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God damn supplydrop function

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Well well, I´m done with the OA campaign, and wants to start making my own operations/missions.

I have search the forum again and again, and I can´t seem to get i working.

This is what I´m using, in a trigger:

[c1,"USBasicWeapons_EP1 "] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop;

I have alson tried with LAND instead of USBasicWeapons_EP1, but still no good.

I´m playing via STEAM

Can anybody help???

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Yes, I did place a function module on the map :-(

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You could try "reammobox" instead to see if it works. But the command seems to be ok, the problem must be caused anywhere else.

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Well well, I´m done with the OA campaign, and wants to start making my own operations/missions.

I have search the forum again and again, and I can´t seem to get i working.

This is what I´m using, in a trigger:

[c1,"USBasicWeapons_EP1 "] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop;

I have alson tried with LAND instead of USBasicWeapons_EP1, but still no good.

I´m playing via STEAM

Can anybody help???

Remove the space character before the last double quotes.

[c1,"USBasicWeapons_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop;

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No...that doesn´t work......does anybody have a small game to share, so that I can see this function??

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dropSupplyPoint = getPos player;
player setPos [dropSupplyPoint select 0, dropSupplyPoint select 1, 150];
[player, "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_supplydrop;
player setPos dropSupplyPoint;

Edited by kylania

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Did you get ammo to drop? If so how, please. I can get a Hummer to drop out of the sky with no shoot! Heh. :o


You're always willing to help, and thanks for that, but I could not get your scenario to work in OA. ? (I did not even try it in Arma 2.)

EDIT: kylania... if it does work in OA, do you know how? Also, how can the drop be a little more random in the drop zone. The get position, of course, will drop the Hummer right on my head. :)

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Erm, well.. it actually does work, but the problem is they haven't updated it to Operation Arrowhead.

So... the defaults won't work since they are the wrong class names. Now, you can do it like this, by including a proper OA classname:

dropSupplyPoint = getPos player;  player setPos [dropSupplyPoint select 0, dropSupplyPoint select 1, 150];  [player, "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_supplydrop;  player setPos dropSupplyPoint;

The only drawback is, well, the parachutes they use are A2 only... :butbut: so the vehicle will kind of just plummet down to the ground without a parachute! :eek:

The good news is at least with the Uparmored HMMWV it doesn't seem to take damage in doing so. :)

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Well, yeah, that is what I had. ("no shoot") (That was a pun, BTW.)

I did not realize it was not my fault it did not work. I have to remember that sometimes things just are not right in this game, (because I could not get the chute to work).

I tried to drop ammo. If it dropped, I did not see it. I will try it in a clear area. Anyway, I would not use the drop if the thing just falls out of the 'blue'.

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Yes, OA class names. And, yes, since you woke me up to the fact that some things are not updated to OA, I did get the Hummer to 'drop', no chute.

dropSupplyPoint = getPos player;

player setPos [dropSupplyPoint select 0, dropSupplyPoint select 1, 150];

[player, "HMMWV_M998_crows_MK19_DES_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop;

player setPos dropSupplyPoint;

I just did not realize about the chutes not working. - I had an OA class name for the ammo box, too, but I never did see one 'drop'.

EDIT: I will just stand there and see if it hits me in the head. :D - BTW, the chutes work with the Simple Support Module. ?

Edited by CyOp

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Yeah, Simple Support Module works fine in OA. Wonder if we could just call the supply drop feature of that manually?

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Kylania pointed me to this thread, but I'm also having trouble getting the ammo to drop. HMMV works fine, plonks it right down in front of me, but "USBasicWeapons_EP1" does nothing. Any ideas?

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