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Can custom control configs of A2 be imported into OA?

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I had altered my control configuration in A2 sunstantially from the default controls - a somewhat painful process.

Is it possible to "import" my A2 control configuration into OA and if so how is that accomplished?

I hope this can be done because I really don't want to having to again manually reassign all my controls in OA to what I already now "know".

Thanks in advance for any help.

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A question niggling at the back of my mind as well, would be happy if someone could answer.

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I did that yesterday evening.

I opened my old ArmA2.profile file and my new ArmA2OA.profile file next to each other and copy&pasted my keys.

Here and there you have an additional key setting which is unique for ArmA2OA, but thats it. Worked like a charm.

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)rStrangelove;1665456']I did that yesterday evening.

I opened my old ArmA2.profile file and my new ArmA2OA.profile file next to each other and copy&pasted my keys.

Here and there you have an additional key setting which is unique for ArmA2OA' date=' but thats it. Worked like a charm.[/quote']

I did the same and can confirm that it works. Make sure you really only copy the lines that start with "key" though, otherwise you'll be overwriting more than just your binds. ;)

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Worked fine for me as well, new functions in OA (switch optics, range adjustments etc) are mapped to their default keys when OA first loads - you may need to remap them if your A2 profile used these keys.

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I think maybe thats because ArmA2 assigns a number to every controller it recognized in your system.

In my old ArmA2 profile i found Controller1 being assigned to my MS Sidewinder and Controller2 assigned to the 360 controller i did some tests with.

Now i'm thinking that if OA recognizes your 360 controller being connected first, it assigns it as Controller1. If you just copy&paste your old config the numbers dont correspond, making your controller2 settings unusuable.

... just pure guessing though. :)

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