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[How To] Simple Support Module (OA) ?

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Hi there! Tried the script Luomu just wrote, and its awsome! Only conserned about guided munitions. I figured out how to change the round types, and when it comes to LASER or SADARM rounds they don't have guidence. Laser just falls like a HE round, with the dispersion you selected, but SADARM rounds don't do anything at all. All the other round works well. for laser i use "ARTY_Sh_105_LASER" round for SADARM "ARTY_Sh_105_SADARM".

Any suggestions how can i make them work as they intended?

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Just tested the simple support on the dedicated server. Doesn't work out of the box :rolleyes: Not a single support option showed up. Guess we'll have to figure it out on our own because the BIKI hasn't any information about this specific module yet.

Oh my ... why does it always have to be so dificult? :(

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Add this to the init of every unit who can call support:

this setVariable["supportAvailable", 1];

Add this to the init.sqf, notice double quotes:

BIS_SSM_Mortar_CONDITION = "player getVariable ""supportAvailable"" == 1;";

Similar for airstrike, unitdrop etc...

Hmz, this doesnt seem to work for me.

But then again, i must be doiing something wrong again :D

1 Created a mission,

2 placed player (with the init line)

3 and SSM module on the map

4 created init.sqf with now only that line (with example init.sqf didn't work for me either)

5 save, and load to get the init.sqf enabled

All the units seem to have the SSM module enabled. from "1" to "0" didn't work..

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Has anyone figured out how to use the SSM on a dedicated server?

I have spent a whole weekend trying :eek:

None of the demo missions above worked, even after deleting the if (isnull player) exitwith {};

Is it even possible to make it work on a dedi?

Thanks in advance,


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Is it even possible to make it work on a dedi?

I had no luck yet. No matter which support-module-call I tried, everything worked in SP mode/editor, but not on the dedicated server. Seems like this module is still broken in MP mode. I sent a PN to Gaia a few weeks ago referring to this problem, but I got no response yet.

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Please could someone tell me if I could have an MLRS battery on the map & use them for the artillery option in the SSM (instead of using separate arty modules). :confused:

Also I have used the script posted earlier in this thread (to limit the support available). That's working as intended (thanks!).

Thanks in advance for any replies ;)

Edited by RomeoSierra

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OK, did some serious testing and my conclusion is that it's currently impossible to make the SSM work on a dedicated server. I used some well working init scripts and changed them (marked red) so that everything would be run on every computer, including clients. I even create a local SSM for every player instead of placing one in the editor, still no luck.

What happens is that the supports are counted down and you see all the hints, but no radio messages or supports happen at all. You can use up all the support counts but you will never see a single unit spawned by the module. Needless to say everything works well in editor and as hosted server player.


//Counted support demo - modelled after CE6_EyeOfTheHurricane.Zargabad and MPE_SectorControl.Zargabad

scriptName "init.sqf: 1";

waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};

if (true) then //will be executed on server only


_Laggy_SSM_group = createGroup West;

_Laggy_SSM = "BIS_Support" createUnit [getPos player, _Laggy_SSM_group];

//In this demo we have only Artillery and Mortar (and cease fire command)



BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST";


BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST = FALSE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST";


//We need to add variables to keep track of the support uses left

BIS_SSM_count_AmmoDrop_WEST = 3; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_count_AmmoDrop_WEST";

BIS_SSM_count_UnitsDrop_WEST = 3; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_count_UnitsDrop_WEST";

BIS_SSM_count_Airstrike_WEST = 3; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_count_Airstrike_WEST";

//Expression. Differences to the simple support version:

//- Decrement the appropriate counter

//- Disable support when no more uses left

//- Display number remaining with hint

BIS_SSM_expression = {

_type = _this select 1;

_count = missionNamespace getVariable format ["BIS_SSM_Count_%1_%2", _type, side player];

//decrement counter

_count = _count - 1;

missionNamespace setVariable [format ["BIS_SSM_Count_%1_%2", _type, side player], _count];

//disable if no more calls left

if (_count < 1) then


missionnamespace setvariable [format ["BIS_SSM_%1_ENABLED_%2",_type,side player],false];


//display number left and update menu

hint format["%1 calls left: %2", _type, _count];

_sqf = [] call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;


//set the expression for our available supports

BIS_SSM_AmmoDrop_EXPRESSION = BIS_SSM_expression;

BIS_SSM_UnitsDrop_EXPRESSION = BIS_SSM_expression;

BIS_SSM_Airstrike_EXPRESSION = BIS_SSM_expression;

//update support menu

[] call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;


Sad but true :(

Edited by laggy

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EDIT: Another question I have, does anyone know if you can make the AI use the module easily? Or atleast script a mortar-strike using this module?

