and it workt. think problems are other natures...

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ACRE v1.0.13 Released!

-- 1.0.13 --

* Random muting issue HAS BEEN MOTHERF**KING DESTROYED (except for when TS3 itself causes the issue, this should be at least as good as v1.0.10 in regards to unintentional mutes!)

Jay's laptop's AC adapter when belly up and the new one won't get there till Tuesday, which is when an installer will be available. :)

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I hope 1.0.13 becomes the new stable

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New ACRE is working but I have a problem.

In game Hint Always pop-up and say my TS3 uses a different version of the plugin (1.0.12).

and it's verry annoying !!


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Bah, is the plugin built with its version number as 12???

If it is I apologize and will remedy the situation as soon as possible (probably sometime later today, after I wake up).

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ACRE v1.0.13 HOTFIX1 Released!

Hot fix released with disabled warning messages till HOTFIX2 or v1.0.14.

Sorry about that. I would have rebuilt the DLLs myself but Jaynus wasn't sure if he had committed everything before his PSU went bork. :(

DLL will say 12 in TS3, but ArmA2 should report itself as 13.

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If I am not carring a RADIO is it possible to stand next to someone with one of the large (117/119) radios on his back and be able to use theirs ? If yes.. I guess I am doing something wrong..


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If I am not carring a RADIO is it possible to stand next to someone with one of the large (117/119) radios on his back and be able to use theirs ? If yes.. I guess I am doing something wrong..


That was disabled in 1.0.13, if you want to try it use 1.0.11 or 12, but they have a lot of bugs :rolleyes:. Just wait till it's fixed and enabled in a future version ;)

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ACRE v1.0.14 Released!

This version is just a release with the correctly tagged DLL to prevent confusion. It does include an installer.

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That was disabled in 1.0.13, if you want to try it use 1.0.11 or 12, but they have a lot of bugs :rolleyes:. Just wait till it's fixed and enabled in a future version ;)

rgr...I thought it used be able to do that... scared me a little as I thought I was getting dementia for a sec....lol. I hope they iron the bugs out in that feature as it makes the radio guy very useful....


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Also, would it be possible for the latest TS3 compatible version to be displayed some where, initial thread post / wiki. Currently it's only on changelogs to my knowledge.

Thanks thats a good idea, starting with the next release we will keep that information on the first page.

*cough* ;)

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Since the stand near radio operator to use their radio is currently turned off...

Does this key binding work PTTRadioAlternate_1 ? I edited to activate on CAP + Shift and picked up 2 radios. However I could not transmit on the 2nd radio using this key combination... So I guess future feature ?

Any info appreciated..


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Since the stand near radio operator to use their radio is currently turned off...

Does this key binding work PTTRadioAlternate_1 ? I edited to activate on CAP + Shift and picked up 2 radios. However I could not transmit on the 2nd radio using this key combination... So I guess future feature ?

Any info appreciated..


Hi, you can read about the project progress at this link http://dev-heaven.net/projects/a2ts3/roadmap


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In vcb we had acre work perfectly for everyone for the first time on our Wednesday op yesterday, great work getting these bug fixes out there, makes the great system a helluva lot more dependable

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yeah this version is really nice ! we have only some hash communication sometimes but it's oki. i think i can create a joint ops with french and english guys ;)

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ACRE worked like a charm the other night when TFB used it! GREAT WORK GUYS!!!!! This mod is so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

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Hats off to Jaynus and Nou for fixing the muting issue, it took a while but now It is hopefully gone for good and we'll see this addon adopted much more within the community!

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Is anyone else having the same issue Iam with Acre

running 64 win 7 , 64 bit version ts3

If I try to disable Acre plugin , Settings Plugins -> untick Acre to disable it

IF I restart TS3 I get this error message


And TS3 wont open a window but is running still in background as process

If I open another instance of TS3 it will come up with a window and start up

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