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3D editor to 2D editor, objects moving from original locations

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Been doing some work in the 3D editor lately and I'm using several tools available to convert the 3D editor work into the 2D editor. The problem I'm running into is that all the conversion tools result in objects moving around in any number of directions. The goal is to create a Vietnam style firebase. For instance, I'll place a bunker, with earthen ramparts on 3 of the 4 sides(front, left and right), next to that OP on both sides is a "trench" formed by earthen ramparts(on the left and right). When I do the conversion with several tools, I get the same result. The result being that the bunker, along with tons of other objects are not in the place I put them. Using my example, the bunker will be several meters back from the position I put it, creating a gap between the ramparts and the bunker. It does this with lots of other objects I mentioned. Is there a way to correct this, or am I "S.O.L"? Is it possibly because of the inherent nature of the 3D editor, thus making it non-correctable? Any advice would be appreciated.

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Not sure what you mean with this

I'm using several tools available to convert the 3D editor work into the 2D editor

The 3D editor generates a .sqf which is easy to implement into an existing mission, just call it from your init file.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

All objects in this pic (except the player unit/group, o/c ) have been placed with the 3D Editor without any problems so it *should* work for you, too.

Oh, and don´t forget to delete this entry in the .sqf file



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If you look at this converter, it includes an addon (PBO file) that you must install to correct the positions of the objects.

Unfortunately, it means that if you already placed your objects in the 3D editor without it, you have to adjust them when you install it. It shouldn't be too bad though (better than trying it in the regular editor), and once you have corrected the positions it will convert properly (using the .exe that comes with it).

Also, beware of addons. I'm not sure it works correctly with some addons.

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