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New beta for OA 71952

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Nooo!! The old classic moon bug fixed? :D Oh well, stars are still rendered in front of it... :p

Nicer nights. Problem was exaggerated on Chernarus due to rather strong colors, not so apparent on Takistan which had rather dull colors in comparison. Looks a lot nice anyways.

Recoil: Not seeing any problems for 5.56 in crouched quick follow-up shooting for close targets. SAW is just about perfect. 7.62 has perfect response, and the M240 - well, let's just say it's gonna be ONE DANGEROUS BEAST on the battlefield, but yeah, you'll need to go prone for any control of the weapon.

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Zero differance with me, LAA and this maxmem command

it always only uses 1.5gb my ram usage will never go over 3gb with just vista and OA running also dont see any differance in terms of streaming quality

Same here. I think LAA has made the game a bit more stable (i.e. less, if any, "out of memory" errors anymore) but it doesn't really utilize more RAM than before.

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Recoil is much better.

Sounds are better, beefier seemingly.

Played the sp mission Little Bird, and textures don`t seem to load as smooth/fast. Seemed to chug compared to the 1st Beta patch release. Using nVidias Allow Negative LOD bias.

Was able to get a better mission thru restarting Good

Morning T-Stan. .

I absolutely LOVE when throwing nades, how we seem to feel the explosion buffeting. It`d be nice if when in helis and we are near any explosions, the heli rocks from the buffeting as well.

Lighting seems enhanced. Loads of new textures in the Campaign missions etc. VERY nice patch update.

Edited by Shataan

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See your saying you get 24 fps, thats not good. Maybe your use to bad games with that kind of lag/stutters. If your running at 24 fps and you saying nothing is wrong on your end, well i guess your good at how its going. Realy i dont know what els to say about your end. Ask anybody that gets 24 fps in any game im sure they will tell you its not good even when there running an top notch computer and there getting that kind of preformence. You admit there is something wrong with the game so im sure you know where im comeing from and where the others are comeing from with this stutter/lag issue.

Sounds like you're more into watching FPS than actually playing the game. I play at 23-26 FPS AVG and it's smooth and responsive. Not saying it's the same for you; but yes, low to mid 20's for FPS in this game IS perfectly playable for some people.

my 8gb of ram are getting dusty whats the eta on LAA actually working?

LOL it's still a 32bit application...it can only use ~2GB MAX anyways. The LAA just allows it to use up to 4GB in a 64bit environment; but it doesn't mean it will

Show me a game that uses more than 4GB of RAM that's not 64bit.

Besides, even if you COULD use all of it:


Sorry for OT; but the beta works great. Nothing drastic performance wise, but the recoil is damn sweet! Thanks BIS for actually listening to your customers, even if they come in here to bitch and moan about something else lol!

Edited by No Use For A Name

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@No Use For A Name

Sounds like ya jump the gun befor anything. As i said if he is getting 24 FPS and he is use to that kind of FPS then its good as its going to get for him. No in all words do i just watch the FPS then the game play my FPS is at 20 to 60and even at 60 i get lag/stutters. You got it twisted and need to look at all post. If your not saying its the same as me then why did you just post that? 24 FPS i get lag/stutters at 60 FPS i get lag/stutters! Read the post befor jumping into it. 24 FPS is bad for an top notch computer to be running at.

At you bs OT, people are not getting on here to bitc@ its an fact that people are getting bad lag/stutters. ArmA 2 ran like butter for me and then OA realy did an number to it with its lag/stutters.

Edited by 1in1class

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Well i get arounds 50fps sometimes down to 25-27- when things get heavy and its perfectly playable for me. i did get about 5-7 more fps in ARMA2 though.

Recoil is good in this patch in my opinion. :)

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Notice: The graphic settings for Zargabad where way higher than I had them with 1.52 (without LAA, cpuCount=4 and exThreads=7). MINIMUM fps were about 24/25. Most time they were about 30. That's why I'm so happy with this Betapatch. fps aren't running amok like before (with 1.52 and to some extent also with 71900) when they where sometimes dropping to 1 on Zargabad for a second and then jump up again to 30. This game feels smooth at a constant 25-30fps and is even playable with fps in the low 20ies. That was one of the first things I noticed when I was playing the Demo a good year ago. If you get stutter at 60fps then something's really wrong. But I don't get stutter at 24-30 fps so I'm fine. All I did was saying that the game runs good for me with this patch.