Original post:

How do you use the Dispersion-option?

I tried:

missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_Mortar_DISPERSION_WEST", "1"] call BIS_SSM_fnc_InitVariable;

But whatever value I put in, only one round lands at the target, and then there's nothing

Edit: AH, nevermind, just remove the quotes from the number so it's:

missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_Mortar_DISPERSION_WEST", 1] call BIS_SSM_fnc_InitVariable;

And enter whatever number you wish, the higher the number, the more dispersion.

Edited by McNools

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Has anyone found out if we can decide what's in the ammo-boxes that are dropped?

I second this notion. Currently making an iraq versus iran map and need to heli drop in crates filled with DMR mags...

I also wondered whther we could choose what units we get- play as any 3rd party model and your units appear as blank parachutes.

Also, am I the only one getting boxes full of AK ammo that I cant access whenever I play as OPFOR? Seems to be a leetle bit bugged to hell and back..

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Anyone want to jump in for me?

I cannot get the arty shell to be smoke. If I could, I would like the option to call smoke or flares.

I just want 1 or 2 ammo boxes. For 1, just the basic ammo box. I gave up trying to figure out custom ammo boxes, too, 'cus I cannot even get the basic to work.

Also, when I changed the ammo drop to C130, the request units brought the troops to me in guess what? Yep. And the ammo drop vehicle stayed a helo. Funny stuff there, BIS. :p

On the good side, I got the custom unit drop, arty and mortar shell round number to work. Unfortunately, that's it.


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Does anyone know how to get the SSM to work properly for non-BIS units? I'm refering specifically to the reinforcements airdrop here: with BIS units you get the fresh meat; without you get empty chutes. As I tend to use mods over BIS units (I get kinda sick of always having to play as US armed forces) not being able to call in help when everything goes SNAFU is a right pain in the proverbial!


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I am still looking for the way to get the arty shell to be smoke.

Also, I just want 1 or 2 ammo boxes. For 1 (or, I guess, both), I just want the basic US OA ammo box. (I just want to maintain patrol with an infantry squad.)

Anyone? Please! :) TIA

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Add this to the init of every unit who can call support:

this setVariable["supportAvailable", 1];

Add this to the init.sqf, notice double quotes:

BIS_SSM_Mortar_CONDITION = "player getVariable ""supportAvailable"" == 1;";

Similar for airstrike, unitdrop etc...

I added this to the support module's init line:

BIS_SSM_AmmoDrop_AVAILABLE_WEST = false;    BIS_SSM_UnitsDrop_AVAILABLE_WEST = false;    BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = true; BIS_SSM_Mortar_AVAILABLE_WEST = false;    BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST = false;    BIS_SSM_CeaseFire_AVAILABLE_WEST = false; BIS_SSM_Airstrike_CONDITION = "player getVariable ""supportAvailable"" == 1;";

And this to the player I want to be able to use the Airstike:

this setVariable["supportAvailable", 1]

The only thing is that the icon and menu show up for everyone else and they can "call" the strike, but no body answers, only the player with the varible is answered. I'd like to remove the menu and icon for players that I don't want using it and a way set a delay between uses.

I don't see this happening any time soon.

Hmz, this doesnt seem to work for me.

But then again, i must be doiing something wrong again :D

1 Created a mission,

2 placed player (with the init line)

3 and SSM module on the map

4 created init.sqf with now only that line (with example init.sqf didn't work for me either)

5 save, and load to get the init.sqf enabled

All the units seem to have the SSM module enabled. from "1" to "0" didn't work..

So are you saying it's not compatible with dedicated servers?

Edited by callihn

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So are you saying it's not compatible with dedicated servers?

Yes, sadly it's not working right now on the dedicated server. Several pages ago I wrote some lines about tests I made.

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The SSM module still isn't mp compatible :( Just tested it on 1.54 + latest beta patch. There're still the same problems ... the support options are enabled during runtime, but there are no radio messages and no support incomming. And again, in sp mode / editor everything is fine.

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Has anyone found out if we can decide what's in the ammo-boxes that are dropped?

