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Red hammer, big nasty unpassable bug! help!

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Ok heres the problem....

The mission where you have to "Steal the Refueling Truck" and then drive it back to the Chopper and refuel. Ok now I have refueled the chopper. Then I get a mission update and coordinates to fly to "The Repair Truck". Now I fly over to repair truck and the game at this point says "Go here and wait for others" now when I get to that point a "CUT-SCENE" kicks in showing me landing and getting repaired. Then a mission update happens and I have to go save my comrades. After the cut scene the game's "RETRY" point is updated and the game starts. Well it starts and I instantly crash in CHOPPER? HOw F'inf annoying. No matter how many times I retry from that point the game starts my CHOPPER UPSIDE DOWN! Thtas right you heard it right....UPSIDE DOWN. No matter how hard I try it just either lands on the rotors or crashs. And this is the game doing it not me. After the cut-scene it sticks me in the chopper upside down! WTF!!!

Anyone have this problem? ANyone Fix this problem.

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no, I never had a problem on this mission.

after reaching the repair truck landing point, the cut scene was shown and after the auto-save the game started over with me in chopper in the air like before the cut scene.

I don't know if you tried to go down or land, I didn't because it's not necessary.

of course this doesn't help you in your current position, I think you will have to restart the mission and just stay on your same altitude when reaching repair truck.

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This bug started happening in the latest patch, I think. There are quite a few threads about this is the 'OFP Missions' forum. Have a look there and try some of the stuff that's suggested.

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not sure about that to be a patch problem.

I played the mission twice with 1.46 without problems.

but looking at the mission board is a good idea in either case

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Had that bug too, it came with 1.46. The best thing to do is to throttle the second the game begins untill the heli is leveled. Might take you a few times, but eventually, it won't start upside down and you can continue the mission.

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