I don't know what it is with this game that it runs great on some systems and on others it stutters like crazy with even higher fps.

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ArmA2: C:/Users/<your name>/AppData/Local/ArmA 2/arma2.rpt

OA: C:/Users/<your name>/AppData/Local/ArmA 2 OA/arma2oa.rpt

Thanks for the heads up :)

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So then Cyborg's instructions are no good with the latest beta? Because the previous beta I had absolutely no issues with doing it his way, only now with the latest am I getting spammed with Arty-related error messages for dozens of classes. :confused:

well what I wrote is for Comb.Ops Installations ..... Steam is different.

Just copied the mod param from official beta shortcut ;)

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I remember Far Cry 2 to stutter when fps was high, an external program that made max fps to be like 40 made the stutter go away. FC2 also has a big open world, maybe these kind of games don't like 60-ish fps. Myself im happy with 30 for this kind of game, its not like it would make any difference anyways.

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The stutter is obviously nothing to do with fps.

FramesPerSecond is how fast the graphics card can process and update the frames.

The stuttering is a sync problem with the data the graphics card needs to process the frames. So the graphics process is being interruped.

This could be related to HD or ram so check those...

OT: Love the new recoil.:yay:

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Could be a problem with any part in the computer that processes data, I found out BIS aren't very good at taking advantage of the GPU and that tends to be very low on the activity side, what is being worked like a dog is the CPU. I eliminated all my stuttering problems by overclocking it - From the standard 2.93GHz to 3.8GHz.

It gave me a boost of about 10-12FPS and allowed the game enough overhead to process the huge chunks of data in the CPU that caused the stuttering.

My GPU on the other hand is barely seeing 40% activity when I'm playing, the card is almost falling asleep.

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The stutter is obviously nothing to do with fps.

FramesPerSecond is how fast the graphics card can process and update the frames.

The stuttering is a sync problem with the data the graphics card needs to process the frames. So the graphics process is being interruped.

Absolutely correct, well said!

This could be related to HD or ram so check those...

But 9/10 users would be wasting their time to check those, because of the sheer number of people who find OA significantly less smooth, when A2 1.07 ran perfectly well for them.

I think it's important that we now get past the idea of blaming the issues on users' systems, as such an attitude is apt to aggravate people and is a distraction from the fact that the engine still needs more attention.

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I remember Far Cry 2 to stutter when fps was high, an external program that made max fps to be like 40 made the stutter go away. FC2 also has a big open world, maybe these kind of games don't like 60-ish fps. Myself im happy with 30 for this kind of game, its not like it would make any difference anyways.

Far Cry 2 had frame-skipping.

ArmA II and OA also suffers from that (frame-skipping), if your CPU is fast enough, but you can have it fixed by lowering framesahead to 1 or 0.

That is not the same as real stuttering that i think is being talked about here.

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"D:\Games\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash

I'm using the above launch shortcut which was installed with the first beta. Is this incorrect?

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But 9/10 users would be wasting their time to check those, because of the sheer number of people who find OA significantly less smooth, when A2 1.07 ran perfectly well for them.

I think it's important that we now get past the idea of blaming the issues on users' systems, as such an attitude is apt to aggravate people and is a distraction from the fact that the engine still needs more attention.

Very true. Unfortunately BIS don't seem to get the best performance out of their coding and hopefully this will be improved in future patches.

The reason I mentioned the HD & ram is since some people are experiencing high stuttering and others not, its probably a system incompatibility somewhere.


Yes jpinard, I think that is correct. (You can also add -world=empty to load faster)

Edited by EDcase

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But 9/10 users would be wasting their time to check those, because of the sheer number of people who find OA significantly less smooth, when A2 1.07 ran perfectly well for them.

I think it's important that we now get past the idea of blaming the issues on users' systems, as such an attitude is apt to aggravate people and is a distraction from the fact that the engine still needs more attention.

