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How to increase the maximum number of AI squad leaders for Multiplayer?

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I have ARMA 2 (not OA) and my favourite gamemode is multiplayer missions such as SUPER PWERS, WELCOME WAR and WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS (the ones where there is a commander with several squad leaders under his command and the two sides fight over controll points), though I play them as singleplayer. My problem is that the number of slots (where an AI squadleader or a player can fill in) is only limited to 8 per team which is too few for me (especially on larger maps such as WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS). Is there a way to increase the number of available slots so I can get more people on the map?

I thought of creating my own mission, but then I would need to program the AI commander so that he knows what orders to give, which strategies to use, how to reactc and etc as I personally prefere not to command. But that's too timeconsuming (plus I have zero programming skills). But then, all I need to do is to increase the number of AI squad leaders allowed for one of the already created maps, so if there was a way of editing an already created mission, I could do it easily (if there is, please tell me).

Finally, if its not possible to preform any of the two actions above, could you please suggest mods and maps that are simillar to WAR WELCOME, WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS and SUPER POWERS maps in style of play but allow more people/AI on the map. I've searched alot and I've only found stuff like this for operation arrowhead and I don't have that expansion pack. Please help :).

Thank you.

EDIT: I'm a bit of a noob (as you probably figured out by reading this post), so please give a detailed explanation.

Edited by kyfohatl

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Ok, I just found out about domination. At the moment I have trouble installing it, but it seems like it could be what I've looking for.

In domination, do you have several respawning squadleaders who can buy units and are all under the command of a commander (like the WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS mission in the ARMA 2 multiplayer)? If so, I do hope that you'r alowed to have more squad leaders on the map in domination...

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I should probably simplify my request to prevent confusion:

All I want to do is to increase the maximum number of AI gorups/slots or squadleaders (whichever you call them) to have more people on the map in the WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS/ WAR WELCOME or SUPER POWERS missions available in the ARMA 2 multiplayer mode. Is there some sort of script that I could play around with to do that? I have ARMA 2 only (not Operation Arrowhead, but patched up to 1.07). At its current state, these maps have too few people allowed on the map, and result in a lack of action.


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You're right. I think I should probably ask this question down at the mission editor forum because what I really need to do is to edit an already existing mission.

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