Would also like to know how this one plays out. Have changed the ammo-supply vehicle to a lynx and the airstrike to an AV-8, but stumped as too how we got different ammo boxes to drop.

Anybody know how to do this?

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Thanks for the info on the SSM

Edited by Dr@gon

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Hey all,

Three questions regarding the SSM:

1. Is it possible to place markers on the map where events are going to occur, I.e. a marker saying 'Airstrike Target' where we command for a strike to occur? And;

2. Disabling (greying-out) a support option for a certain period of time AND/OR untill one of the same type is completed. I.e. only one airstrike can happen at a time, or a new one only are X seconds/minutes.

3. Is there a way to notify the player(s) of how many of any given requests are left? I.e., if I used this, in init.sqf:

if (isnull player) exitwith {};



//exclude anything but mortars and ammo drop



BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST";


BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST = FALSE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST";




BIS_SSM_Airstrike_ENABLED_WEST = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST";


BIS_SSM_Artillery_ENABLED_WEST = FALSE; publicVariable "BIS_SSM_Artillery_AVAILABLE_WEST";


//number of mortar rounds that fall


//by default, supports can be called infinitely. To limit them, we need to add separate checks.

//each support has an EXPRESSION that is called when the support is called.

//here we use it to disable ammo drop after one use.




call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu; //update list


//for mortar we want three available strikes. To count that we need

//to use a separate variable.

mortarsAvailable = 3; publicVariable "mortarsAvailable";

//CONDITIONs are used to check if a support can be called.

BIS_SSM_Mortar_CONDITION = "mortarsAvailable > 0";

//we need to decrement the mortar counter each time it is fired


mortarsAvailable = mortarsAvailable - 1;

//we need to add yet another check to hide the icon

if (mortarsAvailable <= 0) then {



call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;



//for AIRSTRIKE we want three available strikes. To count that we need

//to use a separate variable.

AirstrikesAvailable = 3; publicVariable "AirstrikesAvailable";

//CONDITIONs are used to check if a support can be called.

BIS_SSM_Airstrike_CONDITION = "AirstrikesAvailable > 0";

//we need to decrement the mortar counter each time it is fired


AirstrikesAvailable = AirstrikesAvailable - 1;

//we need to add yet another check to hide the icon

if (AirstrikesAvailable <= 0) then {



call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;



//update should be called any time the variables are changed. Leaving it out

//here seems to have no effect but BIS scripts always have it.


How do I notify the player each time (such as through the 'hint' or 'hintsilent' commands), of how many is left?


- HateDread.

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Can someone reupload the demo mission or support module. The link is dead.

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I had no luck yet. No matter which support-module-call I tried, everything worked in SP mode/editor, but not on the dedicated server. Seems like this module is still broken in MP mode. I sent a PN to Gaia a few weeks ago referring to this problem, but I got no response yet.

Has this been "fixed" yet ? Still trying all suggestions for the ssm in mp but no luck. The communications and menu appear and you can select but no results or radio feedback.

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As explained somewhere above the variables have to be set in format

missionNamespace setVariable [variablename, parameters];

So, F-35 airstrike:

missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_AirStrike_VEHICLE_WEST", "F-35B"];

and C-130 unitdrop:

missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_UnitsDrop_VEHICLE_WEST", "C130J_US_EP1"];

Drops are a bit unrealiable on small maps like Utes and Desert. Play with the spawn distance value if you have problems.

Also the air strike does actually launch a missile, I watched it in slow motion :)

Definately doesnt work bro...?

*edit* On another note, the c130 comes vanilla to drop off reinforcements...? And the A10 still comes in... no F35B!

Edited by HeAvY TrAnCe
nothing different happened because the game already comes vanilla with the c130 dropping units...

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I wish there was a seperate forum for MP missions on a DEDICATED server. I have wasted sooooo much time reading all of the info for creating, modding, and etc. only to find out that it only applies to SP or MP on a NON-Dedicated server.

Those of us who run deddis for our community use actual servers with no advanced graphics or sound and installing the arma2/oa is not possible. So running with a -server won't work. Not even sure it would enable things such as the SSM anyway.

But, my point is that searching the forum for info on why the SSM doesn't work on our dedi results in about 3 hours of reading only to find that everyone is NOT talking about running on a dedi. Geez !

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Definately doesnt work bro...?

*edit* On another note, the c130 comes vanilla to drop off reinforcements...? And the A10 still comes in... no F35B!

Try F35B, not F-35B as classname.

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