This is the issue for me, 1.07 was finally running Arma2 pretty well. But OA feels like a step backwards when you go near structures / town areas.

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I noticed a few people mentioning the No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/All artilleryTarget.' message on startup. I too have this issue. With the first beta, I followed the tips by Cyborg112 so the beta will find my addons. What I did with this beta release was ditch everything found the original beta folder I had as per Cyborg's instructions, let the .exe make a new beta folder in the expansions folder as usual and just drag everything into the beta folder again.

Used the same shortcut I made on my desktop for the previous beta, but now getting that error every time on startup. Figured I'd chime in as well to mention I'm having the issue as well. Oh and oh yeah, I have AA2 & OA both combined. My ArmA 2 has the latest patch as well, and obviously OA has the new beta just released, heh. ;)

[EDIT] Figured I'd also show my startup, etc just incase if the issue is in front of my stupid face all along and needs pointing out, lol.

Target: "H:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -world=empty

Start In: "H:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

I have the same issue and I too have A2 with OA merged, cant use missions as it keeps going back to editor and throwing up various issues with "All artilleryTarget." linked. Same targets as you have, even added "mod=beta" ... same anyway. Hmmmmm.

Edited by mrcash2009

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After some time testing the betas, performance with the new beta is significantly worse (as it also is with ArmA 2 build 1.07.71750) due to the stuttering introduced with the changes to make the .exe LAA.

As mentioned already by others this is not manifested as low FPS, but noticeable stuttering while moving or looking around.

Original OA release is perfect, in fact a surprising improvement over ArmA 2; while 71900 and 71952 are notably worse.

Can we have an option to revert to the memory handling code for people not using 7 x86-64?

Recoil is good - can we please have realistic weapon sway to add to the mix ;)


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Recoil is much better.

Sounds are better, beefier seemingly.

Played the sp mission Little Bird, and textures don`t seem to load as smooth/fast. Seemed to chug compared to the 1st Beta patch release. Using nVidias Allow Negative LOD bias.

Was able to get a better mission thru restarting Good

Morning T-Stan. .

I absolutely LOVE when throwing nades, how we seem to feel the explosion buffeting. It`d be nice if when in helis and we are near any explosions, the heli rocks from the buffeting as well.

Lighting seems enhanced. Loads of new textures in the Campaign missions etc. VERY nice patch update.

I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure they didn't change anything regarding sounds, lighting, or textures in this beta.

Also, what does setting Allow Negative LOD bias do for you?

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Great... trying this out. But no ammobox fix it seems... This really need to be fixed soon.

Gotta love how they spit out patches. The Beta thingy was a great idea.

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The stutter is obviously nothing to do with fps.

FramesPerSecond is how fast the graphics card can process and update the frames.

The stuttering is a sync problem with the data the graphics card needs to process the frames. So the graphics process is being interruped.

This could be related to HD or ram so check those...

OT: Love the new recoil.:yay:

K if it has nothing to do with FPS and it sound like you got it down to what the problem is, well your shook up with some bad news! Dont come on here saying its an system problem with are computers! Realy!?, saying its an sync problem come on now, get on with this system blame game. People got top computers and run at an same past as i do with this LAG/STUTTER. Now your saying its HD or Ram lol. Stop the blame game with are systems! I get this issue when going around buildings, it lags/stutters up realy bad. I cant even play on Zagarbad at all cause it locks up with the lag/stutter and its an slideshow. They need to step it up a little in prefomance so that the game and its specs as on the back of the game is realy what it says "playable".

Edited by 1in1class

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Recoil is good - can we please have realistic weapon sway to add to the mix ;)

The one like in VBS2 would be perfect including the "breathing" element of gameplay. ArmA2 really lacks this.

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If there are not new textures, then they are tweaking how well they load. As for lighting, I am seeing nicer lighting and shadows. Shadows prolly effected by lighting. Negative LOD bias allows to tweak for better textures seen visually..... I believe.

"- allow negative LOD bias = enabled

then use rivatuner for set the mipmapping LOD bias to "-1". image will be sharper."

The higher the Neg LOD bias setting, the sharper the image.

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